![]() |
Re: Update game status
It accepted my Abysia Pretender. I had made the map for 12 players, and I am rather busy today sanding and painting. If anyone has some spare time, if they see a viable 13th starting spot on the map let me know. There is a spot on the far right side, in amongst the water races, but for any race other than Argatha that would be a death sentence from dominion I think. |
Re: Update game status
Dedas sent me a PM confirming he is not playing, so go ahead and send in your pretender for Mictlan.
Re: Update game status
Let's make this the last restart, shall we?
If any of the current generation of heroes is unstoppable, we'll find out shortly. |
Re: Update game status
Okay guys. All the pretenders are in. Do we think anyone else is likely to want to replace their pretenders now? Am I good to do the restart whenever I get a chance?
Re: Update game status
If you could wait an hour so I could quickly test my pretender that'd be cool but not necessary http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Update game status
Sure, there's no rush at all as far as I'm concerned.
Re: Update game status
K, i'm good... MA Mict really isn't that great a nation.. even with an uber hero. I just see a big early increase then..nothing. Even blessed jags don't look that exciting against massed quality troops/summons. Magic is relatively limited, bootstrapping into blood is a pain. I think it'll be great fun for the first 30ish turns, then turn depressing real quick http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I'm already imagining my futile mid-late game defense!
Just kidding, looking forward to it. I rarely (never) play a bless worthy nation so this should be educating. |
Re: Update game status
I am actually considering a new race as well. Abysia is certainly powerful, but i am just not a blood kind of guy.
Re: Update game status
do not feel bad Jut, I think I am going to try Shin. So we may go out early together.
In my alpaca game a decent mp had shin and he did not last long against arcos-coincidentally the same player playing arcos in this game. /cringe |
Re: All Pretenders are in
Is anyone not ready to start? There will be no more restarts.
If something is unbalanced, you will have to use your uber skills to overcome it-or not. To be quite honest, I have never seen Shin.'s national summons and have no clue if they are good or not. I did observe that with my pretender and starting mages i do not have magic paths to summon some of them anyway. But if I am being denied my 2 favorite races(Man and Pangaea), I might as well play something new. So into the breach we go....... If you take misfortune 3 and have bogus siege your castle on turn 2, i am not going to have any sympathy. No more restarts! |
Re: All Pretenders are in
*knocks on wood*
Re: All Pretenders are in
Okay, started! (hopefully)
Re: All Pretenders are in
Yay! We have started again. Good luck everyone!
Re: All Pretenders are in
One final note, extensions must be asked for. I will not delay the game because one person forgot to do his turn. But if you ask for a 24 hour extension, as long as it is not done too often, I will oblige you.
If you need more than a 24 hour extension, it will not be granted. In the event you are out of town, etc, I am almost certain Llamabeast or Gandalf would do your turn for a couple of days while you were indisposed. Apparently(i was just told today by llama), I do have limited control over the game. So I will be the person from which you need to request additional time to do your turn. Rest assured, my limited control did not include selecting starting positions or seeing anyone's turns. It will take getting used to not having flying scouts(: I miss Pangaea already. |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
argh, I think I missed hosting by 4 minutes!
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Quick question: Is there a way to get the server to REsend a
turn to my e-mail address? I incorporated the file on my home PC, without realizing that I will not go back to it during the weekend. |
Possible delay....
Just a heads up that I may not be able to get my turns in on time in the next few days...
We just had like the 50 year storm in Newcastle, Australia.....power was knocked out for 18 hours...It's only just come back...but no guarentees as another big front is about to hit. Would it be possible to set the turn timer to 48 hrs? |
Re: Possible delay....
I changed the host schedule to 48 hours. Having lived through katrina myself in New Orleans, I am sympathetic to Mother Nature. But unlike me during Katrina, you somehow still have internet access. So I am hoping you are in a bit better shape.
Anyway, our thought are with you. If you are still having troubles on Monday, I will ask that you have LLamabeast do a few turns for you, or someone else you trust. But I know Llamabeast is out of touch on the weekends as he is with his girl. I will try and get the server to resend a turn to pythium. We are on new ground with me trying to be admin. as i have never fooled with the options. |
Re: Possible delay....
According to Llamaserver, I was able to resend a turn to pythium.
The server is still on quickhost, though the timer is 48 hours. I would appreciate everyone doing their turns in 24 if that is possible. On Monday, the timer will be reset to 24. I am comfortable putting it back on 24 on Monday as Llamabeast most likely can stand in a few turns for Arcos. starting Monday. |
Re: Possible delay....
Small problem... When I opened my army set up an error message popped up saying that it could not open the Flytrap1.tga file. Help? I really don't want to stale again.
Re: Possible delay....
It is set on 48 hour host, I am not sure why it hosted in 24 hours. But I actually set it to 48 hours for Arcos. I was unaware you had issues. I have no clue about anything technical. What I will do is shut off force host so it will not do another turn until llama can talk you through the problem. Sorry(: |
Re: Possible delay....
I turned off the force host. We will hold up on turns until llama or someone with technical know how gets you straightened out. It was set on 48 hours, but hosted in 24. So I will need to ask llama about that as well.
Sorry you had a stale turn. Hopefully your neighbors will not take advantage of you! |
Re: Possible delay....
I'm C'tis's neighbor. I took an indy province and bumped right next to your capital. I won't take advantage and will move my troops away.
Re: Possible delay....
Ok I just set up a random game with ctis, and clicked through a bunch of turns and the summoned monster that uses the flytrap tga appeared with no problems.
That is your dom20 summon guy with all the tentacles. What operating system are you using? |
Re: Possible delay....
I think I have discovered the problem!
That sprite was borrowed from Amos, and he uses a capital "f" in flytrap. Someusers that use linux cannot use mods that have capital letters. I will have to see how to fix this with llama on monday. I have corrected the problem on my version of 1.4. We may have to have llamabeast correct it on his server's version as well. And maybe everyone will have to change the files, which takes 1 min, or if they have no idea how, may have to download a new 1,4 version of the mod that uncapitalized the word flytrap in both tga files, then in 2 spots in the mod itself. A dollar to a doughnut you use linux. I implore whatever nation(s) that are next to ctis to not take advantage of him. The stale turn was a conflict between his operating system and the mod-which is not his fault(or mine either). Beating up on a nation at had an early stale turn should give no one any satisfaction. |
Re: Possible delay....
I'm using windows but this message has popped up before with a lot of other nations with epic heroes. For example I cannot play a game as Agartha because as soon as it starts it gives me that error only the Argathan epichero file instead of flytrap. Certain nations work fine IE C'tis until this turn. And during my practice games I never got that hero so I also never ran across a problem...
Re: Possible delay....
Endoperez made the Agartha hero. let me check it out. Actually most of the names and all the weapons are capitalized.
We will need the input of Dr. P, or Llama to straighten this out. I have never had any issues with the mod. So if you have windows, i have no idea what is up. |
Re: Possible delay....
Hi guys, just quickly passing by.
Firstly, if you make any changes just involving graphics files and their names, I won't have to change anything on the LlamaServer. Secondly, you guys are the first guinea pigs for using the admin options on the website. So perhaps things aren't as clear as they might be (when I have done things myself they seem obvious, of course, so it can be hard to be sure how clear they are). 1 - Turning off quickhost doesn't stop the game hosting. Quickhost just means that the game will host when all the turns are in. If you turn quickhost off it will just wait till the 24 (or 48) hours are up, regardless of whether all the turns are in, then host. Perhaps I should add an explanation of this. 2 - At the moment, when you change the hosting interval from 24 to 48 hours, it _doesn't_ change the _next_ hosting time. But subsequent intervals will be 48 hours. I thought this made sense, but I just explained it to my girlfriend and she said it didn't, or at least wasn't at all obvious. Fair point, I think. So I will change that, or at least add an explanation - I'm sorry it lead to someone staling. Hope that all makes sense. Good luck in sorting out the EpicHeroes graphics issue. |
Re: Possible delay....
Then again, I think I remember faintly that Windows automatically uppercases the initial letter and lowercases the rest if you view them in Windows Explorer, since FAT and NTFS is not case-sensitive and it just looks nicer that way or some other bogus reason to put obstacles in your way. So you need to turn off some option in your folder preferences to make Windows Explorer display the real file name, or sth. |
Re: Possible delay....
I have discovered a fairly significant bug with Worthy Heroes
1.7 play testing Ctis. The Hydra Hero, I assume erroneously, has a very strong dominion summon of heavy cavalry units. And by heavy, I mean 5 or more show up a turn. Obviously this will be a big boon in our game to either ctis or pythium if the hydra hero appears. Of course if either of those 2 races took mis3-they do not have to worry about getting the overpowered hydra hero. So I guess our game is serving not only as a test for Epic Heroes Mod, but the newly released Worthy Heroes 1.7 as well. |
Re: Possible delay....
Gandalf has said this concerning the problem with a windows user:
The quirk with windows is that it might have problems with paths that have spaces in it or are longer than 8 characters. In older windows what WinXP handles as "C:\program files\" the olders ones want "C:\progra~1" (6 chracters and a ~x for the numbered occurance of those 6 characters). Dragon, do you have windows xp? Or an older version? |
Re: Possible delay....
That is not depending on your windows version, but on the file system that you are using. FAT and FAT32 have those abbreviated things as compatibility mode (since you are backwards compatible to MS-DOS 2.0 or something, lawl), NTFS may have the compatibility thing or it may not. Maybe not.
Re: Possible delay....
Dragon - being as you get similar errors for lots of the units in Epic Heroes, I reckon I know what your problem is. It's nothing to do with the way the files are named (unless you have a very unusual setup, or Windows 98 or something), but I reckon you don't have the Epic Heroes graphics in the right place.
Within your mods folder you should have a folder called 'ehspr' with lots of .tga files in. I suspect you don't. If that's the case, then open the Epic Heroes mod zip again, and make sure you extracted all the files, and put them into the correct folders. If you do have an 'ehspr' folder, then perhaps some of the files are missing. Check you have 'flytrap.tga' for instance. If you do have an ehspr folder, and it is in the right place (dominions3\mods\ehspr) and it has all the relevant files in it, then I am a bit stumped. One final thing to check in that case - make sure the Epic Heroes mod file itself ('Epic Heroes.dm' or something like that) is in dominions3\mods, and not in the ehspr folder. Hope that helps! |
Re: Possible delay....
It may also be in a folder within a folder. The first time I extracted it, I think it made an "ehspr" folder within another "ehspr" folder where all the files are.
Re: Possible delay....
can someone make a screen shot of how the 3 folders should look properly installed?
There are 3 files that have to be drug manually out the yellow folder that is named Epic heroes 1.4. You can just drag them to your desk top if you want, then delete the now empty yellow folder called Epic heroes 1.4. Then drag the 3 files into your mod folder and you are done! The only 3 files that should be in your mod folder are: 1. A white dm file called: Epic Heroes Mod 2. A text file called :Epic Heroes Mod-read me(which has nothing to do with how the mod works). 3. A yellow folder named: ehspr None of these folders should be inside another folder. They should be visible to you as you view your mod directory. |
Re: Possible delay....
Llama could be a genius. Quick thinking Llama!
Re: Possible delay....
About the heavy cavalry hero... no worries for Pythium. I looked at
my heroes and decided that if I wanted a fair test of Pyhtium in Dom III, I better go without. :-) So I do have misforture 3. I am trying to play Pythium as if I did not have a hero UNTIL I start fighting a player with one. For now, my angel is casting smite and banishment, and that's it. |
Re: Possible delay....
The problem still is not resolved?
Re: Possible delay....
I have sent him pm's and have heard no response. If I have heard nothing by tomorrow, unfortunately I will have to seek a replacement for him. While I am extremely sympathetic to his plight, in the face of silence, I cannot hold up the game for 11 other players.
Though I will note the Rlyeh also seems to be milking this extension for all it is worth. Does it really take 72 hours to determine whether you want to take a water or a land province? just kidding. |
Re: Possible delay....
Sorry for the delay. I did as Llama suggested and it worked. The problem was the ehspr folder was inside the e.h. 1.4 folder. I sent my turn eight in. Let the games begin...again...
crone icon.
I see on the map that some icons have a golden crone. Are those Victory Point provinces ?
Re: crone icon.
I did not code anything into the map except 12 starting locs,
and the "many magical sites" for the few provinces that had either a volcano on it, or the stone henge things. I also changed all the waste provinces to either forest, farms, etc. Though the waste symbol remains on the map(i did not know how to remove it) there are in fact no waste provinces on this map. Other than those changes, I did nothing. Llama may have done something on his end like add victory points if he wanted to use the map for future games, but i did not. |
Re: crone icon.
I am putting the host back on 24 hours. If you cannot do your turn on a 24 hour basis, I ask that you try and find someone you trust to do a few turns for you.
In July i will be out of state for 10 days and llama does not know it yet, but i am counting on him keeping my empire in stable condition while i am gone! |
Re: crone icon.
I'm sure that won't be a problem Xietor http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
As for the crowns - nothing to do with me, but Dominions seems to randomly add them to maps. Not sure why (haven't looked into it), but I think they have been in most of the MP games I've been in. They don't get you victory (since you're not playing a VP victory condition), but each one does have a 50% chance of producing a candle each turn for the owner, so they have some value anyway. Dragon - glad to hear it worked. |
Re: crone icon.
I just sent in my turn file, sorry for the delay (was out of town.)
Re: crone icon.
Re: Common courtesy reminder
While this is not binding, it is considered common courtesy if you are the last person to do a turn, to wait 5 minutes until the game has processed and sent you a new turn, and send that turn in as well. That way you are not always the last one to delay hosting.
All other things being equal, some players base their decisions on who to go to war with by who is holding up the game. I kid you not. |
Re: Server down?
Is anyone having an issue doing their turns? I did mine earlier, but the server appears to be down-at least I cannot access it.
Re: Server down?
the status page has been down for me for several hours already. I was able to send in my turn though, and received a confirmation that my turn had been received.
Re: Server down?
Hi guys,
I meant to say, the website's going bananas, and I'm quite frustrated because it's something I can't fix myself, I have to wait for some admin to do it. Anyway, the website is a completely different computer to the server. If the website goes down the server will carry on regardless. The chances of the server itself going down are much much smaller. |
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