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Rytek October 21st, 2010 08:33 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
The silver tounged diplomats of Formoria have convinced Ulm to attack Helheim. Sigh.

In any case, Ulm needs some serious military advisors. His army is so horrible it makes me want to cry.

Here is an example:

2 banes on the back rank set to hold X3 attack. They have elemental armor, charoal shields, Shadowbrands, boots of... stone and wait for it, crystal matrix and lucky pendant....

In front of these 2 gems are a bunch of national fodder and some elephants set to attack, along with a few mages buffing with legions of steel.

The army has 1 province to retreat to.

Zeldor October 21st, 2010 11:50 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Attacking me is never really a good business :)

People are just starting to realise that you are doing everything to help Ermor win this game. Sure, you may say that you want some challenge instead of winning the game. But it's hard to blame other players in the game that they think that your death will give them much better chances of enjoying the game even longer.

Rytek October 22nd, 2010 11:34 AM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 761053)

People are just starting to realise that you are doing everything to help Ermor win this game.

The silver tounge of Formoria's ambassadors may convince others of this. I will point out the flaws in that argument.
1)Helheim has NO border with Ermor.
2)Helheim is not aiding Ermor in their war against Pangea in any way.
3)The war between Helheim and Formoria have nothing to do with Ermor in any way as Formoria was not attacking Ermor. Formoria was far too busy ganging up on Arcos.
4)As far as trade partners go, Ermor ranks last in the number of trades Helheim has done with them as compared to others with at least 3 other nations on that list.

Where does the argument: "Ermor is getting too powerfull and is winning the game, lets attack Helheim!!" Make ANY sense but to the Diplomats of Formoria?

Here is what makes sense to me: Formoria has 3 globals, an amazing density of Castles, Elemental royalty including Air and Fire, powerfull Artifacts including Aegis (well, to be fair, not any more), recruitable SC (Helheim has good thugs no doubt but at 15 HP Venhearses and Hangdrotts hardly qualify as SC) and finally, Helheim has borders with Formoria, NOT Ermor.

As to my other neighbors. Diplomacy went much smoother with them.

Helheim to Mictlin :hi there want NAP3?
Mictlin to Hellheim: OK.
Game long peace since. Even a bit of cooperation against Yomi.

Helheim to Marverni : sorry for killing your expansion group at XYZ province. whould you like NAP3?
Marverni to Helheim, Np on killing my group, ok on Nap3.
Later on deal made for (then still neutral)Calimport province which I posted about earlier. As Marverni correctly guessed we were about to attack at same time again.
game long peace since.

Helheim to Formoria: Hi, seems we are neighbors now. Want Nap3?
Formoria to Helheim: We can work out a deal where you give me 6 provinces to secure our borders and we can have game long peace.

me: huh? give him 6 provinces for peace, aint happening:

Helheim to Formoria: negative on me giving you land for peace, how about we leave things the way they are?(Actually, come to think about it, I did offer him 3 provinces)

Formoria to Helheim: unacceptable.
And that is the exact word Formoria's diplomats used. Unacceptable.

So, now Helheim renews its offer of peace in open: Formia cede's to Helheim the 3 provinces I counter offered after our first attack and I will offer Nap3. And again I say "how does it feel to have provinces demanded for peace"?

Executor October 22nd, 2010 01:18 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Diplomacy, and by diplomacy I mean manipulation are a part of Dominions as much as anything else, so anyone who gave or wanted to give lands to Fomoria or anyone else for that matter did so willingly, and there for empowered *that* specific nation to such a position.

If you dislike how some nations rose to power, well, play no diplo games so you won't be bullied, cheated, back stabbed, ganked or pissed how someone stole the game, otherwise play with the hand you've been dealt.
This isn't directed to anyone in specific, I'm just talking generally, this game and others.

And seriously, how can any of you complain about the winning nations?
The winning nation Are in such a position because they lack opposition, opposition = rest of you, and that's the bottom line.

Numahr October 22nd, 2010 01:26 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
For the Freedom of War

"Right to wage war on neighbors is a fundamental right. No war, which does not violate any diplomatic agreement, should ever be qualified of being "wrong" or "unjust"; and a Nation waging war should not be accused of doing any evil, beside the simple and brutal act of war, conquest and annihilation. Each Pretender and Nation is responsible for its own fate and has the fundamental right to initiate the wars it desires, for the reasons it sees fit, without being judged for that or having to justify publicly for this choice. The only limitation to the Right of War shall be mutually consented and formally expressed diplomatic agreements."

So, my friends, let us be harmonious and respectful enemies :)

Zeldor October 22nd, 2010 02:34 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)

Sure, I made an offer to PURCHASE some provinces from you, which you didn't even own at 100%. What's wrong with that?

I never demanded anything from you. You are the one that manipulated facts. You promised to make me a counter-offer that would be acceptable for you. You call "let's have no NAP at all, so I can attack you any turn, probably when you fight someone else" an acceptable one?

You abused your temp sub, you abused your moving time just to gain some time. You planned an attack on me from the beginning, since you won with Yomi. You never intented to sign NAP, your ignoring of most of my messages made it quite obvious. And really, citing divorce and using it just to get some time to prepare attack in computer game? Rather low...

So fact are quite clear:
- Fomoria never demanded any provinces from Helheim
- every message from Fomoria to Helheim is about seeking peace
- Fomoria offered long-term peace, so there won't be any unnecessary bloodshed, that would just make game easier for other powers
- Helheim was inclined to go to war from the beginning
- Helheim convinced Ermor to back them up, I wonder what was the price
- and it's quite obvious Ermor is gaining the most out of it

You know you are not going to win this war. I'm not a noob like Yomi who will just collapse :) And yes, I will use my diplomacy, as you have to be stopped, so there is a chance of stopping Ermor later.

But if you say I tell lies and that my arguments are moot and you don't want Ermor to win... well, I hold no grudges, so I can give you a peace. Assuming you prefer to be alive and with some chances at the game. And I get the strange feeling that you will rather make Ermor win that admit that attacking me was a mistake :)

Amhazair October 22nd, 2010 03:23 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Whoahah! Some heated arguments developed while I was out drinking with some nice coleagues after work. (6 friendly girls and one gay guy, so more or less the best possible company. :) ) Don't feel like processing the information now though, so all have fun spinning up the spin, I'll reply to any diplomatic messages I might have received tomorrow. And don't forget to kiss and make up after the game, right. ;)

Edit: Cause I have to prove I didn't drink too much by (hopefully) spelling correctly in a foreign lenguage.

Executor October 22nd, 2010 04:59 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)

Originally Posted by Amhazair (Post 761100)
Whoahah! Some heated arguments developed while I was out drinking with some nice coleagues after work. (6 friendly girls and one gay guy, so more or less the best possible company. :)

Show off :)

Amhazair October 22nd, 2010 05:50 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 761103)

Originally Posted by Amhazair (Post 761100)
Whoahah! Some heated arguments developed while I was out drinking with some nice coleagues after work. (6 friendly girls and one gay guy, so more or less the best possible company. :)

Show off :)

Yeah, well. Still sitting at home alone tonight though, so not showing off that well I'm afraid. :) G'night all, time for bed.

October 23rd, 2010 03:54 AM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I still don't quite understand why I'm percieved as the biggest threat in the game (or even the biggest nation) right now...

From what I can see of Maverni alone, his empire spans from the Southwest edge of the world at 112, to where he's kicking the hell out of lanka in the vicinity of 165. Now, unless he has the thinnest empire in the history of Dominions, he must have a lot of teritory in between and to the South of those two pronvinces: that's a big empire!

Maverni, no offense, I'm just trying to deflect so much flak that I've been getting by stating the facts as I see them. You or whoever is welcome to present an analysis of how big my empire is (not small, I admit) but I just want people to acknowledge the facts instead of falling for all of this vague speculation.

As for the he-said/he-said that's going on, let's just keep in mind that in every war we have had the same dynamic: everyone claims their enemy is an agressor or threat in some way. :)

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