I'd forgotten that the VIP's used to do that, Imperator! Well it has been a few years
I think as far as the CCF's go, I'm going to increase their percentage rate. Building seven of them is just too much investment for the tiny return you get IMHO. I'd like to get an improvement in Conditions within two years for the building of a single facility as this would put them in line with the Atmospheric Converters.
Given SJ's data on the number you need with their current rates (i.e. 21% gets you a guaranteed improvement each year) I'm guessing that the Conditions are on a 1 - 100 scale with five steps (ranging from Deadly to Optimal via Harsh, Unpleasant, Mild and Good?). So a facility that improves Conditions by 10% per year would do the trick.
Because there are three levels of CCF that can be developed though, I might have to go with 4%,8% & 12% to both get the effect I'm aiming for
and maintain a properly proportional stepped development for each level.
This leads to the question of whether any 'unused' percenatage gets carried forward after the Conditions have improved a step at the turn of a year. If it does, then you could end up with the position where Conditions will improve by
two steps under certain circumstances.
Anyone got any ideas on this aspect of the problem?