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Xietor October 1st, 2007 02:45 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
I thought it well known that capturing a dark knight from Bogus' Group and scripting his attack commander command to other units is not allowable. But some players who, by reputation at least, are considered good think it is acceptable. I want to make it crystal clear that this "tactic" is a clear exploit and it is cheating. If anyone uses this "tactic" in this game, they will be replaced or their race set to AI.

Additionally, as this game is hosted on the Llamaserver, Llamabeast has also stated that this "tactic" is cheating and illegal on any game hosted on his server. So its use is doubly damned in this game.

If this action occurs and is denied by the suspected player, I will have llamabeast take a look at the player's turn and determine if it was or was not done.

Tuidjy October 6th, 2007 11:34 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
I just had my encounter with the R'lyeh Epic hero. That was a nasty customer.
I was lucky that he was used against my crack squad of angels, so he had to run
into someone who can handle him. Actually, he faced my epic hero, and lost in
a very close fight. I cannot imagine many other commanders who could have won.

I just had another major victory against R'lyeh, so I think it is a good time to
bow out. I will be replaced by Nick, and he will abide by all treaties that I
have. We will be contacting everyone I've interacted with, to go through terms.
We will switch in a turn or two, to insure smooth transition.

Thanks for the game guys, it was a major learning experience! And this is a
great mod... I thought about it, and I will even say that it is mostly balanced.
It skews the gameplay in a direction I am not sure I like, but it's fun. I am
just not one for big games. I wish I would remember this, and stop entering them.

Xietor October 6th, 2007 06:59 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Thx for helping test the mod! And I am glad you like it.

Had I not played Shinuyama, and had i not been attacked by Vanheim then Makacha, I would have tried to shorten your game experience. /evil grin.

It is best to kill Pythium early, because it is near impossible to kill them late. Once the angels start flying all over, and the clam economy gets pumping, Pythium is uniquely hard to beat. Which is why they are my number 1 choice for top mp race in the MA.

But you also played them exceptionally well. And I think you would be a tough out with most races-though no one is a tough out with Ulm.

Good luck in your future games.

LoloMo October 6th, 2007 09:44 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Good Luck Tuidjy, and welcome, Nick!

llamabeast October 9th, 2007 07:19 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
At Tuidjy's request I've just changed Pythium's e-mail address to Nikolai's.

Xietor October 9th, 2007 01:36 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
3.10 patch is released. Upgrade to 3.10.

LLamabeast likely will upgrade the server to 3.10 soon.

Nikolai October 9th, 2007 02:59 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Hello guys! I am taking Pythium, and at war with R'lyeh. I was told the war's because they took land from someone Peter had beated first without R'lyeh.

I know R'lyeh is fighting others, so I will not be applying the same rules like Peter. I'm pacifist :-)

Xietor October 9th, 2007 08:24 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Welcome aboard Nik!

I am going to delay the hosting 24 hours due to patch, new player, and LLamaserver madness! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

Xietor October 12th, 2007 09:47 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Ryleh set himself to AI.

Arcos has staled the last 2 turns, and agartha is pounding him.

GM are you out there?

Tuidjy October 12th, 2007 01:24 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
R'lyeh was soundly trashed the last turn I played, losing his hero, a few assassins,
and his major army with twenty mages and forty mindblasters. It only makes sense for
him to set himself to AI.

Xietor October 14th, 2007 10:25 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
I asked Llamabeast to set arcos to AI, but i did not hear back from him. And they staled again.

It is regrettable to me arcos has been abandoned as I will never get any feedback on its epic hero(: In the future if you lose interest in the game, please either find a sub or set yourself to AI.

It is not easy for someone else to set you to AI. While Llamabeast can do it, he should never have to do it.

Xietor October 15th, 2007 06:53 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Arcos has been set to AI by Llamabeast-prepare to defend yourself if you border them.

Xietor October 16th, 2007 10:26 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
The Epic Heroes Game is now in the end phase.

Three powers remain:

1. Pythium(Angels/master enslave ftw)
2. Shinuyama(Epic Hero deceased).
3. Agartha(umbrals)

Atlantis is still alive, but are not a major power. Mictlan is holed up in his last castle, and will not go down without a fight.

Ryleh and Arcos are both on AI and their empires are almost
defeated-the former by Pythium, the latter by Agartha.

Nikolai October 16th, 2007 08:44 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
R'lyeh massacred most of my swimmers last turn. I have been playing hit and run, and "run" is an essensial side of that, special against paralyze. This last stall... I would say killed me, but REALLY put me back.

Now I start taking turns early...

Xietor October 18th, 2007 09:09 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
You have plenty of time to regroup Nik.

War has reared its ugly haad. Shinuyama has launched an assault on Agaratha. And 2 of the titans will square off for an epic war.

* As an aside, we are on turn 75 and all players remaining are active. No one staled last turn. My hat is especially off to Dr. P who has taken over 2 races and played them skillfully and well even though both positions were not winning ones.

Dr. P softened me up considerably for Agartha.

Nikolai October 18th, 2007 09:01 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
I am getting totally killed by R'lyeh. Peter said it was much dead, and played by AI. Is that true? That nation of R'lyeh is controlled by AI?

Don't spare me, I can handle truth :-)

LoloMo October 18th, 2007 09:20 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Excellent first strike by Shinuyama against Agartha. We have been awakened.

Xietor October 18th, 2007 10:38 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
"Don't spare me, I can handle truth :-)"

You want the truth? "You can't handle the truth." Col. Jessep.

Joking aside, Arcos and Ryleh are both on AI. If you hit "statistics" then "pretenders" in game, it shows what races are "human" and which are "AI."

Xietor October 21st, 2007 11:18 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
LLamaserver is acting up and not accepting turns.

We are now in crunch time and I do not want anyone to stale so I am delaying the host by 24 hours.

Llamabeast is taking a week off from the internet(i suspect must be romance involved), so it may take a bit to get fixed.
Have no fear i will delay hosting so everyone has time to complete a turn.

Tuidjy October 22nd, 2007 01:23 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Guys, Nick will not be available for a while. I would prefer NOT to take Pythium
back. On Monday, I will know whether he will be back in the saddle. If you can
delay the game 'till later than 1700 Pacific on Monday, the turn will be taken
by him or by me.

Xietor October 22nd, 2007 01:51 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
I already delayed it by 24 hours-so i think it will host tuesday morning instead of monday morning as scheduled.

If the llamaserver is not fixed for a week-then the game will be delayed a week. We obviously cannot proceed until it is fixed.

LoloMo October 22nd, 2007 06:14 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
I could use the extra time too.

Xietor October 22nd, 2007 11:31 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
I have tried to delay it, but it appears it is not working(:

We may all stale except Dr. P who wisely got his turn done early.

Xietor October 22nd, 2007 02:19 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Do your turns. LLamaserver is up and running and I successfully delayed the host of the game for 24 hours.

LoloMo October 23rd, 2007 05:10 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Hi, I won't be home at the usual time, still at work and won't be able to upload my turn in time. Can we delay hosting by 6 hours? Thanks.

LoloMo October 23rd, 2007 09:21 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Ack, I was too late. Ah well. It looks like Pythium my ally staled also, and that nation's ownership is in question.

Therefore I concede defeat. I will put myself to AI this turn.

Regarding my Epic Hero, the Obsidian Medium, I set him to reseaching for most of the game. After my research was done, I empowered him in death (he started with 2D, I empowered to 4D), and set him to summoning Tartarians.

The other option would have been to set him to forging skull staffs or research skulls early in the game, but I chose to go the umbral route (which requires only 1D path to summon), which sucked up all my death gems and left him with only research duty till late game.

Xietor October 23rd, 2007 10:41 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Lolo-great game. Sorry I missed your post for a 6 hour delay as it certainly would have been granted. We had 72 hours for this turn rather than the typical 48, but I certainly would have delayed it another 24 for you. You have been a stellar player the entire game. As an aside, Pythium did not stale.

You did extremely well with Agartha-making it into the endgame with a race that is extremely vulnerable early in the game. The Epic Hero for Agartha is not as potent a fighter as many of the other races. If I had a free hand I likely would boost him-perhaps starting him at 3d? That would allow him to get to 4d with no empowering(skull staff). Since Agartha is weak early, maybe the Obsidian medium could be given a unique weapon as well?

Do you have any specific suggestions for the Epic Hero? Did you get any Worthy Heroes? Did you encounter any other race's Epic Hero to a degree sufficient to have a comment on him?

I have great respect for you as a player and your umbrals. To be honest, after Dr. P frozen hearted my Epic Hero to death, my main goal is to get this game over expeditiously and tweak the heroes. Then there will be an Epic Heroes II game before the final release of the mod.

It appears the Epic Heroes are a force early, but are just one of many thugs by midgame. Having an epic hero with a thug chassis allows some races to imprison that otherwise would never dare to imprison a pretender.

Thank you for playing Lolomo. And good luck to you in your other MP games.

LoloMo October 23rd, 2007 11:56 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Yup, I went with an awake wyrm to defend against early attacks. I only encountered Arco's Grand Elepantarch and its troop of war elephants, and he is very very tough to take out. Without umbrals it would be impossible I think.

To go with the theme of the other Epic Heroes, Agartha's obsidian statue should be able to function as a thug at the start, which he currently can't. He also can not summon any units, unlike most of the other epic heroes.

The Obsidian Medium wasn't designed to be a thug at all: 0 leadership, move of 3/6, precision of 5, attack only of 10, and never heals.

He does have Fear though, perhaps adding Awe and higher Fear levels would toughen him up without changing the theme of this unit. A stronger unique weapon would certainly help.

Or you can go the other way, and make him able to summon ghostly researchers. These are the ghosts of ancient agarthans ages past, reawakened to tell their story.

Nikolai October 23rd, 2007 01:03 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
I managed to get branch through my windshield, and to tie it with a ribbon, my house is in mandatory evacuation zone. I'm staying at Tuidjy's place, and I could play - our plant's closed too. But I made mess out of Pythium, and feel unready for this game. So if Lolomo gives up, so I would.

My bet's Tuidjy wouldn't want to play, but he may change.

Xietor October 23rd, 2007 01:58 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Nik-where on Earth do you live? Why are you in an evacuation zone? I am the one that lives in New Orleans-the King of evacuation zones.

Nikolai October 23rd, 2007 03:43 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
San Diego County. I moved one week ago, and now it's in danger of burning. Although they say looks better today for particular area.

Who said California has no seasons?
Fire Flood Earthquakes... and I forget the fourth.

DrPraetorious October 23rd, 2007 03:49 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
Hippies. The seasons in California are Fire, Flood, Earthquake and Hippies.

Piece of advice - if you're on a stretch of sandy cliffs (like, say, the ones near UCSD) and you strike up a conversation about someone with a beard and no shirt about the coastal access law, do not then ask them for directions back to street level, because the directions they give you will put you through as much private property as they can manage http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

Xietor October 25th, 2007 04:29 PM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
I am flying to NY tomorrow(Friday) morning and will not be taking my laptop with me. So I will be out of pocket until Sunday evening. If a situation arises where you need a delay of 24 hours, your only recourse is to email Llamabeast and ask him to delay host.

I have a bench pass and will be on the Rutgers' sidelines as they host WVU this Saturday.

LoloMo October 26th, 2007 01:25 AM

Re: Big Game-Rule Clarification
The last turn I submitted was to set my nation to AI, I didn't script any orders except that. It seems that my order wasn't accepted. I will try to set myself to AI again.

Xietor October 28th, 2007 08:19 PM

Game Over?
Does anyone Object to me declaring the game over? Agartha is AI, Mictlan is going AI, Pythium has staled 2 turns in a row and is going to be put to AI if they stale a 3rd time in a row. Atlantis is the only player left doing his turns now, and he not in a good position.

For those tracking the thread, Arcos, Ryleh, Agartha are all AI, and Dr. P has said he is putting Mictlan to AI. The last Nik posted, he said he(Pythium) was conceding, but he has not actually gone AI.

The score graphs show me with a strong lead(Shinuyama gray line)


There are no victory conditions set for this game-so if anyone wants to slug it out to the end, I am glad to do so.

Zoshan October 29th, 2007 09:57 AM

Re: Game Over?
I as Atlantis will give up if everyone goes AI. Thanks for the game had alot of fun.

Xietor October 29th, 2007 11:52 AM

Re: Game Over!
Pythium staled for his 3rd time in a row, and the last human player Atlantis concedes, so I am declaring the game to be officially over on turn 81.

Final thanks to all of the players who helped test the mod. A good bit of effort will go into final tuning the mod before Epic Heroes II.

The game did show me I was far too worried about the impact of the Epic Heroes. None of the Heroes had much of an effect on the game except at the start. And the effect they have at the start is to give a nation more flexibility in pretender design.

Many races that otherwise must take an awake pretender, do not have to do so with an Epic Hero. Some of the Epic Heroes
were not quite up to snuff_Agartha, Atlantis, and Shinuyama.
They will be a bit tougher.

Dr. P has helped convince me that Epic Heroes should be Epic. Epic means game changing. Tien Chi's Epic Hero will get his wings back. The only nerfs will come to assassin Epic Heroes. They will lose their fear. An assassin should have to kill the bodyguards-he should not be able to just scare them off.

This game was a mix of new players, and wily veterans. That made for some mismatches early in the game. I do think GM having to pull out of the game due to real life work issues had a dramatic effect on the game.

GM is the Elephant Master and I doubt they would have been a nonfactor had he remained at the helm. GM was a very tough out in Alpaca-and that was with normal Elephants. With War Elephants trained by the Arcos. Epic Hero, GM would have been a terror.

Dr. P gets a medal for subbing twice after he lost a 1 v 2 war early on to Mictlan and Arcos.

It was a fun game-and hopefully some of this cast at least will return for Epic Heroes Mod II.

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