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PriestyMan November 22nd, 2010 07:13 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
oh no. calahan is too good for that. i'm worried he'll win! we cant have someone good take over!


Amhazair November 23rd, 2010 01:00 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I'll add an "Oh, no!" of my own: Oh, no! And Calahan just was one of the people I thought I could convince to sub temporarily untill the unknown Preponderance player could take over. ;)

I went and checked the Preponderance thread, but from comments there it's quite hard to guess how long the game might still take. (Could be over tomorrow, but could just as easily be weeks from the little I could see.) Do you - as one of the players in the game - have a better estimate? Could be of intrest to potential temporary subs.

Zeldor November 23rd, 2010 01:09 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
We are postponing even more then?

Well, hard to say, it's on 72h hosting, it may be <5 turns, but it's still a while.

Zeldor November 25th, 2010 12:22 AM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Who have you asked for temp subbing? I have asked plenty of good players on IRC and none of them was approached by you... And I don't have much interest in Ermor being strong, as he is supporting my enemy right now.

Have you tried asking Isokron? Or other people that won games recently?

Amhazair November 25th, 2010 04:01 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Honestly, since you came up with out potential salvation in the form of a future sub, I haven't asked any good player. Or any player at all really.

I've been really out of it these past days, unexplicably tired. I literally came home from work, ate, and fell asleep where I sat. Then woke up just enough to drag myself to bed and continue to sleep in the place more appropiate for it. (I did work late, admittedly, but not that late, so I really have no explanation.)

I will see what I can do now - late enough, I admit. Truth is though, the players I interacted with, and would love to ask to take over, well, they're mostly just gone. I'm talking guys like Calmon, Evilhomer, Velusion,... those are the people I had nice wars with, and would ask in a heartbeat. The current crop of strong players, like Executor, who's already with us, Calahan, this Isokron guy you mentioned... I heard their names but hadn't exchanged a single (written) word with them before. I can't very well go around PM'ing random people, now can I? That's what the looking for sub post is for. (Yes, I'll be updating that one in a minute.)

So, I'm off now to PM those few people I know that are still around and updating the looking for a sub post.

(If the above sounds like a bunch of whining and self-pity, pay it no mind. It's probably due to me currently feeling quite inadequate as a game-admin, but I'm sure that'll pass in a minute and I'll be back to thinking I'm gods greatest gift to humanity in no time.:up:)

Zeldor November 25th, 2010 05:03 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
I was game admin few times, there is nothing wrong in PMing totally random people when it comes to saving the game and finding a sub :)

Amhazair November 26th, 2010 03:22 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Well, very good news with a small catch: The esteemed Baalz is willing to take over Ermor at least for now. Small caveat: he's out of town for the weekend, but this means we can get the show on the road again for next week.

I'll be organizing a small goat sacrifice in his honor in my backyard on monday. anyone intrested in donating a goat can feel free to contact me to organize the logistics.

Zeldor November 26th, 2010 03:44 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Great! So we have whole weekend to finish our turns, try to do some diplo with Baalz etc? :)

nrasch November 27th, 2010 03:22 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
Hi hi all. :)

Did you guys still need a sub for Abysia?


I'd be happy to take over if still needed.

Also, I'm on IRC as 'LeafyBits' if anyone wants to chat about it. :)


Amhazair November 27th, 2010 05:54 PM

Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Running)
That's some 25 turns or two months ago I'm afraid. :)

Better luck next time, and thanks for the offer.

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