"My main question is, How exactly does PBW work? Do you sumbit a turn a day or do you all pre-arrange a suitable time and play through as many turns as possible? I searched on it but "PBW" turns up a lot of irrelevant hits."
http://seiv.pbw.cc Essentially it does all the work that the game host would need to do in a play by email game. The turns can be sent in anytime, and it can be set to go to the next turn if a player takes too long.
"Secondly, how do you go about setting up this kind of game? Is there a scenario editor that allows you to place and populate colonies and such? I think I heard you (Phoenix-D) mention that you play each empire into position? That can't be right..."
It is. Patience and lots of it. The map editor helps.
"What sort of tech level will the players be starting at? Will new techs be available for discovery during the course of the game? Any specific exclusions (I think you mentioned a couple before)."
Don't know, yes, yes. Excluded: quantum reactors, drones (probably), emergancy resupply, solar sails (NOT panels).
"Role-Playing: It goes without saying for this type of game, but players who are at all familiar with the circumstances surrounding ISW-4 KNOW what we're in for. Since I believe you said there will be a short calm before the swarm (ha! get it?) the non-civil war races shouldn't start building up for the invasion on turn one or making other such preparations."
Actually there's a built in excuse for this. I have an event happening that will take care of some problems, and make most empires mighty parinoid..
"Also, I might suggest slight alterations in the points of contact (if you were going to be that specific), I and also I'm sure Big Game Hunter, are familiar with both books covering this and would be hard-pressed to not (even subconciously) exploit that knowledge."
Maybe, maybe not. The exact system configurations will be different, but probably not the points of contact. OTOH, I may have a few NEW points of contact..
"Finally, I have a few suggestions regarding empire set-up, but I can e-mail those to or PM you later."
Email! Email!
"I don't mean to step on your toes or anything since I'm sure you have a pretty fair idea of how you want this all to run (and I've been playing all of 3 weeks), but I get a lot of time to think on the subway and have just come up with a few ideas that I thought might be cool. Anyway, thanks for listening and I look forward to your reply."
Go ahead and send it