
October 27th, 2003, 11:01 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
[ October 27, 2003, 21:17: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
Sig updated to remove non-working links.

October 27th, 2003, 11:44 PM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
OMG every i blink, there's a new Version out
Anyway, in my game (1.2.7) the Romulans where easy victims. They had no defenses what so ever on there homeplanets ( i tried a start once with 3 home planets each, medium tech ).
Now i'm ready to invade the Borg.
* minipol to Borg Queen: I told you a cube isn't a great design for a spaceship. *
A Se++ GdY $++ Fr+ C++++ Csc Sf++ Ai** AuO M MpT MpSk MpFd S--- Ss- RV Pw Fq Nd- Rp- G Mm++ Bb++ Tcp+ L++

October 28th, 2003, 02:36 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Man talk about a hard game. I can not make head way. I am chasing borg ships all over, the klingons are tyring to colonize in my space now, and the breen keep attacking me without warning.
I have two minor allies and they need help, from the borg, and now I am fighting a war on three fronts.
This has got to be one of the funnest games I have played in over a year.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

October 28th, 2003, 02:50 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
I am on turn 125 and it has been a glorious fight all the way.
I am playing as the Dominion against the Borg, Breen, Cardassians, Federations, Ferengi, Klingons, Romulans, and five neutral ai's.
The Romulans were an easy victim around turn 50 or so. They put up a fight but were ultimately forced to surrender to me. Then the Breen wiped out the only romulan planet I had and has been nipping away at my heals ever since. They have cloaking technology so they slip into my systems and wipe out new colonies despite my best effort at stopping them. The have also mined nearly every warp point in the area and I have lost many ships to them. As fast as I take them down they put up more and clear the ones I put up.
The Borg, OMG they are absolute monsters! They are by far the most powerful race in the game with an easy 3 to one lead. They engage me to test my defenses then leave. They have obliterated many of my planets, but my fleets have been able thus far to keep their cubes out of our core systems.
I have not met any of the other AI's yet, and at this point I really don't want to.
Medium settings/good starting/one planet/FQM large midlife.
The borg are using intel, and thus far my intel has been able to avert most of their attacks, but a few get through from time to time. Most effective.
I am literally in a fight for my life. No cheats in this game, just me against the evil empires of the galaxy.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

October 28th, 2003, 03:18 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Enjoy reading your narrative of your “Glorious War”. Interesting that the Breens are mining the warp holes. Please continue to keep us posted on the latest new report from the front.
Question, Did you start the game with bonuses for the AI races?
I wonder if there a way to beef up the Romulans some how. The Romulans seem like a third world country.
Here my suggestion, increase their intelligence capacities for a lessen cost per intelligence post. Lessen their ship construction and Romulan’s basic weapon cost and size for weapon. That should increase the number of Romulans ship, that pack more of a punch.
Still toying with the idea to allow all Romulans ships to have free cloaking. No sure about that idea yet.

Oh man, why do you have to hit me with those negative waves so early in the morning..

October 28th, 2003, 04:15 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Originally posted by Lighthorse:
I wonder if there a way to beef up the Romulans some how. The Romulans seem like a third world country.
this might help in ver 1.2.9:
11. Adjusted The cost and Tonnage of all Disruptors
I'm not sure what he is changing them to but I noticed that the Klingon and Romulan disruptors despite having the same offense as Fed phasers took up more space (30kt and 20kt compared to 15kt for phasers)

October 28th, 2003, 04:17 AM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Wee bug here:
The Small Anti Matter Torpeado has a General Group of Ferengi Weapons despite have no tech requirement that would make them Ferengi.

October 28th, 2003, 08:55 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
Well the battle has slightly improved. I have been able to finally punch through into one of the breen systems and have erradicated all of their worlds. I am holding my own against the Borg for now, who for some time could simply out run my ships, and now the Cardassian and the Klingons are testing my boarders.
I am gathering a fleet to penatrate further into breen space, it is my desire to wipe them out, all of them.
I am using remote miners now and this has proven to be highly effective to get resources. I am now in the process of clearing an asteroid system of Breen infection and will dipatch a lot of resource ships once the system is clear.
Mines are utterly useless against the AI at this point, but still highly effective against me. The Borg ships are so huge that they can clear a 100 mines with one ship and they often do.
The Breen have been the best AI opponent thus far with incursions and attacks. I have temperal spy satellites up now in all of my systems and have been detecting their ships as they enter. My Atrocities Class Heavy Cruiser armed with Positron Torpedos has proven to be quite formiddable.
About making the Romulans better opponents, I think they are good oppoents, but the way they are set up is hurting them. I will fiddle around with them a bit and see what I can do to improve them. But if they get a good starting location, they will do well.
The Breen are using battleships and dreadnoughts now. So at least one other AI is using the larger ships hulls.
Star Trek Mod v1.3.0 as of 10-28-2003
1. Fixed Spelling error in name Impulse Engine IV
2. Changed Shuttle alternate image from shuttle to FighterLarge
3. Changed Borg Plasma Projector I - III family from 2009 to 2109 to stop conflict with borg ripper beam
4. Changed Tonnage Space Taken from 15 to 20 for Emissive Armor I
5. Changed Tonnage Space Taken, and Tonnage Structure for Shield Generator I from 30 to 40
6. Changed Tonnage Space Taken on Computer Virus I - II to 30
7. Fixed Plague Bomb I was named incorrectly and had the wrong General Group (Thanks TNZ)
8. Added Requirement Torpedo Weapons 4 to all Races Torpedo Weapons.
9. Fixed Level requirement error in Breen Organic Extractor II
10. Fixed Masking issues with Components BMP (Mini)
11. Removed Extra Medical Facilities I - III (Duplicated)
12. Fixed Small Anti - Matter Torpedo I - III had ferengi weapons as family name instead of weapons
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

October 28th, 2003, 03:43 PM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
After reading your posting about your latest game. I remember that in my Last game, the Romulans didn’t offer much resistance either. I just rolled right over them, they only slow me down some, like a speed bump would.
Each major AI races should has some special weapon, ship mount, etc that helps to give them that combat edge or advantage.
The Romulans has special weapons, facilities, etc., but they don’t have something that really reflexes their secretive nature, tactical wise. Disregard my earlier suggestions for the Romulans. Here what I think the Romulans should have.
Combine they cloaking devise with ECM capacities. The Romulans would use they cloaking devise in combat to enter a tactical situation cloaked. Decloak and engage an enemy vessel and recloak again. Move around some, decloak and open fire again, then recloak before the enemy vessel should effectively engaged them. Thus using their cloak devise tactically is the same as using ECM. The cloaking devise should start at smaller size and increase in size as its capacities increase. Also a smaller size would allow the Romulans to effectively to use them on smaller warships.
Cloak devise one, size 10 tons, cloak emissive of 1, and ECM of +20
Cloak devise two, size 15 tons, cloak emissive of 2, and ECM of +40
Cloak devise three, size 20 tons, cloak emissive of 3, and ECM of +60
Cloak devise four, size 30 tons, cloak emissive of 4, and ECM of +80
Cloak devise five, size 40 tons, cloak emissive of 4, and ECM of +100
Cloak devise six, size 50 tons, cloak emissive of 5, and ECM of +125
Remove the regular ECM (I think its under combat support) from the Romulans research tech tree, but the leave the smaller ECM in place for fighter/troops and shuttles.

Oh man, why do you have to hit me with those negative waves so early in the morning..

October 28th, 2003, 07:25 PM
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Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion
This all sounds good, but where's the link to d/l the mod? All I"m seeing are descriptions of what's in each Version, but no actual way to d/l it. Where do I have to go do d/l this mod?
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