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Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Not sure what bogus orders are but if you are trying to imply that i'm cheating or something I would be more than happy to submit my last couple turns to the GM as an independent party to check since he's nowhere near either of our nations. Otherwise I plan to continue making Abysia's likely eventual victory as miserable and Pyrrhic as possible :P so if anyone wants a piece of them they have already suffered greatly in our cold giant hands!
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Showing turns to one of major powers would be pretty bad idea :) Some neutral vet, if this case really needs that.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I think if the jarls in question cast any buff before flying in, it's not bogus orders. I believe the jarls bless themselves before coming in? (Bogus order has to be copied in its entirety, so any buffing would show it's not bogus)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
No, I'm not saying you're cheating, I just wouldn't mind someone expaining to me why your Jarls are breaking battlefield rules... sigh
Are they set to attack large, or rearmost? In any case I can't explain why they ignore PD troops and summons and go straight for the mages. It's a bit frustrating you know, they should all be dead by now. :p |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Hi all. I am back online. I have asked host for emails to be sent to me again. Diplomacy for Helheim should again be sent to me. I may be a bit slow in response as I get caught up with turns and get moved in.
A big thanks to Valerius for helping me out. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Now Bogus and (some of?) his companions still have those orders available, and thus, if anyone charms them, they can use them. Not so bad in itself, (though there's even some discusion about this) were it not that these orders can then by virtue of the copy/paste command be given to all your other commanders too. This is generally frowned upon in polite circles. (Hah! understatement again.) Executor apparently seems to be somewhat puzzled as to why your Jarls managed to allways target his mages, and thought this could be a possible explanation. Quote:
First off, to clarify my own stance on the Bogus orders: Personally I believe using them for the companions themselves is fine, but copying them over to other units is indeed a shameful exploit of unintended loopholes in the game code, and as such reserved for the lowest forms of life imaginable, such as, for example, cockroaches, or maybe the French*. It is, in fact, one of the very few possible exploits I would be this unambiguous about. Having said that, I didn't specify any rules of behaviour in my opening post, so I don't feel I can rightly force anyone to not use those orders upon penalty of banning them from the game or something. (Personally I'm quite easygoing on these matters, liking to keep them between a man and his own conscience, and just dealing if an opponent were to have a looser conscience than mine. First time organizing a game though, so I might change my mind for the next.) If anyone were using those orders though, I would kindly ask them to refrain from doing so again, and if they persisted I might be tempted to organise a big crusade against them to punish them for their reprehensible actions. :) After all of the above, and now knowing exactly what Bogus' orders are, a simple question for Inindo: Are you, indeed, using those orders for your Jarls. (Possibly not knowing they were frowned upon?) And Executor: are you willing to take Inindo's word for it and accept that the more likely cause of your troubles is the well-documented, hopelessly incompetent, battlefield placement of your mages, that makes it, in fact, pretty much unavoidable for anyone to attack anyone that's not a mage?** If not, Inindo has already offered to let a 3rd party check his turns. I do agree it's not a good idea for myself to look at them, but undoubtedly I can easily find someone not in the game willing to do so to take away any possible traces of doubt. * Fake Edit: Ahum... seems I got too carried away by my fabulous Britishness. I hereby want to make clear that I do not hold any grudges agains France, the French in general, any particular French person, or even any French cockroaches. I hereby humbly appologize for any hurt feelings my feeble attempts at humour may have caused, and will try to prevent any repeat of such. I also want to stress that cataloguing the French in this way doesn not grant them the automatic freedom to utilise Bogus' orders at will. ** Having, as far as I can remember, never been in the same game as Executor before, nor having witnessed any of the battles in this one, I have in fact no first hand knowledge of his battlefield-placement skills. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I really have no idea on how to best deal with that at first sight. I think I'll have to go and buy myself a drawing board or something. But barring the lucky find of a magical drawing board I think you can be pretty confident about holding on to your capital at least one more turn. :( |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I think they are banned on all llamaserver games. Anyway, I made a list of banned "tactics" some time ago, which included Bogus orders. And that list is quite common nowadays. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Ahh I see. Well, to clarify then, no i'm mot using bogus orders, haven't seven seen him this game anyways. I am using regular orders the first of which is a bless/buff which Abysia can surely confirm from probably every battle that we've had so far from every flying jarl raider. If you like, after I am dead I can tell you exactly what different orders I've been using.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Well I don't consider myself incompetent and have heard about battlefield troops placement before sooo I think I'll accredit this to very Very bad luck so far, as I can't find a reasonable explanation for this, no matter.
I just had to ask, I apologize if I offended you Inindo, not my intension. C'tis, you back stabbing son of a lizard. |
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