Who else has been modding the MainStrings.txt file. I was just working on it and I think other resources can be added to the game. I am not up to trying it yet. I have other work to do with the SFTC. However if I am reading the lines right new things can be added. For example I have already changed the game so it no longer looks for:
Space Combat Turn Rate Decrease Per kT
Instead it wants:
Space Combat Turn Rate Decrease Per HS
And that is just one example of what I have changed. If I can turn the game to look for a new line than I should be able (with enough empty lines in the right places) script a new resources. Or many other things for that matter.
Back on track! Sorry this is all pretty thrilling for a modder to find. Anyway has anyone else tried this yet? What have you changed about the MianStrings.txt. Didn't the Wiki page say something about it can't be changed? Am I alone in this stuff?