Originally Posted by Loren
Originally Posted by Lingchih
Well, not generally, but 20 gems over is pretty weak. Try like 50 gems over. That should do it.
That could endanger the globals I have up--they're all at +50 but a couple of them used all but one caster level to cast.
I guess I could run the game a bit and recast those globals way over so I don't risk taking them out. It's one I've decided is won but there is still a lot going on and the turn generation is long even if I do nothing.
If it's just for testing and theorycrafting anyways, just set up your turn how you want it, with the global set to cast. Save and Quit, then copy that saved game folder. Load it and run the turn, if the spell fails, copy the files from the backup folder, load it and execute the turn. Repeat until you get positive results, or you are satisfied with the negative outcome, and want to change how many gems you use, or whatever.