Army Size
The display (both on the map and on the F2 statistics screen) shows the number of units in a player's particular/entire army. This is nice. But it is often misleading. An army of 100 Juggernaut Constructions will be just as "large" as an army of 100 soulless, whereas the latter is only a fraction as powerful.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if the F2 stats/map boxes displayed not the amount of units, but their size. One conceivable way to do this would be to display hit point aggregates. I personally *wouldn't* want this, since it would be way too much information. But one could conceivably consider "unit size (1-6)" as that which is measured. Not that all size 2 units are alike, but it might actually reflect what scouts would see (big tanks, infantry, cav). Not that it really matters, just a thought.