![]() |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Sigh... Looks like it's Agartha's turn to go missing without a trace.
What is it with people randomly disappearing withou a trace this game? I had heard people complain about that before, but can't remember ever seeing it happen once or maaaaybe two times in one game.* (Of course, not being a game admin in those games might mean I just didn't pay much attention.) I'll go whip up yet another Looking for Sub post in a minute. People with diplomatic ties with Agartha who might have heard something from him since the pause to find an Ermor sub feel free to share. Also, any of his neighbours who can add to what I can tell potential subs are very wellcome to do so. (Agartha is a bit out of my scouting epicenter.) I'll add a few hours to the timer so I can assess the situation again after getting up tomorrow. (In the first place because of Agartha, but also to be sure Zeldor fixed his turn acceptance issues.) * A clarification: the surprise here is about the lack of notification. I've seen people leave games all the time, but usually they at least left word, and very often found their own subs too. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
This may be not so relevant anyway due to Abysua disappearing, but I'd like to get a +12 hours delay please (meaning until 00:20 sunday), reason is being on a demanding business trip which includes working tomorrow (study tour at the Turkish Bulgarian border crossing point as a matter of fact).
Thanks for understanding (I know I am kind of subscribed to the small delay requests :angel ) |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
No worries. I pretty much expect a small delay every turn. :)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
He has enough forces to put a good fight, so I really doubt it's that.
Maybe TT is just too much for some people? Ermor disappeared, now Agartha, earlier we had prolems with C'tis and Abysia. And there is no winner soon. Sure, Marv has nice lead, I will be fighting Helheim forever, but I think that VPs are set too high to make it work. Especially with it being EA game. So maybe it'd be a good idea to call it a draw, wait few weeks and restart the game with CBM 1.8 [less micro] and with more reasonable victory settings [for 40 VPs you need to control like 25-30 provs for 3 turns]. And make it MA or LA [so less crazy nations]. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Its the map. Faerun is cursed. its such an awesome map, but its just cursed. no game can ever be succesful on it. :(
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
This game has been going for fewer turns than smaller games that I have played, and I think has been about average (given the small sample set of MP games I've played since returning to Dominions) in comparison to these other games.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
All: Did you need a sub player for Agartha? If so, please let me know, as I'd be happy to volunteer. :)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Anyways, I've had some PM's about subbing for Agartha, and we should have a sub soon. I'm just lacking final confirmation and e-mail address to get things rolling again. Going to bed now though, so it'll have to be tomorrow. Hah! In your face, stupid curse. Not that I believe in curses, mind you. Unfortunately it looks like Zeldor is also demotivated due to the unfortunate stale and not very happy with game settings in general, and is also planning to find a - possibly temporary - sub for him. Not that this a sign of any nonexistant curse or anything. Just saying. Anyways, I just wanted to make sure the people still playing are actually still having fun? I know I am, and I do have the impression others do to, and as long as that's the case I don't mind doing the occasional merry-go-round to find a sub if someone drops out again. Just feels kinda pointless to do so if the people actually in the game allready feel it's a drag of some kind, so just checking is all. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I am happy with settings :) I like the map etc. VPs are a bit too high probably, but settings are fine. I just think that this game won't end in reasonable timeframe :)
And yeah, I am just pissed off because of that stale caused by llamaserver problem. It could have happened on any different turn... |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
The good DrPraetorius has agreed to take over Agartha, and will undoubtedly strike fear into the hearts of his opponents. Welcome doctor. :)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I am having fun with these settings, and I enjoy this particular feeling of being part of a really huge world, where it is difficult to know exactly what is happening far from you...
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Just a FYI for those wondering: I turned of quickhost, since Zeldor sent in an incomplete turn just to test if it was accepted this turn, but he hasn't actually played it yet. I'm hoping it won't take him long to sort out his issues. (Either by playing his turn or finding a sub) and will obviously keep pestering him until he does. ;)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Ekhem, wtf?
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I've had 2 more requests for longer hosting times, so seeing the stage of the game and earlier non-insistent mutterings along the same line I've changed hosting to 72h.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Ladies and Gentlemen (mostly gentlemen, I guess...), Arcoscephale has been
defeated by the Unholly Hordes of Fomoria. Not really a surprise considering the very bad start I had (around 5-6 provinces on t12 due to a poor initial planning). I'm surprised to have managed to survive until now. Anyway, do not rejoice, O Heathens for I will be back. See your later on future battlefieds & have fun ! H. from Arco. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Gods and Nations fall like leaves this fifth Winter of the Ascension Wars. Caelum witnessed the inavoidable annihilation of its last monkey neighbors, while the greatest philosophers of our time are only but a memory.
Arethuse, Ondarus, your deeds will be remembered by the wise! Saawshyant |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Changed it now though. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Wow, capital down.
Master enslave on turn 1, pretty impressive Marverni. Heh, after going though all that trouble with the Eater of the Dead, feeding him, GoRing his, etc, he routs... I didn't even get to see him in action. BTW, nice SC's, quantities too. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
If I couldn't manage to cast master enslave with Marverni of all nations I would be doing something wrong. (That's a non-empowered, non-capital, non-communioned mage casting it. With some equipment obviously.) But yeah, I'm quite happy with the army I assembled in your lands. Probably just a bit of overkill though. :)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Oops, just missed the deadline :(.
Doesn't actually matter much - I've seen few positions that I'd really characterize as "hopeless" (maybe to win), but I near despair at accomplishing anything at all under the circumstances in which I find myself. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
That bad, huh? Guess we know why he upped and left. I have to admit I had very little idea of what was happening up north. Hope you can still wring some fun out of it at least?
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I briefly became very happy when watching this last turn. Attacking a nice not-yet conquered VP province my guys managed to charm this amazing catch. A Massive Divine mummy with the attendant hit points and F4A4D8 magic! Thinking about all the things I could do with him almost made come in my pants... :banana:
Then he got killed by the rest of the defenders. :( |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I turneed of quickhost at the request of Rytek who's off on a trip for the hollidays and will have irregular computer/net access.
Also added 8 hours at the request of Zeldor. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Will we be using standard MP holiday pause here too? That is, 23.12 - 2.1?
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Ooh, exiting. Looks like Abysia's pretender is looking to play a game of hide-and-seek (presumably to be followed by whack-a-mole) now that his forts have all fallen. Quite clever really.
What's the traditional phrase for the 'seeker' to call out when he starts looking? In Dutch we say: "He who isn't gone will be seen." Quote:
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Now I think it's only fair that you give me a 3 turns head start to hide before you come out looking for me.
I'll even give you a hint, I've hidden in a duck's egg, inside a hare, which in turn is inside a chest buried under the roots of a mighty oak tree, on an island in the middle of the ocean far far away. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Sure, I'd be happy with break from Dominions for Christmas period. No idea about others though. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I will be able to submit turns all through the holidays but would prefer not to do so between the 23rd and the 25th and from the 31st through the 1st.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Is it possible to postpone hosting (turn60)?
I need 10h to get to the dom3. :( |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
In the context of Christmas vacations, I would appreciate a long hosting delay between 25/12 and 31/12. I will be on the road in the Iranian desert with no predictable access to the Internet.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Thanks for subbing in Executor, that really helped me/us out. (And no thanks at all for casting BoT, that did NOT help me. ;)) Quote:
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
There are some llamaserver glitches recently - turns take way too long to host, so server gets stuck and it may not accept anything.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
It looks like, despite knowing hosting time for 12 days now, 4 players are still to submit their turn, one of which asked for an extension on the last night before hosting. I'm slightly pissed off about it, since they could comfortably have played their turn before christmas, or between christmas and the new year if now for some reason was not a good time for them. Or, worst case scenario, if they had planned a longer holliday or something, asked for an extension way sooner than now so we all knew where we stood.
They're also collectively screwing over Numahr, who's leaving for a couple of days on the third, and could just have played his next turn before leaving, and the next one after returning, perhaps with a short 12 or 24h extension, and who will now somehow need to come up with a sub for one or two turns with almost no notice. I've added 12 hours, I would suggest you get your turn done. With my apologies to those amongst the four who have a fine sense of timing and were going to submit their turn at the last minute without issues. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
My turn was on time :P Sorry about all that. You are right to write all that - people [myself included] get too lazy when host grants too many extensions.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Sorry, I thought I had submitted my turn before vacation...
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Thanks to the players involved for submitting their turns relatively shortly after the severe scolding I gave them. ;)
Now if only the game would actually host too... Edit: Hurray! after sitting and watching it not hosting for 40 minutes, (and god knows how long before I noticed al turns were in.) forcehosting produced immediat results. I is the most awosme leetness personified. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I've added another 12h at the request of Zeldor, who apparently is struggling with exams this week. He has assured me though that after the next weekend he won't be needing any more extensions for a long, long time...
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I just noticed that for some unknow reason the next hosting was scheduled for thursday at 07.20h GMT. In other words, a whole week after the last host instead of the 72h it should be. I've moved back the timer by 90h, which leaves hosting time at 13.20h GMT tomorrow. (Sunday) Still 6h later than it should have been.
If anyone had noticed by know that hosting time was later, and was counting on the extra days to do their turn, so they can't finish their turn by tomorrow, (Shame on you! ;)) let me know when you can play your turn. I'll also make sure to check the turn tomorrow before it hosts to make sure no one stales because of a mixup. (But try to play the turn if you can. Other players are waiting to get on with the game.) |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (14/24 nations remaining)
Amhazair, I must confess that I got a little confused; I must of misread a post from Llama (or message on LLamaserver?), and thought there was a technical problem. I think I'll be OK to get my turn in on time, but I do have a RL issue, so I'd be grateful if you added 4 hours to the timer (don't want to risk a stale). Thanks, and my apologies for slowing things down.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (14/24 nations remaining)
No problem at all. I'll add 4 hours, and as I said I'll be monitoring the turn so no one stales due to this.
About the Llamaserver: as far as I know Llama sccidentally screwed it up due to updating his own copy of the game to the new (beta) patch, wich generated all kinds of warning messages, but unless I missed anything nothing is actually wrong. (and since the messages are gone I assume everyithing is fine now.) If anyone knows/heard anything else feel free to speak up. I'll take a look around on the forum just in case. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (14/24 nations remaining)
Anyone have heard anything from Zeldor these past few days? (Especially all those players he's been pestering about attacking me ;) ) He staled last turn despite the 12h I added at his request, didn't reply to my PM about it, and now still hasn't submitted a new turn either.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (14/24 nations remaining)
I'm back :) I told you I won't be back till Sunday evening. Check your PMs.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (14/24 nations remaining)
But, anyway, I'm glad nothing is wrong. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (14/24 nations remaining)
Oh well, it was pretty much the same- I barely had time to do anything on the computer. I thought I'd have a bit more free time tbh.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (14/24 nations remaining)
Well, after some discussion it looks like Zeldor doesn't see the point of conintuing and has decided to walk away, so I'll be looking for a sub again. Juuust a little bit of patience again guys, I'm sorry.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (14/24 nations remaining)
Edit: Aargh! And I post this after the game hosts because the delay I had put in for the Llamaserver did not go through for some reason.:banghead
Fomoria turned himself AI in that last turn, but he's too important a player to let that happen, so I'll be asking Llamabeast to roll back the turn, but use everyones already submitted turn to restart it, so no one can change his orders after seeing what his opponent(s) do(es). So wait a bit to play this new turn, you'll receive a new turn file as soon as all this rollback and sub-finding business is done. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (14/24 nations remaining)
Sigh, Bye Bye S5 Tart. Cry.
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