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-   -   "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. In progress, midgame... (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45767)

Squirrelloid July 21st, 2010 04:09 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.
Seriously, Ling is right.

Nostalgia was running turns every 12h for the first like 24 turns, and that was with all of EA Pan (massive maenad spam), LA R, LA E, and a crazy EA Aby that may have been as much micro as the three of those put together. Needing 48h this early is pretty sad, bar extenuating circumstances. Could the laggards pick up the pace a little bit?

Corwin July 21st, 2010 05:54 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.
Personally I am ok with decreasing hosting time for a while, but it is really up to you guys. I haven't been the last one to take turn yet, and usually I do it quickly, within 24 hours or less after hosting.

However I am a bit concerned that if we decrease timer at this point it may pose problem for some people. I like how we have been completely stale-less (with one exception) up until now, despite pretty large map and 13 players.

Like Squierrloid and Ling said - if those players who are often among the last ones to submit their turn could pickup their pace a bit it would be great.

Fortunately we are on the turn 13 already, so as turns taking longer and becoming more complicated, the current 48h hosting will feel better.

DrPraetorious July 22nd, 2010 12:39 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.
I'm in two other major/intense games and do not want hosting time decreased.

I would like to buy Bracers of Protection and/or Hammers. I understand that earth gems are dear, and I do not have any - so I am willing to pay a modest premium in nature, death, blood, gold or diplomatic considerations for these items.

Fakeymcfake July 22nd, 2010 02:48 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.
I'm out folks, Ermor broke my only army and Van is crawling up my backside. I honestly don't really feel like playing out the turns in a game where I barely got started so I'm going AI. So, luck all, and feel free to give either of the above nations a good kicking while they're distracted.

Lingchih July 22nd, 2010 06:32 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.
Nice. Now this pace is much better. Even if we are still on 48 hour, it seems we are getting turns done in a timely manner now. Thanks.

Corwin July 22nd, 2010 07:02 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.

Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 752618)
I'm out folks, Ermor broke my only army and Van is crawling up my backside. I honestly don't really feel like playing out the turns in a game where I barely got started so I'm going AI. So, luck all, and feel free to give either of the above nations a good kicking while they're distracted.

Ouch! Sorry about your tough luck in this game Fakeymcfake.

I wonder if perhaps you could at least play for few more turns? You still have relatively large nation, it's a lot of territory suddenly up for grabs if you go to AI immideatly. You don't have to spend much time on your turns at all, just enough to make your neighboring nations work a little bit before gobbling up your entire territory, as they will instantly do if you go AI, since it can't resist at all. Not to mention you could have the last stand in your castle, should you choose so. Even if you won't be able to recover, it would be much better for the game balance, then to have still pretty large nation suddenly go AI so early in the game.

Of course it's your call Fakeymcfake.

Lingchih July 23rd, 2010 12:57 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.
Hmm. Did you ever sign the Baalz "Good Player Pledge" post, Fakey? Let's see.. oh, it seems you did. And by bowing out, with cap intact, high research, and troops available, it seems you have violated that agreement.

Fakey is banned from any further MP games, then. Lingchih has witnessed. Let others speak their mind.

Fakeymcfake July 23rd, 2010 02:04 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.
Lingchih, seriously? It's turn, what, 12? I'm not leaving the game with a nation that could do anything and I'd rather not bother play out the turns until I'm inevitably defeated. I didn't sneak off in the night, I didn't stop playing suddenly when things could still go my way.

If you want I could post for a sub and delay the game further so that someone else can play out the last half a dozen turns until I'm defeated utterly.

Seriously Ling, take a moment, you'll probably realize that what I've done isn't anything worth getting worked up about.

And Corwin, I considered it but my army is such that even if I went for a last stand it'd be a pathetic one. I was caught with my pants down and I wouldn't be able to stop either Van or Ermor (my only two neighbours) from taking my provinces without any resistance anyhow. It's a serious no-win scenario and not worth playing out, even for the purpose of balance as anything I could do the AI would be able to do anyhow.

Corwin July 23rd, 2010 04:19 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.

Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 752670)
Lingchih, seriously? It's turn, what, 12? I'm not leaving the game with a nation that could do anything and I'd rather not bother play out the turns until I'm inevitably defeated. I didn't sneak off in the night, I didn't stop playing suddenly when things could still go my way.

If you want I could post for a sub and delay the game further so that someone else can play out the last half a dozen turns until I'm defeated utterly.

Seriously Ling, take a moment, you'll probably realize that what I've done isn't anything worth getting worked up about.

And Corwin, I considered it but my army is such that even if I went for a last stand it'd be a pathetic one. I was caught with my pants down and I wouldn't be able to stop either Van or Ermor (my only two neighbours) from taking my provinces without any resistance anyhow. It's a serious no-win scenario and not worth playing out, even for the purpose of balance as anything I could do the AI would be able to do anyhow.

I have to disagree with these arguments Fakeymcfake. Based upon graphs it is clear that you still had a a lot of provinces, some soldiers, a lot of mages, and great reseach. In fact your reseach and number of mages still left are such that you are less then 1 turn behing the top reseach nation in the game! You clearly accumulated some gems, that could be used to do some cheap (with CMB mod) summons. It would be at least 2 more turns before Vanheim would reach your capital, even if they beelined to it and met no resistance. And more turns until they would broke down the walls. Also it will be at least 4-5 turns before your empire will be overrun, even if you would offer no resistance, simply because the size of it. All and all - plenty of time to orginize a decent last stand, if not defence of the realm. Even basic setup of several dozens of firemages raining death on fire-unprotected troops of Vanheim or Ermor, while they are tryign to squeeze though castle gates of your capital? Very nasty.

And of course AI can not be even remotely compared to the human in its efficiency. And it can't make a last stand for the life of it, not in the situation like the one when you have quit. It'll simply waste its resources in piecemeal fashion trying to protect its empire, instead of concentrating and building up its remaining strength during whatever time left, to delay inviders and make them pay for taking your castles, if nothing else.

You are right, your situation was probably hopeless. But Baalz's good player's pledge, as well as the rules of this particular game, displayed on the first page of this thread (*Not* giving up without a fight - meaning of course, fight to the bitter end or at least until very close to it), strongly discourage quiting in such situation.

So personally I can't help but think you have quited way too early. But it's your call of course.

Executor July 23rd, 2010 06:09 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed, uploading pretenders.
The Empire of Abysia is hereby annexed in the name of the one true Pretender Tizhyarshtay.
Our Mighty Empire lays claim to the lands of Abysia, all hostile acts towards this nations are to be stopped, noncompliance will be considered an act of war.

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