One bug, one idea and two questions.
I noticed that the cardassian have two components that have the plague level 1 ability the cardassian metagenic plague bomb I and cardassian plague bomb I.
Idea for federation sensor array to stop AI overuse.
New Federation Sensor Array.
Name := Long Range Scanners III
Description := Sensors which can scan an enemy ship at many sectors distance.
Pic Num := 14
Tonnage Space Taken := 20
Tonnage Structure := 20
Cost Minerals := 900
Cost Organics := 0
Cost Radioactives := 100
Vehicle Type := Ship\Base\Sat
Supply Amount Used := 0
Restrictions := None
General Group := Sensors
Family := 20
Roman Numeral := 3
Name := Federation Sensor Array I
Description := Electromagnetic Counter Measures. Makes a ship harder to hit by enemies.
Pic Num := 37
Tonnage Space Taken := 10
Tonnage Structure := 10
Cost Minerals := 400
Cost Organics := 0
Cost Radioactives := 0
Vehicle Type := Ship\Base\Sat\WeapPlat\Drone
Supply Amount Used := 0
Restrictions := One Per Vehicle
General Group := Federation Ship Technology
Family := 20
Roman Numeral := 4
New Federation Attack Ship.
Num Misc Abilities := 9
Misc Ability 1 Name := Point-Defense
Misc Ability 1 Spaces Per One := 200
Misc Ability 2 Name := Cloak Level
Misc Ability 2 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 3 Name := Armor Regeneration
Misc Ability 3 Spaces Per One := 100
Misc Ability 4 Name := Long Range Scanner
Misc Ability 4 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 5 Name := Extra Movement Generation
Misc Ability 5 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 6 Name := Emergency Resupply
Misc Ability 6 Spaces Per One := 800
Misc Ability 7 Name := Scanner Jammer
Misc Ability 7 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 8 Name := Armor Regeneration
Misc Ability 8 Spaces Per One := 100
Misc Ability 9 Name := Solar Supply Generation
Misc Ability 9 Spaces Per One := 50
Why does the size of the following components change: emissive armor, shield generator, master computer and computer virus?
I may be wrong but a ram scoop is the nickname for a bussard collector?
Bussard collector Device usually attached to the forward end of the warp nacelles that serves to collect interstellar hydrogen atoms for fuel replenishment, also referred to as Bussard ramscoop. The Bussard collector consists of a set of coils which generate a magnetic field.
The Bussard collector is named for the 20th century physicist and mathematician Robert W.
[ October 27, 2003, 03:31: Message edited by: TNZ ]