I'm glad to hear the map is not that bad from both of you!
The next step is to test also its playability! It may be good for the eye but not for the play! (I cross finger)
The common ground here is hill terrain. So manouver units are helilifted to the two LZ on the far left of the map and their mission is to proceed down toward the valley (maybe blocking force(AUX units) may be placed on the right part of the map).
I tried to place some interesting point here and there. The top of the hill is the first, then there is a footpath that goes to north(and some other also south direction), and an ambush area with ravine in the south.
Next will come an isolated peak that is hard to reach in the north and what will may be an ammo dump in the south.
Other points of interests are the narrow passage in the south and what may be a training camp for VC in the middle of the portion of the jungle.
There may be some fighting for the blocking force arriving from the valley when they reach the two hill in the right part of the map.
With the reinforcement low percentile tactics for the enemy in these various part of the map, this may be always a different downmarch.
Feel free to say your opinion mates!