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DrPraetorious June 30th, 2007 10:43 AM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
As the other major air power, I state officially: I do not even know where you are, and certainly have not been firing arrows at you.

Xietor June 30th, 2007 11:57 AM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
The backstab ability of the Machaka Assassin is no fluke, but a carefully devised simulation of a true backstab ability.

Skilled assassins have historically been given a backstab to start a battle. Since that ability is not capable of modding, I gave the assassin a ranged attack with 1 ammo to simulate the backstab ability of an assassin.

Machaka's assassin is armed with bane blades that cause decay, thus his "backstab' ability also has decay, as the 1 shot ranged attack is designed to be the equivalent of an attack with his daggar.

Dragonninjaakira June 30th, 2007 05:27 PM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
I did not make my epic hero (c'tis) a prophet.

Xietor June 30th, 2007 05:59 PM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
I was not asking for public disclosure http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

That was why i requested just sending Llamabeast a pm. But since you did, I will also to be fair:

My hero is not a prophet either. But there is no need for anyone else to make a public disclosure.

Xietor June 30th, 2007 07:10 PM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
My limited admin. powers do not allow me to set anyone to AI.
Maybe Foodstamp can do a turn and set himself to Ai, or maybe Llamabeast can do it.

When Foodstamp is gone, I would like to set the turns back to 24 hours if no one objects.

Tuidjy July 1st, 2007 03:07 AM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
I do not object to 24 hours during the week, but on the weekend it's a pain.

jutetrea July 1st, 2007 03:10 AM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
ha, exact opposite here. Weekends are easy (would love to find a game where a bunch could sit for 4 hours or so and just bang out turns... at least till the baby comes). Weekdays are tougher, that whole work thing gets in the way.

Is there a 36 hour quickhost setting?

Xietor July 1st, 2007 11:57 AM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
It seems like some may still favor the 48 hour setting. Let us just leave it on 48 hours, and it will quick host if everyone gets their turns done earlier.

That way we can get the best of all worlds, a lot of time to do your turn, but a quicker host if everyone happens to be able to find the time to do them earlier!

* I did not try and find a sub for Vanheim, because his scales are not ones I personally would want, and his demise is fairly certain, as my pathetic armies are 2 turns from his capital. And Vanheim's decision to declare war on 2 nations(albeit weak ones) has taken a toll.

llamabeast July 1st, 2007 07:23 PM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
I set Vanheim to AI. Soon this will be possible in a long-winded way via the admin options (change nation's address to your address, resend their turn and set them to AI), when I get round to adding the 'change address' function.

Xietor July 1st, 2007 09:49 PM

Re: If we only catch you, buddy!
The option outlined above is not an ideal one if the admin is also a player in the game.

Though I am sure Llamabeast hates to babysit games, he may have to continue doing it unless a way can be devised of doing it without the admin seeing the player's nation while setting it to ai.

It is subject to potential abuse. The admin. could send himself all of the players items, gems, gold etc. While I personally would take no satisfaction in a win achieved by cheating, others may.

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