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Re: map problem
I've set the llamaserver to use Horst's gmail account, so that's all sorted. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
Re: map problem
Okay guys, I can confirm that there definitely is a problem with some e-mails not getting through to the LlamaServer, apparently at random. This is really unfortunate timing - it's never happened before, and also I'm on holiday this weekend so can't spend much time following it up (or my girlfriend may stop speaking to me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif).
So anyway, really sorry for any difficulties in sending pretenders in, and hopefully it'll be back to smooth running soon! |
Re: map problem
No problem Llama.
We can wait until your holiday is over! |
Re: map problem
Well I've briefly spoken to the e-mail service providers, and they say the machine was a bit busy doing a huge backup over the weekend, which might possibly explain its dodgy behaviour. Maybe, maybe not.
Anyway, Arcos and R'lyeh should try sending their pretenders in again, and see if it works. I've also made it so that the llamaserver addresses automatically forward the e-mails to me as well, so that I can fix things manually if need be. Sorry for the chaos guys! |
Re: map problem
Aargh, the website is intermittently down too! I've worked out that it's the people who I bought www.llamaserver.net off who are screwing up, which is why both the website is going wrong and some e-mails not arriving. I guess they're having problems and there's no-one to fix them because of the bank holiday weekend (um, that's a public holiday, don't know if you have bank holidays elsewhere).
So sorry guys, it seems to be a cursed weekend. I'll make sure order is swiftly restored when I get back (Monday night/Tuesday morning). |
Re: map problem
Well the game has started!
Good luck everyone! |
Re: map problem
Ok...total noob question but...how exactly do I play PBEM? This is my first one. Sorry guys...
Re: map problem
You create a folder named "EpicHeroes" inside your savedgames folder. Then you download the file that was emailed to you into that directory. Then you fire up dominions, and use play existing game, you should have an entry named EpicHeroes. You do your turn normally, and press endturn. Close dominions, and look into the epicheroes folder again, and there should be mid_*.2h file in there. Email that file back to llamaserver.
It takes a long time to explain but is actually quite easy. |
Re: map problem
You do not mail it back to his pretenders address, but the turn address.
Once you do a turn or 2 you will see that this method of play is easier than most. By the way, WHO STOLE MY STARTING SPOTS ON THE FAR WEST SIDE! Jeezum, after setting up the map you would think the least i would get is a decent starting spot near a border(: I think Llama "fixed" it so i got the worst starting spot on the map. |
Re: map problem
Thanks Llama for hosting this game, and putting all that work into the server. But I am curious as to why you just done host as IP host game. Isn't that easier.
This Epic hero thing sounds like fun. I first I wasn't excited about it, because starting off with a set hero (as apposed to a random one) sounded boring. But then once I started setting up my pretender things got fun. You actually end up desigbing your entire pretender around your epic hero. By the way, I thought at first that the Machaka Immortal Assasin was overpowered, until I took at the Mictlan Jaguar Warrior spawning hero. Now my assasin is scared and is hiding under a rock somewhere. |
Re: map problem
One of the complaints many had about Machaka MA was they were tough late, but vulnerable early. The assassin is pretty good insurance against an early attack in your own dominion.
Mictlan's Epic hero is overpowered by design, because they are a terrible race. Did you notice even with an overpowered epic hero no one played them? |
Re: map problem
We all got a message on the 1st turn that Man has cheated. Do you have any explanation as to why this occurred? |
Re: map problem
It is worth noting that the message said that his God has been reduced in power. Is it possible Man created his pretender with a mod on accident? Maybe the Conceptional Balance mod?
Man set to AI.
Yes, exactly, i forgot to turn off the Comceptual Balance Mod.
Sorry for messing this up, i was thinking tat conceptual balance mod is in the game (it was discussed in the first posts) and i forgot to read exactly before game start. I set my god to AI control. As i took good scales and few magic i hope the AI will play him not too bad. My god was a designed as an Lord of War with E5, after the cheating message he was transformed into Master of Magic (red wizard on white horse) with no magic skill at all but old age problems instead. Please consider me sloppy/stupid instead of a cheater. |
Re: Man set to AI.
If it is possible, why don't we restart the game and let Horst upload a new pretender? We are only on turn 1. It would be a shame for him to miss out on this game because of a simple mistake.
Re: Man set to AI.
Man sent me a PM informing me that he went AI.
Re: Man set to AI.
We can restart the game very easily. It might be an idea to do that, it seems a shame to lose Horst. Unfortunate side effect: players will have to resubmit their pretenders. I've just upgraded my backup system so that in future you wouldn't have to do that. Boy this is a learning experience.
Xietor - let me know if you want to restart or carry on. |
Re: map problem
Darrel: There's quite a few advantages to having the LlamaServer PBEM in fact. At least, these are why I decided to have a go at designing it. Obviously there are advantages to network games as well, though.
- It has essentially unlimited capacity. This hasn't come into play yet, but it will be able to have tens of games running on it. - It's possible to arrange it so that the games can be controlled via the website. No more running home to postpone hosting on the server. - Other people can be set as admins for games on the website. Xietor can now postpone turns etc without me getting involved (see the admin options on the website). This will be great when there are more games running. - It's more robust and reliable (*cough cough*). Okay, it should be. It can't crash and so on. Version upgrades should be much cleaner. Unfortunately this weekend hasn't done a very good job of demonstrating the last point. The fact that everything went pear-shaped on the same weekend as a new game started, and I was away on holiday was quite unfortunate. Sorry again guys for the mayhem. |
Re: map problem
Now, about the unreliability issue: It definitely seems to be because of the domain-name-registering people. I'm hoping it's fixed now, and won't happen again - it's never happened before. But please please do let me know if one of your turns ever fails to get through again. If that happens then I think I will have to change company, because it's quite crucial that its reliable.
Hopefully the website will come back up tomorrow. Today was a public holiday in the UK so I guess they haven't gotten around to fixing it yet. |
Re: map problem
Horst, would you not consider playing with your dud archmage? There's no reason to set yourself AI/restart the game if you can bear losing your Lord of War.
I'm going for the most-consecutive-posts prize. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: map problem
You won the prize.
Thank you for the nice words everyone, i felt very stupid after reading the cheat message. I sent the turn again by email, this time letting my old age no-magic wizard under human control. |
Re: map problem
I did not realize the game gave you a new pretender(: I thought it would just adjust the one you had. We can do a restart, unless someone has an objection. And you can pm me privately if you do not want a restart. If even 1 person objects, we will not be able to restart, since players with far west starting spots have a chance to lose those. |
Re: map problem
I have no objection a restart, we've just started in any case. I can understand some people may not want to lose their current starting positions, though.
Re: map problem
I don't mind a restart even though I am far west.
Re: map problem
I think we should restart. It won't be as much fun defeating Man this way.
Re: map problem
I have no objections either way.
Re: map problem
Okay, I've now completely changed the setup for the llamaserver to entirely bypass the stupid company (123-reg.co.uk, in case anyone's interested). Apparently this will take 1-3 days to come fully into effect, but once that's done we'll hopefully be back to full reliability. Of course we might well be back to full reliability already, if they've fixed their problems - there's no way of knowing.
Re: map problem
let's go ahead and restart. It will let people have a rare 2nd chance to reflect on their choice of pretenders.
I see from the hall of fame the good dr. attacked blindly with his overpowered epic hero on the 1st turn! And that with the indies on 6. Perhaps we can should raise them to 7? Keep that up my good Dr. and you will prove Turin correct! |
Re: map problem
Done! Everyone should resubmit their pretenders ASAP.
Let me know if you want to change the indies. |
Re: map problem
That was my dominion-9 wyrm. The epic hero just shot fire flies at people.
If we restart can I move the magic picks on my epic hero around? I know turin thought he was way to powerful but with this set of magic he's exactly incapable of doing anything. |
Re: map problem
C'tis resubmitted.
Re: map problem
I am not sure I have my pretender on this PC. I may have to wait until later today
before I can resubmit. A shame, really, as I loved my starting position. |
Re: map problem
Anyone can change pretenders or even races. This is a free reroll! However, if you change races, the 1st to post on this thread gets the new race. So if 2 people want to switch to Ermor, the 1st to post here wins. You cannot switch to a water race, as the map will accomadate only 2 water races. |
Re: map problem
For anyone not following the thread-we are starting over to allow Man a chance at redemption. Please resubmit your pretenders if you have not. |
Re: map problem
I am having issues uploading my pretender. Can someone PM me the correct email address? Thanks.
Re: map problem
foodstamp got his information.
Re: map problem
And you got your money. We are square.
Re: map problem
I just played a bit with Machaka on the map, and the immortal assassin is pretty fun. It would not be a real smart idea to send your sc pretender romping through machaka's dominion early in the game.
Re: map problem
Ssshhh. Don't warn them.
(and yes, that Assassin is fun.) |
Re: map problem
It looks like we are waiting for(drum roll):
Man-you should be the first to turn your pretender in! 30 lashes with a wet noodle! Arcos-I hope you are not mad over losing a spot on the west wall. Agartha-Second thoughts on the race? It starts slow, but has great summons. |
Re: map problem
just to make this clear:
i turn off ALL mods when designing the pretender ? |
Re: map problem
oops sorry for the delay! I've sent my pretender already.
Horst, you need the EpicHeroes Mod, the WorthyHeroes 1.7 mod, and the Bless Hotfix mod turned on. Be sure other mods like the CB mod are off. |
Re: map problem
Okay, I'll resubmit pretender soonish...just got in from work.
Any doubts about llamaserver should be quashed, I have been playing in the original "Alpaca game" and found the server to be excellent last few days excluded. |
Re: map problem
I'm mortified to discover that llamaserver.net now has popups! Euck! I'm really let down, the company I just started using (zoneedit.com) doesn't mention that anywhere. I tell you, trying to get this sorted has been like wading through internet evil, so many companies appearing to be nice then trying to screw you over. Anyway, I'll get it sorted ASAP, and sorry for the popups.
Hopefully my technical ramblings will cease shortly! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: map problem
I caught an error when play testing today. The Epic hero for arcos. has a grand elephant dominion summon, that summons a tough elephant. Despite giving them an elephants hps, they only have a size of 2.
So they do not trample, but they have 2 attacks, and are tough nonetheless. Regardless, we will just have to tough it out this game. Unsure whether this helps or hurts arcos, but it is an error, and the next version will have them as siza 6. |
Re: map problem
The game hasn't started yet, so there is still time to fix it. Actually as long as the eversion name is the exact same we could upload a new version in the middle of the game, and everything will work. (as long as we all update the mod.)
Re: map problem
If we're fixing stuff, could Li Bo lose the earth magic, 2 of the nature, and get +1 to the rest of his paths?
Re: map problem
if he loses the 2e and 2n, i may give him his wings back, as he could not do rain of stones. let me look at him.
i made a few other changes to descr. of various heroes, and fixed some minor issues, but i have not kept a record of the changes. There have been no major changes though. |
Re: map problem
Apparently you cannot fix a mod after the game has started, as it has caused some serious issues with the Alpaca game when Llama tried.
I will see about a hot fix on the server side that only changes the summoned elephants size to 6. Good news Dr. P! In 1.4 you have your wings back and lost the 2e 2n but gained +1 in the other existing paths(2f 4a etc). Your hero remains h3 however. your hps were also lowered to 10, a slight tweak to reflect your new air raid capabilities, and your strength was lowered from 14 to 12. in reality it should be 8 as you are a poet! Your hero is now significantly tougher than abysia's flying immortal, so i am open to ideas how to adjust abysia's hero, or to reasons why tien chi's flying immortal should be greatly superior to abysia's flying immortal. |
Re: map problem
You can't change his magic after the game has started - I know that. Otherwise I wasn't aware that changing a mod mid-game caused problems but it wouldn't surprise me!
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