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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Most Common
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:) Smile Smile
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:D Big Grin Big Grin
;) Wink Wink
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:mad: Mad Mad
:( Frown Frown
:confused: Confused Confused
:happy: Happy Happy
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:cold: Cold Cold
:shock: Shock Shock
:envy: Envy Envy
:hurt: Injured Injured
:doh: Doh Doh
:bug: Bug Bug
:up: Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
:down: Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
:angel Angel Angel
:sick: Sick Sick
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:smirk: Smirk Smirk
:cool: Cool Cool
:re: Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
:cry: Cry Cry
:help: Help Help
:laugh: Laugh Laugh
:yawn: Yawn Yawn
:lol Laughing Out Loud Laughing Out Loud
:evil: Evil Evil
:rant: Rant Rant
:?: Question Question
:clap: Clap Clap
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:tough: Toughguy Toughguy
:banghead Bang Head Bang Head
:dk: Dont Know Dont Know
:ahh: Ahhhh Ahhhh
:angel: Angel Angel
:wave: Wave Wave
:bow: Bow Bow
:nana: Nana Nana
:haha: Haha Haha
:troll: Troll Troll
:mean: Mean Mean
:cheers: Cheers Cheers
:bored: Bored Bored
:argue: Argue Argue
:bs: BS BS
:nono: No no No no
:sorry: Sorry Sorry
:crazy: Crazy Crazy
:idea: Idea Idea
:sec: Security Security
:cop: Cop Cop
:censor: Censored Censored
:soap: Soapbox Soapbox
:hammer: Hammer Hammer
:pc: PC PC
:smash: Smash Smash
:typing: Typing Typing
:rock: Rock Rock
:capt: Captain Captain
:fire: Fire Fire
:ghug: Group Hug Group Hug
:spam: Spam Spam
:da: Devil or Angel Devil or Angel
:faint: Faint Faint
:gossip: Gossip Gossip
:poke: Poke Poke
:first: First First
:yield: White Flag White Flag
:popcorn: Popcorn Popcorn
:five: High Five High Five
:shake: Shake Shake
:call: Phone Call Phone Call
:banana: Banana Banana
:viking: Viking Viking
:jam: Jam Jam
:bump: Bump Bump
:hide: Hide Hide
:puke: Puke Puke
:fish: Smack with a Fish Smack with a Fish
:deadhorse: deadhorse deadhorse
:horse: Beat a Dead Horse Beat a Dead Horse
:birthday: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
:vroom: Vroom Vroom
:lala: Lala Lala
:fight: Fight Fight
:party: Party Party
:rofl: Rolling on floor laughing Rolling on floor laughing
:lock: Lock Lock
:unlock: Unlocked Unlocked
:win: Windows Windows
:mac: Macintosh Macintosh
:skull: Skull Skull
:ham: Hammer Hammer
:lips: Lips Lips
:dagger: Dagger Dagger
:shield: Shield Shield
:barrel: Barrel Barrel
:grenade: Grenade Grenade
:medic: Medic Medic
:martini: Martini Martini
:world: World World
:computer: Computer Computer
:heart: Heart Heart
:diamond: Diamond Diamond
:clubs: Clubs Clubs
:spades: Spades Spades
:fallout: Fallout Fallout
:dice: Dice Dice
:eye: Eye Eye
:medal: Medal Medal
:house: House House
:brain: Brain Brain
:ankh: ankh ankh
:drama: Drama Drama
:alien: Alien Alien
:trophy: Trophy Trophy
:potion: Potion Potion
:mushroom: Mushroom Mushroom
:bread: Bread Bread
:bananas: Bananas Bananas
:tomato: Tomato Tomato
:orange: Orange Orange
:cherry: Cherries Cherries
:pear: Pear Pear
:apple: Apple Apple
:strawberry: Strawberry Strawberry
:lemon: Lemon Lemon
:grapes: Grapes Grapes
:kiwi: Kiwi Kiwi
:burger: Burger Burger
:cake: Cake Cake
:cheese: Cheese Cheese
:egg: Egg Egg
:carrot: Carrot Carrot
:chalice: Chalice Chalice
:shamrock: Shamrock Shamrock
:8ball: 8 Ball 8 Ball
:acorn: Acorn Acorn
:rightarrow: Right Arrow Right Arrow
:leftarrow: Left Arrow Left Arrow
:pointright: Point Right Point Right
:pointup: Point Up Point Up
:battery: Battery Battery
:bomb: Bomb Bomb
:bowling: Bowling Bowling
:bullets: Bullets Bullets
:hat Hat Hat
:gem1: Gem1 Gem1
:gem2: Gem2 Gem2
:can: Can Can
:car: Car Car
:campfire: Campfire Campfire
:money: Money Money
:clock: Clock Clock
:bone: Bone Bone
:fish2: Fish Fish
:fox: Fox Fox
:hour: Hourglass Hourglass
:lightning: Lightning Lightning
:recycle: Recycle Recycle
:music: Music Note Music Note
:palm: Palm Tree Palm Tree
:panda: Panda Panda
:peace: Peace Peace
:penguin: Penguin Penguin
:plane: Plane Plane
:balloon: Balloons Balloons
:poison: Poison Poison
:raccoon Raccoon Raccoon
:ring: Ring Ring
:target: Target Target
:teddy: Teddy Teddy
:paint: Paint Paint
:vikinghelm: Viking Helm Viking Helm
:droplet: Droplet Droplet
:man1: Man1 Man1
:man2: Man2 Man2
:man3: Man3 Man3
:man4: Man4 Man4
:man5: Man5 Man5
:woman1: Woman1 Woman1
:woman2: Woman2 Woman2
:woman3: Woman3 Woman3
:woman4: Woman4 Woman4
:aol: AOL AOL
:beer: Beer Beer
:rose: Rose Rose
:rip: Rest In Peace Rest In Peace
:jaw: Jaw Dropped Jaw Dropped
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:rulz: Rulez Rulez
:feedback: Feedback Feedback
:close: Closed Closed
:welcome: Welcome Welcome
:jk: Just Kidding Just Kidding
:dito: Dito Dito
:you: You Rock You Rock
:rant2: Rant On/Off Rant On/Off
:sucks: Sucks Sucks
:ot: Off Topic Off Topic
:why: Why Why
:hijack: Hijacked Hijacked
:ban: Ban Ban
:banned: Banned Banned
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:alb Albania Albania
:afg Afghanistan Afghanistan
:alg Algeria Algeria
:and Andorra Andorra
:ang Angola Angola
:ant Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda
:arg Argentina Argentina
:arm Armenia Armenia
:aus Australia Australia
:aust Austria Austria
:aze Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
:bah Bahamas Bahamas
:bahr Bahrain Bahrain
:bangl Bangladesh Bangladesh
:bar Barbados Barbados
:bel Belarus Belarus
:belg Belgium Belgium
:beli Belize Belize
:ben Benin Benin
:bhu Bhutan Bhutan
:bol Bolivia Bolivia
:bos Bosnia Hertzegovina Bosnia Hertzegovina
:bot Botswana Botswana
:bra Brazil Brazil
:bru Brunei Brunei
:bul Bulgaria Bulgaria
:bur Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
:burm Burma Burma
:buru Burundi Burundi
:cam Cambodia Cambodia
:came Cameroon Cameroon
:can Canada Canada
:cen Central African Republic Central African Republic
:cha Chad Chad
:chi Chile Chile
:china China China
:col Colombia Colombia
:com Comoros Comoros
:con Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo
:cos Costarica Costarica
:cro Croatia Croatia
:cuba Cuba Cuba
:cyp Cyprus Cyprus
:cze Czech Republic Czech Republic
:drc Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo
:den Denmark Denmark
:dij Dijibouti Dijibouti
:domi Dominica Dominica
:dr Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
:ecu Ecuador Ecuador
:egy Egypt Egypt
:els El Salvador El Salvador
:eqg Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea
:eri Eritrea Eritrea
:est Estonia Estonia
:eth Ethiopia Ethiopia
:fiji Fiji Fiji
:fin Finland Finland
:fra France France
:gab Gabon Gabon
:gam Gambia Gambia
:geo Georgia Georgia
:ger Germany Germany
:gha Ghana Ghana
:gre Greece Greece
:gren Grenada Grenada
:gua Guatemala Guatemala
:gui Guinea Guinea
:gb Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau
:guy Guyana Guyana
:hai Haiti Haiti
:hon Honduras Honduras
:hk Hong Kong Hong Kong
:hun Hungary Hungary
:ice Iceland Iceland
:india India India
:indo Indonesia Indonesia
:iran Iran Iran
:iraq Iraq Iraq
:ire Ireland Ireland
:isr Israel Israel
:italy Italy Italy
:ic Ivory Coast Ivory Coast
:jam Jamaica Jamaica
:japan Japan Japan
:jor Jordan Jordan
:kaz Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
:kenya Kenya Kenya
:kri Kiribati Kiribati
:kuw Kuwait Kuwait
:kyr Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan
:laos Laos Laos
:lat Latvia Latvia
:leb Lebanon Lebanon
:lib Liberia Liberia
:libya Libya Libya
:liec Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
:lith Lithuania Lithuania
:lux Luxembourg Luxembourg
:mac Macau Macau
:mace Macedonia Macedonia
:mada Madagascar Madagascar
:mal Malawi Malawi
:malay Malaysia Malaysia
:mald Maldives Maldives
:mali Mali Mali
:malta Malta Malta
:mau Mauritania Mauritania
:maur Mauritius Mauritius
:mex Mexico Mexico
:micr Micronesia Micronesia
:mol Moldova Moldova
:mon Monaco Monaco
:mong Mongolia Mongolia
:mor Morocco Morocco
:moz Mozambique Mozambique
:nam Namibia Namibia
:nauru Nauru Nauru
:nepal Nepal Nepal
:na Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles
:neth Netherlands Netherlands
:nz New Zealand New Zealand
:nic Nicaragua Nicaragua
:niger Niger Niger
:nk North Korea North Korea
:nor Norway Norway
:oman Oman Oman
:pak Pakistan Pakistan
:panam Panama Panama
:png Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
:par Paraguay Paraguay
:peru Peru Peru
:phil Philippines Philippines
:pol Poland Poland
:port Portugal Portugal
:pr Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
:qa Qatar Qatar
:raw Rawanda Rawanda
:rom Romania Romania
:rus Russia Russia
:st Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe
:sa Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
:sen Senegal Senegal
:ser Serbia Serbia
:sey Seychelles Seychelles
:sl Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
:sing Singapore Singapore
:slo Slovakia Slovakia
:slov Slovenia Slovenia
:si Solomon Islands Solomon Islands
:som Somalia Somalia
:sk South Korea South Korea
:soaf South Africa South Africa
:spain Spain Spain
:sri Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
:skn Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis
:sal Saint Lucia Saint Lucia
:sudan Sudan Sudan
:sur Suriname Suriname
:swe Sweden Sweden
:swit Switzerland Switzerland
:syria Syria Syria
:tai Taiwan Taiwan
:taj Tajikistan Tajikistan
:tan Tanzania Tanzania
:thai Thailand Thailand
:togo Togolese Republic Togolese Republic
:tonga Tonga Tonga
:tt Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
:tun Tunisia Tunisia
:tur Turkey Turkey
:turk Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
:tuv Tuvala Tuvala
:uae United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
:ug Uganda Uganda
:uk United Kingdom United Kingdom
:ukr Ukraine Ukraine
:uru Uruguay Uruguay
:usa United States of American United States of American
:uz Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
:van Vanuatu Vanuatu
:ven Venezuela Venezuela
:viet Vietnam Vietnam
:ws Western Samoa Western Samoa
:yemen Yemen Yemen
:yugo Yugoslavia Yugoslavia
:zaire Zaire Zaire
:zam Zambia Zambia
:zim Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
:nig Nigeria Nigeria
:grena Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
:check: Checkered Checkered

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