**** happens!?! Not everyone can be as
flawless as me, just remember how "
boring" my submission process was for this patch.
I maintain plausible deniability for the following, let's just assume a certain unidentified retired naval submariner might possibly have twisted Dons arm to play a joke on you to see how fast you'd "
spin up" at that news on your picklist. It's a theory only (??) which I cannot at this time prove or unproved given the current data I have.
However, I will do my best to find out by using my refs to see if this is possibly related to a disinformation campaign. We might or may not uncover the truth in our lifetime, however I do take comfort in that the "
The Truth Is Out There"
both game downloads
Browser: Win EDGE latest version. I've never had issues with this browser in the past but recognize
Patch A had an "error".
Processor: AMD Quad Core.
Ram: Kingston Hyper X FURY 32 GB Auto/Manual Overclocking
Security: Primary: Bitdefender Total Security/
Secondary: Win Defender in the background. NOTE: This is where I had to take a couple of seconds to remember what to do as this ONLY happens here when downloading the games patches.
As you're going through the "
are you sure you want to download this" process, on the second dialog box it will appear in the
lower right that you can
ONLY click on
go back.
Don't!!!! Underneath the message at the top click below that on the
left side which will open a box on the
lower left side to allow you to continue with the download.
Download after file is opened: WinSPMBT:
I couldn't count that fast @ One 1-thousand-bit rate something just <2s.
What's left is to bounce the release against my submissions (Something that Don knows I do every year I have something submitted and look at my
Non-USN Brazilian new "A-4" pictures.) and update my
ORNX Ukrainian
Russian capture numbers since submission.
GREAT JOB Andy and Don!!!!
And as always, the players that give us the strength to continue and the ones also that contribute to the other areas of the game.!!!!
CINCLANTHOME just got back from a week at the daughters, I believe I should be elsewhere at this time.