Any tips on creating/tweaking AI for a single race?
Sorry if these are dumb questions.
I'm experimenting with AI creation by taking old races/shipsets that have not been made compatible with Gold and changing/adding to their AI files to make them the kind of race I want.
I wrote a history and description of a race in the AI General file, gave the emperor a new name, picked a design file that I created, etc. Then I started a 3k-extra-point game and added the race as a "new," chose the characteristics I wanted using the 3k extra points, and saved the race as a 3k "emp" file. I am able to start the game with the "correct" emperor name, planet type, etc, but when I go to the "Our Race" screen in-game, the area for history and description text is blank. How do I get the text I wrote to show up in the game?
I've searched this site for more info on AI creation, but I'm having trouble finding out the types of things I want to find out. I want to be able to do such things as get the race I create to use fighters, use drones, use mines and sweep for them, etc. I'm not interested in creating whole mod packs, I just want to know how to take a bunch of AI files, perhaps the "default" ones, and tweak them to get a certain race to behave in a certain way and have certain characteristics.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
"The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife." - Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #48