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Old February 7th, 2005, 03:27 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

I tend to agree with CK about this. I think that the networks intended demographic simply turned off to many people as there was simply not enough programing that appealed to all audiances. In tuning out UPN, shows such as Enterprise could no longer draw in the revenue needed to keep themselves afloat.

Back in the early 90's Arseno Hall ran into the same problem. His show was revolutionary and a lot of fun to watch but when it began to cater more toward one specific audience, his rating tanked and the show went off the air.

Enterprise faced many hurtles as CK pointed out and it was a combination of all of these factors, UPN's targeted demographic simply was not interested in the show, and the excluded demographic would only tune in to watch Enterprise, and of that group there was a huge split so fewer and fewer would watch out of frustration over the shows pandering disregard for establish Trek history. (Sad as the show was actually very good and did not, for the most part, step on any toes.)

Oh well, what can you do except accept it?
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Old February 7th, 2005, 03:29 AM

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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Well, we could all go marching down to UPN headquarters and demand they re-instate the show... And then to show our convictions we can fire a few shots across their bow...er...in front of their CEO's window

Or we could be less fanatical, and just accept that which we can not change.
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Old February 7th, 2005, 08:30 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

God I am so fricking depressed over this. Just when the series was actually beginning to get interesting they go and cancel it. WTF? I mean W T F? are they doing this for?

The order to strike the sets in stage 8 and 9 was given and nearly 27 years of history is being broken into small peaces bound for the LA dump.

When the revolution comes, my small list of must kills, just grew to include the names of those responsible for this blood vengeance-causing act.

There is some microscopic talk, mostly pathetic fan based rumors that there might be a movie based off of Enterprise dealing with the Romulan Conflict, but that is as likely to happen as my flying to the moon on a tooth pick.

It really just pains me to no end to think that we are witnessing the end of an era. Nearly 20 years of none stop star trek is coming to a close and I find myself weeping like an old women at the thought that I may never again see a new episode featuring the bridges of star trek ships. I am not ashamed to admit this and I know that I am not alone in my heartsick pain.

No good will come of this, and that you can bank on. I sincerely hope that UPN goes belly up and that I at least live long enough to see it happen so I can gloat with the rest of the disenfranchised Star Trek fans.

I hope that the executives over at Paramount that made the call to can Enterprise suffer a horrible and painful death after living years in poverty and shame. They have no honor and they are worse than a Breen back stabber! They are lower than Targ s*** and I would not give them the gnawed on dog bones of my meal if they were starving to death and begging me.

They are Cardassian Vole fodder in my book and deserve to be spaced over a black hole!

Think about all those props, sets, costumes, etc just going to be tossed, auctioned off on EBay, or stored away until they are either turn to dust or are s*** canned by some lowly underling clueless dumb f*** like the SOB who through away the CD with all of the original B5 models on it over at Warner bros.

I tell you if I had Bill Gates $$ I would find a way to keep that show on the air if I had to pay the 1.5 million it cost per episode to do so. I mean where have we gone that brought us here? One of the few shows on TV that sci-fi fans enjoyed watching and its cut off at the knees at four years old.

Like I said, it should be classified as a crime and those responsible brought to justice. They should be hanged from a nearest light post with a sign around their punk arses that read "I Cancelled Star Trek." They should serve as a warning to the next ten generations of Paramount executives that we the fans will not tolerate such things!

God help me I don't know what I am going to do without my weekly fix of Enterprise. Hell I have been getting a weekly fix of Star Trek since I was 17 years old, well long before that with TOS but that does not count as it was cancelled before I was born. Since October of 87, say the year or so after voyager ended to the start of Enterprise, I have awaited with much anticipation my weekly fix of Star Trek.

Granted I would have loved to seen Voyager cancelled, but I was often told that any Star Trek is better than no Star Trek. And you know what, they were right.

We are at the predispose of a new dark age my friends. One that bares no kindness in its empty stare back at us. Its cold breath chills me to my core and sends my soul cowering in fear. What a dark day as befallen us.

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Old February 7th, 2005, 08:43 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Letter Campaign:

Mr. Leslie Moonves
Co-President, Co-Chief Operating Officer
Viacom International, Inc.
c/o CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036-2112

Ms. Dawn Tarnofsky-Ostroff
United Paramount Network
11800 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025

President Tom Freston
Viacom International
1515 Broadway
New York, NY
10036 U.S.A.

Mr. Brad Grey
Chief Executive
Paramount Studios
5555 Melrose Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90038

Chairman Sumner Redstone
Viacom International, Inc.
1515 Broadway
New York, NY
10036-5794 U.S.A.

http://saveenterprise.com/campaign20...ampaign.htm<br />
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Old February 7th, 2005, 08:55 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Maybe, given a few years to think it over, they can come up with something new.

AT, it isn't personal. If the shows not making money, the company goes under. All those people have to eat.

I really hope the're not tearing up all those sets. Foolish decision. Could probably get double or more there value from collectors. I won't comment on the artistic and historical value, because then *I* might get angry.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old February 7th, 2005, 09:04 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

The choice to end the series was blamed on poor ratings but that is turning out to be a load of horse s*** and that is what realy is p***ing me off. They canned the series because, like so many others have posted, it no longer fits into the UPN's budge which is gear for the low end, enexpensive, and cheaply produced sit-com market.

Simply put, UPN is a low rent network and Enterprise was like the most expensive thing they owned, and instead of hocking or selling it, they broke it up into tiny little peaces and dumped it out the 10 story window of their getto.

Shows like Jag and B5 were canned by their first networks but picked up by other networks. UPN and ViaCom / Paramount decided that marketing Enterprise to another network would not work and therefore have not tried to do so. They want Enterprise shut down.

What really hurts is what they are doing to the sets. You should get angry Narf. You have to know that the bean counting yuppies down there could careless about the historical significance of what they have. They will sell it off on Ebay, trash can it, store it until it turns to dust then trash can it, or simply allow whats left to be disposed of by any means possible.

Hell they are going to rename the Gene Roddenburry building too and that is just sad. Just fricking completely destroughtingly sad.

I really should stop reading the Star Trek and other forums. They are just upsetting me.
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Old February 7th, 2005, 09:14 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

I think I need to rent some old original series.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old February 7th, 2005, 10:33 AM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Goodness AT. So glum. You must be too young to remember the dark ages 20 years ago before TNG hit the air. Having no Trek show on the air is tough, but you'll get through it. And on the bright side, you've got 5 times as much material to work with in reruns, and you've got VCR's and DVD's, which weren't really common back then. Not to mention several other decent Sci-fi shows on the air.
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Old February 7th, 2005, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Yeah I seriously am feeling the pain, I mean they are not just cancelling the show but are destroying the sets, tearing down history and erasing Gene Rodenberry's legacy, it's just heart wrenching, and I want all those jerks linched.
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Old February 7th, 2005, 02:27 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

To be honest though there really is no reason to keep the sets. They are mostly wood and paper and paint. Those things aren't exactly built to be durable. They are built to look a certain way on film. Sets get damaged and rebuilt all the time during filming precisely because they are so fragile. Storing them would be difficult and unnecesary. And they would look like crap after a while in storage anyway and wouldn't be usable for anything. They can be recreated from photographic records which can be stored much more easily and permanently. They are doing just that this season in the episode about the Terran Empire. They rebuilt the Constitution class (TOS Enterprise was a constitution class) bridge of the U.S.S Defiant from the TOS. From the photos I've seen it looks great. Just like the original.
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