I have modified the Cradle of Dominions map from the great Jason Lutes who has so graciously allowed me to change the .map file for his map. Listed below are some of the changes as well as reasons for the changes.
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1.) Some of the Multiplayer issues with the Cradle of Dominions maps was the liberal use of terrain flags. While fantastic for diversity cut alot of the options for mobility for alot of nations. Certain nations (Read: Caelum) had a significant advantage of mobility over other nations with viable 2 strat move troops.
I have modified the terrain to have 'avenues' of high speed terrain (plains and farmland) where it was not overtly obvious what the terrain was intended to be (I.E. Forest or Sea). This should keep with the clumped bits of terrain motif of the map while allowing nations to use the their more mobile troops and units that were reduced to 1-strat move/turn positions.
2.) Because of the Liberal sprinkling of Terrain the flags for population were set very low. It was rare to have a high income game which put the focus on Gem Finding/usage and non-gold troops. While this in and of itself was fine, it also limited Blood Nations because of the ability to convert from Gold to Blood economy or having an equal share of both. This limited the nation selection or put at a disadvantage most blood nations or nations that relied on blood to suppliment their nation. Also the low population gave very real supply issues thus allowing Undead (already favorably placed) a more significant advantage than it had previously.
Very few terrains now have under 5k population thus giving more overall gold and supply. Also there are more equally spaced 'large province sections' to provide a core of gold in 8 sections of the map.
3.) Water Nations were at a substancial disadvantage on this map because of both the number of water provinces but also because of the population and placement of the water provinces. While only 1 water nation *should* be allowed the shipyard function (Anchors being able to travel to Anchor) made the seas less of a focal or barrier point.
I have connected the waterways (rivers to Sea) and given more population to the sea provinces. While not an incredible change it should allow a water nation more breathing room than it had previously due to every water province being connected to a coastline thus being able to be sieged in their capital at the very early game. This also allows the Underwater Nation to grab additional "Many Site" provinces.
If you have any questions, comments, feedback or rants please use this thread to do so to me, Jason Lutes had nothing to do with this except for giving his permission to have it butchered by me
. Also, please note, if you feel the Cradle map was fine and suited to your playstyle, you are perfectly inclined to that position and playstyle, and this .map in no way circumvents the intention of the original map.
[ July 02, 2004, 22:17: Message edited by: Zen ]