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llamabeast June 25th, 2010 03:10 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection
They're not there any more though. Only the ones I still have, which is a small fraction.

I do still have the original list, and am planning on making an "Old map browser" page so you cam see what's missing. But I'm afraid I'm away for the weekend so can't do so for the moment.

But yes, all the maps do still exist, mostly on this forum, and all that needs to be done is finding and reuploading them. In the meantime the only problem is that the llamaserver is no longer a very comprehensive list of maps.

Lingchih June 25th, 2010 06:09 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection
Sorry if all this may be a bit confusing for you Corwin, since you've never done a Llamaserver game, and all the maps on it got wiped. But the map upload process is pretty intuitive and painless.

Aethyr June 26th, 2010 07:18 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection

Originally Posted by Corwin (Post 749977)
Do you, or anybody else, know of any other good maps? Ideally we are looking for about 15 (perhaps up to 20) provinces per player, easy on the eyes map.

I like the Sharivar map, but I've played a couple of MP games on it recently (still in one) and I'd like to find an alternative if possible.

I believe that there is a version of Cradle of Dominion on Llammaserver that has 11 fixed starts w/199 land provinces (+22 underwater). This is perhaps the most viable aternative to Sharivar for this number of players that I know of.

Corwin June 26th, 2010 05:54 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection

Originally Posted by Aethyr (Post 750117)

Originally Posted by Corwin (Post 749977)
Do you, or anybody else, know of any other good maps? Ideally we are looking for about 15 (perhaps up to 20) provinces per player, easy on the eyes map.

I like the Sharivar map, but I've played a couple of MP games on it recently (still in one) and I'd like to find an alternative if possible.

I believe that there is a version of Cradle of Dominion on Llammaserver that has 11 fixed starts w/199 land provinces (+22 underwater). This is perhaps the most viable aternative to Sharivar for this number of players that I know of.

I like this suggestion, thank you Aethyr. I've checked Llamabeast server, there is indeed Cradle map with 11 fixed land starting positions.

Cradle is a very fine map, if not a new one. It's a bit larger then 15 provinces per player (18 land provincess per player, 20 if you count water ones) but it should be all right. It has an interesting geometry with good amount of bottlenecks, rivers, ports, et cetera. We also won't need to do any modding on that map to use it in our game.

What do you think guys? Unless someone strongly objects to it, I suggest we use this map in our game. Let's wait until Sunday, and unless ther will be strong objections I will create the game on llamaserver and we can start uploading pretenders.

Lingchih June 26th, 2010 07:32 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection
Cradle is a fine map, but did you see this info in the 11 start map description?

"Note that you can't download this map file - it's only on the LlamaServer, so the start positions will remain a surprise."

I think the relevant point would be that it was on LLamaserver. It's not anymore.

militarist June 27th, 2010 12:36 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection
I'll play. man and ermor to the pool (corwin asked 2 from me to be more random)

iainuki June 27th, 2010 12:57 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection
I'm joining the game to balance cradle. My two nation picks are Mictlan and Bandar Log.

Corwin June 27th, 2010 01:33 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection
Welcome to our game Militarist and Iainuki.

After a lot of considerations and discussions based upon players feedback and our game's settings, the decision has been made to choose Cradle of Dominion as a map for our game.

We will add two more players, 13 total. That will make the number of land provinces per player to 15.3, total provinces per player - 17. Perfect balance, just what we were looking for.

Since there is space on this map for only one water nation, and a single water nation will not have any competition in the water until much later in the game, to make our game more fun and exciting we will only have land nations in our game. This way the both land provinces and sea provinces can become battlefields from the beginning of the game.

I have rolled the dice for our two new players. Militarist will play Ermor, Iainuki will play Bandar Log.

We are almost ready to roll. All is left to do is to create a modded version of Cradle map with 13 preselected starting positions. This way we will have more fair initial distribution. reducing the effect of luck and increasing the effect of players skills.

I am going to ask Ironhawk and Zeldor, if one of them could do us a favor and create such modded version of this map. Both are experienced map modders and are not players in our game.

Meanwhile everybody please create your pretenders and be ready to send them to llamabeast server, once we will have the map and the game will be created there.

Here is the final list of nations and their leaders:

1. Baalz - Shinuyama
2. Aethyr - Ulm
3. Squirreloid - Pangeya
4. Dimaz - Vanheim
5. Fakeymcfake - Abyssia
6. Lingchih - Tien Chi
7. Llamabeast - Jotunheim
8. PriestyMan(FL) - Machaka
9. Graeme Dice - C'tis
10. Ghoul31 - Agartha
11. Corwin - Pythium
12. Militarist - Ermor
13. Iainuki - Bandar Log

llamabeast June 27th, 2010 06:01 AM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection
The 11 player version does still exist - I have carefully fixed the list on llamaserver so that everything listed is available. They survived because I had copied on my desktop.

Sounds like a new version will have to be made though. A surprisingly tricky task in my expeience, finding a load of evenly spaced and suitable start spots. Well, about an hour's work I guess. Very worthwhile doing for Cradle though, the default start positions seem to be terrible.

Corwin June 28th, 2010 01:26 PM

Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. Closed - map, nations selection
Update: IronHawk has kindly agreed to help us with the map. He said he will probably be able to do it tonight. As soon as it is done the game will be created on llamabeast's server. I'll post update here when it'll happen.

Hopefully you all have already created your pretenders and are just dying to upload them. ;) If not, please do so, hopefully we will kick this show on the road very soon.

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