I'm going to start up another newbie game. I've just gotten knocked out of my third multiplayer game. I'm not experienced much late game play yet so I won't be overpowering anybody. I'm basing this games settings on the two other games I've played. Its pretty vanilla.
Server: LlamaServer (automated play-by-email)
Hosting interval: 24 hours moving to 48 hours in later stages.
Age: Early
Graphs: On
Settings: Default
Mods: None
Map: Cradle of Dominions
Players: 10
1: Ulm - Coreyh2
2: Niefelheim - Juffos
3: Helheim - Ossa
4: Sauromatia - Shikome
5: Tir n'a nOg - Iron Duke
6: Mictlan - Quitti
7: Agartha - Ruminant
8: Yomi - numskully
9: Hinnom - Traks
10: Abysia - Vanslime
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