Thanks guys. Here is what I want to do.
I want to buy a new case, one that has bette cooling and such.
I would love to run dual 200 GB Hard Drives. My blue box is raid, but I could never figure out how to take advantage of it. Now it is just to old to use. (And unreliable)
I know nothing about the new motherBoards or the FSB features and such. Hence I am asking.
Ideally I would like to set up the new system to be:
P4 2.5 (or higher)
1 gig (or more) Ram
GeForce Fx 5700 Card (Already have)
2 200 or 180 GB Hard drives
DVD Burner/Player/CDRW/CD Recorder Rom
(May be one of each, DVD Burner, and a CDRW/CDR drive)
Lots of cooling and a quiet system.
I have considered buying a premade system, less all the troubles of trying to get a new system to work well. But the cost is an issue. Additionally the cases they offer SUCK.
I will be running XP on the system as the OS. That is going to be spendy unless I can use my extra HP OS disk. (For some reason I got two of them when they sent me this replacement PC Last year.)
I mainly want the system for video and photo editing. This system works well, but it lacks the HD space. I am running an exteranal HD with it now and still both HD's are full. Video takes up a lot of space. Ideally what I need is a good DV - Video deck that will communicate with my system as well as my Sony Digital Cameras do.
I could spend the big bucks and buy the Alien PC, but I would rather pay off other bills first.