Originally Posted by thejeff
I'd also suggest Reinvigoration as the last spell instead of Relief.
I actually meant Reinvigoration rather than Relief...
Reinvig resets all the fatigue gathered until that point, minus the fatigue from the spell itself. Thus if a communion master astral mage would continue casting, the fatigue could become a problem (as he will be at Astral magic +3 due to the communion and PoS the AI will attempt to cast something silly knocking the Pans senseless immediatly).
Then again, four pans casting Charm the scripted three times have a pretty decent chance to grab the SC. If not, poo will hit the fan anyway, although the AI seems to be pretty keen on casting Charm with high-nature mages.
Hellpower has a chance to summon a horror, yes. Which was why I suggested the Astral mage to cast astral geysir (as it puts a two-point horror mark on the targets -> spawning horrors will go for the highest horror mark).