Originally Posted by Corinthian
I understands your reasoning, but I was talking about lone thugs. Or in this case, lone Dai Onis. Granted, Dai Onis auto summons wolves at the start of the battle but these are not sacred and should not be targeted. I rather think it has something to do with the fact that Dai Onis have less than 10 points of precision. Witch would mean that prec 10 is really prec = 0 for most purposes.
Nope. I did extensive testing on this at one point. You can see it clearly in the debug log if you really want to get into it.
In a little more detail: When the AI casts a spell, any spell, it tries it on a bunch of targets and sees what gets the best result. It will try targeting enemy units with buffs, friendly units with artillery, whatever. It figures out which of those gets the best results, then goes ahead and actually casts it, rerolling all the random parts.
So the Dai Onis wolves are valid targets for the bless casting, even though they're not sacred, as even any enemies within range would be. Since there's only one actual blessable target around, the test casts are either successful or not. If a test cast on one of the wolves catches the Dai Oni in the spread, then that case may get used and it may not catch the Dai Oni in the AoE in the real cast.
If you look closely, pause at the right moment, when the Dai Oni doesn't get blessed, you will always see a wolf getting hit by the bless effect.
Try sending a higher precision self-blesser out with a couple companions, you'll see he misses himself too.
I first noticed it with Jotun thugs, who don't come with chaff, but I was raiding Pan, who has flying PD. They'd fly up round 1, I'd miss the bless and get killed.
Nothing to do with Precision. Mod in an AoE 1 version of bless and the problem goes away.