The ModPack was obviously idiot proof [thanks to those responsible], since I did it just fine.
But, alas, I've run into new problems during my downloads today. I found some Star Wars shipsets and played around at work getting them to become empires. No dice. The two I dl'd had general.txt files and full pictures, but nothing else. I won't go into everything I tried, but nothing worked. I incorrectly assumed I could make a new folder in the race folder, put the shipset and txt file in there and then cut/paste/rename other race txt files to get this new race to work.
The other option I haven't tried yet is to use the shipset when "adding an empire", put in the characteristics, and then save it as an empire. It will then be available to select as a computer opponent I hope. But, how can I make it ever be available in randomly generated/selected games?
Thanks for any help