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Xietor August 1st, 2007 10:11 PM

Re: Small Postponement
we will do the next turn as scheduled, then we will pause until Monday in honor of a new very tiny Dominions'player!

Congratulations and good luck!

*GM may need more time to find a permanent sub as well.

So we can take a small break after the next turn.

jutetrea August 1st, 2007 10:44 PM

Re: Small Postponement

Sounds good, my turns in even if its pretty half-arsed.

and Please!Please!Please! be a gamer! Reinforcements against the wife!

Xietor August 1st, 2007 11:00 PM

Re: Small Postponement

you are winning i would say. You have the most lands, the biggest armies, and 2 key globals up. So you can afford to do 1 "half arse" turn.

It is an interesting game thus far. Some races have yet to taste battle. Like every game i am in, i seem to find action right from the opening bell to the final buzzer.

Could it be my charming personality?

jutetrea August 1st, 2007 11:16 PM

Re: Small Postponement
Looks are deceiving, first time i've tried a bless strat and first time i've taken death scales. Not a big fan of either. I'm more in favor of the semi-defensive opportunistic approach and research my butt off. Not really possible this game, i feel i've been pushed by my bad scales.

Income is an issue, and without being able to move to a blood economy pretty worrying.

Still an interesting game. Other than indy's my hero hasn't been that influential though. Think I might like heroes that add another troop type or an additional magic path more. He was a monster against indy's though, didn't do much at all vs. TC I think (can't really remember).

Xietor August 1st, 2007 11:27 PM

Re: Small Postponement
Your hero attracts sacred jaguar warriors like a fly to honey. Is that not a pretty good feature?

If you want to take a stab at a unique summon for the blood-cursed champion, that would be cool.

Xietor August 3rd, 2007 09:02 PM

Re: Small Postponement
For the record, Ctis suffered a dominion kill, and has been eliminated from the game.

Rumor has it that the Agarthans in their attempt to aid the hapless Ctis Pretender who was afflicted with disease-went a bit too far with their aid.

The game is on a bit of a break until Monday to welocme a new baby, and perhaps a new player Gray Z taking over Arcos mighty empire for GM.

Let me be the 1st to welcome Gray Z to the game. Good luck feeding those elephants.

LoloMo August 3rd, 2007 09:51 PM

Re: Small Postponement
Oops, the Agarthans apologize profusely for inadvertently snuffing out C'tis' Old Man. We are big and clumsy and not too bright. We will offer reparations by generously serving up our Great Soul of Agartha as a worthy replacement for your Old Man Pretender. Our volunteers will now go forth among the lizards to enlighten them on the ways of the Greatest Lizard of all http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

GrayZ August 3rd, 2007 10:08 PM

Re: Small Postponement

Xietor said:
For the record, Ctis suffered a dominion kill, and has been eliminated from the game.

Rumor has it that the Agarthans in their attempt to aid the hapless Ctis Pretender who was afflicted with disease-went a bit too far with their aid.

The game is on a bit of a break until Monday to welocme a new baby, and perhaps a new player Gray Z taking over Arcos mighty empire for GM.

Let me be the 1st to welcome Gray Z to the game. Good luck feeding those elephants.

Thanks Xietor!

I guess it's bad timing that I inherited an elephant race while there is a post about elephants on the first page...

I haven't heard from GameExtremist yet, hopefully I get to talk to him before he leaves. Could everyone send me their status with me just in case?

Xietor August 3rd, 2007 10:19 PM

Re: Small Postponement
I would be shocked if GM did not brief you. In any event keep me posted. If needed I can delay host until you are briefed, and in a worse case scenario, I can have turns sent to your email address and give you time to see what is going on.

Do you have the proper versions of the mods downloaded and the map?

I just checked all of the download links at the start of this thread and they are all still working. If you have not seen arcos elephant, you may want to make a practice game and test the mod and get acquainted with your Epic Hero.

He has a summon troop command, plus a strong unit that comes as a dominion summon(slow rate though). and only in a high dominion. Since a priestess rides in the basket on top of the elephant, he also has a "heal" command. That can be useful when your elephants need healing out on a war campaign.

GameExtremist August 4th, 2007 07:12 PM

Re: Small Postponement

I've sebt GrayZ a very brief rundown on the situation, sorry I can't do more but I leave to do and have so many other things to do. I havent sent him any files etc....so it would be great if you could Xietor.


GrayZ August 4th, 2007 07:23 PM

Re: Small Postponement

GameExtremist said:

I've sebt GrayZ a very brief rundown on the situation, sorry I can't do more but I leave to do and have so many other things to do. I havent sent him any files etc....so it would be great if you could Xietor.


I have the map & mods, as I understand it llamabest (or Xietor?) can switch the game to my email address,and then we are good to go.


Xietor August 4th, 2007 07:54 PM

Re: Small Postponement

You should be receiving the turn file shortly. The Llamaserver now has your address as the one to send arcos turn files to. So I am out of the equation.

Good Luck!

GrayZ August 5th, 2007 04:59 PM

Re: Small Postponement
I've sent my turn without any problems.

Glad to join the game!

Xietor August 6th, 2007 02:33 PM

Re: Vote
At this point, I am proposing a vote of the 9 remaining players. Since this game is a test of the Epic Heroes Mod, as well as a mp game, I want to ban certain spells that can end the game through "magical" means, rather than the field of battle. To be fair, there will be a package vote on 4 spells

1. Arcane Nexus
2. Burden of Time
3. Utterdark
4. Astral corruption

To my knowledge there are no blood races, so 4 is likely not relevant. Arcane Nexxus impacts the 3 astral races equally, while the 2 death globals impact Shinuyama, machaka, and Agartha.

It is an all or nothing vote. A simple yes or no will suffice, but of course you are free to vent about how i should have had the vote at the start of the game etc. you are right. But this is the 1st multiplayer game i have administered(not counting 1 v 1 games), so patience is a virtue.

My vote is to ban the spells. 5 votes will carry the day either way. We have 9 players, so there can be no tie. Banning the arcane spell prevents rlyeh from just sitting in the water all game making clams and springing the game winning spell later on while the rest of us beat each other up.

jutetrea August 6th, 2007 02:42 PM

Re: Vote

I obviously vote yes to banning them all, I would only have any real possibility of casting 1 of them. Plus, I hate em all (except nexus when I can cast it!) Same with Forge.

jutetrea August 6th, 2007 02:51 PM

Re: Vote

And that sucked, staled last turn.

Is there a chance of increasing the warning to 8 hrs? Didn't get home yesterday till late afternoon and was a bit busy with the first day at home.

DrPraetorious August 6th, 2007 04:51 PM

Re: Vote
I'd like Tyrant and (whoever was playing Arco, I forget) to comment on my scorched earth at the end. Does that dissuade people from attacking me in the future? Did I do enough damage that you even noticed?

Do you think it was sportsmanlike? I'm a bit of a game theory buff, see.

Xietor August 6th, 2007 05:49 PM

Re: Vote
From my perspective only, those that do a scorched earth policy are people who i target for early elimination. Same reason i target any of my neighbors with death dominion for early termination(Vanheim in this game).

If I see a neighbor with strong growth, and another with 2 death, I view my longterm interests in having provinces with income, so if possible I attack the death dom 1st.

If a player is notorious for destroying lands, i would rather get him out of the game before he has even more provinces to ruin. That policy is my own, however, and likely is not much copied by other players.

I set the reminder notices to 8 hours as requested.

Zoshan August 6th, 2007 06:43 PM

Re: Vote
Ban all them spells they make the game end too fast. I would much rather fight it out.

Tuidjy August 6th, 2007 06:45 PM

Re: Vote
I am used to my opponent going for scorched earth policies. I cannot remember
the last time I fought someone who did not start taxing his provinces into ruin,
dodging my armies and trying to inflicts as much damage as possible before dying.

I play the exact opposite way. I do not plan for losing, and if it seems that
I cannot win, I will go AI. I sometimes even send the gems/gold to the victor.
I have not noticed people attacking me early because of that. Of course, I have
not been around long enough in Dominion III to get a reputation.

llamabeast August 6th, 2007 06:56 PM

Re: Vote
I don't mind the scorched earth thing in character, but I don't really like the game theory aspect of it. To my mind your god in a particular game shouldn't behave in a way reflecting the existence of other games. IMHO.

Also despite your scorched earth and 'one last stab in the eye' tendency I've had a habit of going right for you in MP games. This is largely coincidence - to be honest I think you'd be far better as an ally then an enemy - but also is influenced by the fact that (a) I'm scared of you and would rather have you out before you get too powerful (this was a major motivation in Alpaca, particularly since you were playing late-game-scary Pythium, and also twice as Niefelheim as I'm scared witless of Niefelheim), and (b) I also have a bit of Xietor's feeling that I don't want you to scorch too much earth so it's best if you never get too much in the first place.

llamabeast August 6th, 2007 06:57 PM

Re: Vote
I should add that that most of the reason for being scared of Pythium and Niefelheim came from the player rather than the nation - you should take that as a compliment.

jutetrea August 6th, 2007 07:09 PM

Re: Vote
I don't see anything wrong with a scorched earth policy, A player can Pillage, tax and destroy to
gain money to fight to the bitter end, or gain money to give to an enemy of your enemy, or just to be annoying.

Any of which is viable. I don't think its a real deterrent though, it would just make me try to defeat them quicker. Possibly by enlisting more support and spreading the spoils, or paying off others to assist in the short term versus payback in the longterm.

I still think that when a player is defeated some portion of their treasury/stockpile should go to the victor. Or at least some sort of 1 time bonus in relation to the defeated players wealth/power. Would be very hard to implement because then more people would choose the "give everything to an enemy of my enemy" method. Or in the case of a gang up, who gets it?

For instance, I got attacked by two nations in the perpetuality game at the same time. They are currently out of the game and I'm going strong. I think there should be a reward for that ABOVE the now additional provinces/capital/income. Greedy I admit, but it was pretty anticlimactic to finally knock off MA Arco and not even get the bloody items his SCs were wearing when I killed em. AND you don't even get to see where they site-searched, so you have to re-search the provinces just in case (or at least I usually do).

I don't know, maybe a flat reward by equation, an event "you defeated xyz, plundered their treasury and gain:
gold = ((#players-#players remaining)/#players)*3000
gems = ((#players-#players remaining)/#players)*#turns played (of main gem type, or randomly split, or whatever)

Xietor August 6th, 2007 07:12 PM

Re: Vote
So far we have 3 for banning game ending spells:
1. Shinuyama
2. Atlantis
3. Mictlan

jutetrea August 6th, 2007 07:12 PM

Re: Vote
I'll also add that actions in one game shouldn't affect actions in another (although I'll still remember betrayal, even if thematic or RP'd so a bit of a hypocrite there)

LoloMo August 6th, 2007 08:42 PM

Re: Vote
I vote to ban also.

Xietor August 7th, 2007 06:13 AM

Re: Vote
Curious that none of the astral races have voted.

GrayZ August 7th, 2007 08:18 AM

Re: Vote

DrPraetorious said:
I'd like Tyrant and (whoever was playing Arco, I forget) to comment on my scorched earth at the end. Does that dissuade people from attacking me in the future? Did I do enough damage that you even noticed?

Do you think it was sportsmanlike? I'm a bit of a game theory buff, see.

GameExtremist did, now I am subbing for him. I only joined when you had your last army, so I can't really comment on how well it worked.

I found it interesting that when you attacked my capital. Since you didn't own the castle (or any other provnince), it removed you from the game. I guess it would have been better to attack one of the uncastled provinces instead...


Xietor said:
Curious that none of the astral races have voted.

Let me be the first, and the first to vote no. I've never played an astral race MP, I'd like to keep my options open. I think (possibly naively) that the remaining nations in the game could join together to overcome those spells, either by spamming globals, dispelling, etc.

Xietor August 7th, 2007 09:00 AM

Re: Vote
While war has constantly raged in the West, is there peace in the East? Why aren't you guys killing each other? Get with it.

Xietor August 7th, 2007 12:44 PM

Re: Vote
"I've never played an astral race MP."

Way to paint a target on your back! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Good Luck.

GrayZ August 7th, 2007 01:12 PM

Re: Vote
Luckily GE has, and has researched mind hunt & soul slay already http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

My MP experience is pretty lacking. A few games in dom 2 (pan, abysia) and two in dom 3 (Vanheim, Eriu - both not going well.)

I've played a few SP games of Arco & Ryleh recently to get comfortable with high level astral...

Horst F. JENS August 7th, 2007 01:32 PM

Re: Vote
i do not vote on the subject banning game-ending spells because i did not made up my mind.

Xietor August 7th, 2007 09:52 PM

Re: Vote
Ten Hours to Host! Do your turns!

If you sent them in, even if you received an email receipt, make sure that you verify that your turn has been received at the Llamaserver website.

I sent mine in earlier, and received an email saying it had been received, but when i looked at the web page it showed my turn had not been received. I had to resend it.

To date 4 nations have still not sent in their turns, or sent them in and were not retained due to the computer issue earlier with the host computer:

Rlyeh, Pythium, Mictlan, and Machaka.

DrPraetorious August 7th, 2007 10:32 PM

Re: Vote
I vote *against* banning game-ending spells.

Furthermore, I vote twice! From beyond the grave! Wooooo!

Seriously, I don't think it's fair to ban game-ending spells at this point. You should specify if you're going to do that sort of thing at the begining.

Xietor August 7th, 2007 10:39 PM

Re: Vote
As I explained, I understand that position. But I really am hosting this game to test Epic Heroes. And believe it or not, with the chalice and a very high d gem income, i can make a viable play to win with BOT up.

But I think it would achieve a better result for me to test my mod to let the races slug it out. If this was not the Epic Heroes test game, I would have never proposed it.

And it is being voted on-i did not unilaterally impose it on anyone.

Xietor August 8th, 2007 12:17 PM

Re: Vote
If a 5th vote is not received before the next turn, I will assume there is at least indecision among the remaining 5 about banning game ending spells after the game is started.

So if you are unsure, just do nothing, and all spells will remain fair game. And perhaps that is for the best since we did not vote at the start of the game.

Xietor August 8th, 2007 07:19 PM

Re: Vote

It is now official-no spells will be banned. While only 1 voted no outright, the silence of 4 indicate doubt about changing the status quo. And it is possible that the astral races think they can get up that arcane nexus and steal a win.

I will state that I personally will not cast burden of time or utterdark. But the remaining 8 players feel free to cast anything you want.

GrayZ August 8th, 2007 08:06 PM

Re: Vote
I think that's the right approach, I delayed in voting because

1) If I voted no, I would be the first vote, and possibly make myself a target and
2) I had just joined the game, and didn't want to rock the boat.
3) I wasn't entirely sure either way, so I was hoping the decision would be made for me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

It was only after repeated prompting from you Xietor that I voted - we'll see how big a target that puts on me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor August 9th, 2007 11:39 AM

Re: Vote
I encouraged everyone to vote-not just you. The other 4 just ignored me. heh. If we were going to implement it, I wanted a decision made fast in case anyone has been sitting under the water making clams the whole game thinking that was their ace in the hole.

But it is now settled in a timely manner and the Rlyeh can continue their clam operations without fear(speculation on my part). I would recommend the other astral races save their own astral pearls for a dispel.

Xietor August 9th, 2007 05:38 PM

Hosting schedule
In another of my games the host time increased from 24 to 48 and now to 72 hours. My interest in that game is waning a bit because of the amount of time between turns.

When this game was set up, I said I was going to stick with a 24 hour hosting schedule. But since 2 players wanted a 48 hour host(and they are both still alive), I went to 48.

But the game will not be going to a 72 hour hosting schedule. The map is not that big, and I cannot envision anyone needing 72 hours to complete a single turn.

If your real life schedule becomes such that you cannot do turns in a 48 hour period, then you may be able to get a temporary sub until your schedule gets better, or even a permanent sub if there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

No one has even hinted to moving the game to a 72 hour schedule, but in case someone was thinking about it-do not.

Xietor August 15th, 2007 08:44 PM

Re: Hosting schedule
For the turn that will host 2 days after the present one 8/18, there will be only be 45 rather than 48 hours. For personal reasons i would like the game to host at 10 pm my time rather than 1 am.

I find myself waiting up for the turn, and i have to get up at 7 am, so it is affecting my sleep!

Xietor August 16th, 2007 06:53 PM

Re: Hosting schedule
Mictlan is looking for a permanent sub. If anyone knows someone, let me know.

There are also 2 races needing subs in the big game, and LA Tien Chi is actually doing pretty well. That would be a permanent sub. Machaka is also looking for a sub for 1 month in the big game.

If you are being eliminated here, you may want to take a peek at the Big game. Or if you are doing well, but have some free time, it may be fun to see what the buzz is all about in the Big Game.

Tuidjy August 16th, 2007 11:57 PM

Re: Hosting schedule
Mictlan is an important nation. I suggest we put the game on hold until
we get a replacement. (Anything for a break, that's me ;-)

Xietor August 17th, 2007 09:34 AM

Re: Hosting schedule
Do your turns people. At the very least I will get someone to take a turn or 2 for mictlan. Do not count on a delay.

If anyone needs a delay in the game, like Mictlan did for having a baby etc, they will normally be granted upon request.

Requests for a delay must be made on this thread, however, so the other players know why the game is being delayed.

jutetrea August 17th, 2007 09:52 AM

Re: Hosting schedule
I'll be playing my turns until a replacement is found, I just don't care to http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I don't want to leave a complete shambles for my replacement. That last stale was an accident, missed it by 2 minutes and it pissed me off.

I'll be getting the turn in about 6 tonight.

Xietor August 17th, 2007 01:09 PM

Re: Hosting schedule
I do not understand the logic in doing your turns at the last minute. Typically i do my turns within 30 minutes after i get the new one if i am not working etc that prevents it.

Living in New Orleans, especially in the height of hurricane season, and with our infrastructure in shambles, I have little desire to "trust" that my power and internet connection will both be working in that last 2-3 hours before the game hosts.

*if people are holding off on doing their turns early because they do not want a faster host schedule, I am going to turn off force host. So you will still get the full 48 hours to do a turn.

Xietor August 17th, 2007 01:46 PM

ReForce Host is OFF!
I do not want people stale turning because they are waiting until the last minute to do their turns because they do not want force host triggered.

Force host is now off. The game will only host once every 48 hours. So there is now no disincentive to turning in a turn in a timely manner.

So, even if everyone has turned in their turns, the game will not host before the 48 hour period expires. That way you can always revisit and tweak your turns at a later time, while still having a "basic" turn submitted to avoid a stale.

Horst F. JENS August 20th, 2007 07:17 AM

off for a week
I'm off to work in another city for a week and will not resume playing before saturday.

Xietor August 20th, 2007 08:12 AM

Re: off for a week
Do you want me to try and find a sub for you until you get back? Things look fairly grim judging by the score graphs.

Xietor August 22nd, 2007 02:51 PM

Re: EA Lanka needs a Sub
It is one of the most powerful nations in the Big Game. While they are presently at war with me, it is possible, with concessions for the wrongs they have visited upon me, that I could make peace the new owner.

Regardless, they are a much more powerful nation than MA Ctis(me), so do not let a lil war with the lizards discourage you.

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