PBW RTC protocol and mod chooser integration
Most of my PBW games are now modded games, which means I cannot use the very handy Real-Time Client to simply click on a game to play its turn. Frankly, it's driving me nuts. Now, I consider myself a fairly competent programmer, and can most likely make a program that can merge both the functions of Matrix's Mod Chooser and the RTC client - if I knew how the client communicates with the server. The Chooser is simple - just modify/copy the path file; It's mostly GUI, which is no real sweat either. Communicating with the server is a different kettle of fish - it could simply be transferring files via HTTP/FTP via an odd port, or it could be something else... would the author of the PBW RTC program be willing to release the specs of the client/server setup, and would Geoschmo be willing to let a program made by me access his PBW server?