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Epic Heroes Mod MA game(finished)
I am hosting a MA game with the Epic Heroes Mod, Black Tome blessing fix, and the Worthy Heroes Mod on Llamabeast's Automated PBEM server. The purpose of this game is to test the Epic Heroes Mod for balance in a mp setting.
We will be using Battlemap, which has 250 provinces, 18 of which are sea. There will be a total of 12 players, with a max. of 2 water races. Each race will start with at least 4 provinces adjacent to their capital. There are real mountains on the map, so you can build mountain castles. There is no waste. "Many Magic sites" are coded to provinces that have a volcano or the stone henge graphic. The map has 12 set starting spots for the capitals. Llamabeast(who is not playing) will generate random starting positions for the 12 races. The Players are: 1. Zoshan-Atlantis 2. Dr. P-Tien chi 3. Xietor-Shinuyama 4. Dragonninjaakira-Ctis 5. LoloMo-Agartha 6. Gameextremeist-Arcos. 7. jutetrea -Mictlan 8. Foodstamp-Vanheim 9. Horst F. Jens-Man 10 Sieger-R'lyeh(water races now closed). 11.Tuidjy -Pythium 12.Sir_Dr_D-Machaka The most recent version of Epic Heroes Mod(1.4) can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/?e99ud3xxhng The map we will be using is here and it is called Battlemap. I have used it in other mp games and it was favorably received. http://www.mediafire.com/?3od1mm5ybdz Turin just came out with Worthy Heroes 1.7, the link is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?8wyds1tqlgg Dr. P's Black Tome is here http://www.mediafire.com/?emonmx1jxjw |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I will join your game. umm I like large maps and games most the other stuff dont matter to me.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
The server will be able to handle as many players as you want Xietor. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I'll play, as long as CB isn't used.
I'm agnostic about the old age mod, but would like to use the blessing hotfix. |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Blessing hot fix is fine, and i think it only applies to Ermor MA.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I want in. old age is cool vote for blessing hotfix Not a big fan of CB, although 1.1 looks promising (haven't tried playing with it yet. Emphatic yes for Epic/Worthy I'd also like to propose random nations, I'm still relatively new with few nations I'm comfortable with but I think a random epic will give you as much feedback. From more of a blank slate perspective. On the other hand, If i'm experienced with the nation I'll be able to determine the difference/balance that much better. Not a ringing endorsement for random, but it might be more interesting! Something to look at, but may change pretender strategy greatly is recuperating gods. All gods start with recuperation, means the gods already starting with recuperation are a bit overpriced. In terms of playability it prevents a lot of heartache though. Possibly too much to add, but wanted to throw it out there. In the same vein, the mythology mod adds some cool spells and new pretenders with everything seeming balanced except the Pantokrator (havent tried new repriced version, older was a steal) Dr. Have you made a mod for your Marveni/other nation spell effects? Haven't tried it yet, but followed it a bit and looked interesting. Another weak suggestion if starting with a big map, 2-3 starting provinces, high magic sites (personal pref), renaming on, ambiguous on indy power. I like mods http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
My tentative thoughts:
1. I do not want to go wild with the mods, because I am trying to test Epic Heroes for balance. If we have too many mods, and Machaka cleans house, we will not know if it is because of the Immortal Assassin or some other mod. 2. For that reason, it may be better to not use the cb mod. 3. If we do use reduced old age mod, Machaka will have no old age issues and an immortal assassin! |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I would like to join! I vote for epic heroes and worthy heroes mods. Neutral on other mods.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Pretty much agree, but always like to throw the ideas out in the hopes that someday someone will start a mod crazy game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif As much as I dislike the old age mechanic, it does instigate certain actions (GoH, chalice, certain pretenders, etc) which are currently part of the game and factored into strategic balance. (in general higher powered mages are old and problematic, younger are weaker and easier to manage). I'd love to have a no-old age mod in my current mid game. |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Count me in, sounds like a lotta fun! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
The map I think I am going to use is a 250 province map, 232 land 18 sea. And ideally I think we would have 10 land races, and no more than 2 water. This map will not accommodate 3 water races, but is a good map for 1 or 2 water races.
I will get a link to where the map can be downloaded soon, as the map layout may influence what race you want to play. |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Dedas has told me he is in and wants Ulm.
Please get the download of the new version 1.2 and check out the Epic Heroes and start planning on what race you want to play. I guess if we have 2 people wanting to play the same race, we may have to have Gandalf flip a coin for us. He has agreed to be a neutral person to oversee the map placement phase, to ensure the races are not unevenly dispersed. While it is not 1st come 1st serve, go ahead and post the race, if you know, that you want to play. If I limit the game to 12 players, then hopefully everyone will get a race they like. |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Ermor or T'ien Ch'i - I'm easy either way.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I've never played Agartha before, so I'll try that.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Arcoscephale for me!
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I would like to play Atlantis, if they are taken my back ups are Ermor, Abysia, or Pythium. Thanks
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Alrighty then, this will be fun! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
tentatively put me down for mictlan, never played em so going to see how i like them via SP.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I made their Epic Hero tough.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I will try Vanheim. Never played them in MP, might as well see what all the fuss is about http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I will join, if possible with Man. I love the CB/epic heroes combo but have not much experience with it. Have nearly no multiplayer experience anyway, so i look forward to learn some cool tricks :-)
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Nevermind. I am afraid that I need to take a better look at the heroes.
Their power varies incredibly... some are much more powerful than others. |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I had to change the mod prior to the game starting because of a slot issue with the Marignon Epic Hero that I did not catch in testing(: (had no head).
Turin had several suggestions for the mod, and he is the author of the Worthy Heroes Mod, which is widely used. And he is well respected in terms of mp/balance issues. So, in addition to correcting the slot issue with Marignon, a few "tweaks" were also made, and they are listed here. If that causes anyone to change his selection that is fine. 1.Marignon had its map move increased from 2 to 3, and now has a head slot. 2. Ulm lost its 50 percent poison res. 3. Agartha received a research bonus 4. The Sacred Yeti's (Caelum) stealth has been fixed, and he is correctly labeled as an animal. 5. The Blood-Cursed Champion has a more thematic ranged weapon. 6. Tien Chi's hero lost his armor/weapons, and his magical skills were SLIGHTLY lowered. /hide. |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Okay, if you want you can now start uploading your pretenders.
To create a PBEM pretender: Go to Game Tools, then Create a Pretender God (just doing it by Create a New Game doesn't work). Then find your pretender file - it'll be in the directory dominions3\savedgames\newlords, and have a name like mid_machaka_0.2h. Finally, e-mail it to pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net (obviously changing [ at ] to @ and so on). Crucially, the subject line of your e-mail MUST be 'EpicHeroes'. You can see who's joined so far by looking at the website, www.llamaserver.net. Let me know if you have any questions or problems with it. |
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Oh by the way, if you want to change your pretender once you've uploaded it, you can just send it in again.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
I'd like to get in as R'lyeh or Jotunheim, I don't have a strong preference either way.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
Make sure you download Epic Heroes Mod 1.3! It is linked, as well as the map, at the bottom of the 1st post. I originally had version 1.2, which is not what we will be using.
Re: Epic Hero Mod MA game
We need 2 more players(ideally). If you know anyone to invite, feel free. If we do not get new players today, we will start with 2 random ai players set on mighty.
I was waiting to take a race no one else wanted. And I do not have a strong preference anyway. Just in case it influences anyone's decision, it looks like most are neutral on the reduced old age mod. To keep things simple with a new mod already, let's NOT use reduced old age this game. If that changes what race you want to play, you can change. Tomorrow, we will start loading pretenders and hopefully everyone is comfortable with their picks. |
map problem
maybe i miss a major point here, but in the zip-file linked at the first post, there is only a Battlemap.rgb file in it. I do not find the map if i want to play a testgame, is there a special way to install this map or do we get the .map file at the start of the game ?
Re: map problem
I'll join as C'tis if that's alright.
Re: map problem
Excellent choice Dradon.!
Ctis got much love in the form of its Epic Hero, and it has a very unique summon that appears in a strong dominion. I had some trouble due to the map size hosting the complete map file. But, I now have a site that can host it. So if you want to play the map before the game here is the link to the complete file: http://www.mediafire.com/?dindvev2xbn The starting positions are fixed on this map. So if you have the complete map files, you can test out the various starting spots. |
Re: map problem
Ok, I'll give good OLD Pythium a try. So, where I can find the rest of the mods?
I assume the black tome fixes C'tis not being able to bless its undead, but what does the Worthy Heroes do? |
Re: map problem
Correct. The hot fix allows undead sacreds to be blessed, worthy heroes beefs up the heroes that randomly appear at your gate.
I will add links to worthy heroes and blessing fix to the 1st post. |
Re: map problem
I will join as Machaka.
Re: map problem
I pmed for a machaka slot already, but you're welcome to have it if you like. I'm not exactly experienced at this.
Re: map problem
I did not receive the pm(: And darrel was the 1st to post on the thread. But if you want in the game sum1, please keep track of the thread as 1 person may not get their pretender uploaded before the deadline, and if that occurs, you will get their spot, but you would not be stuck with their race selection.
Re: map problem
We now have 12 people.
All of the required downloads are linked in the 1st post. 1. Battlemap 2. Epic Heroes Mod 1.3 3. Worthy Heroes Mod 1.7 4. Black Tome hotfix Please make sure you have the Battlemap file downloaded in your map file. You just need the rga file version for this game. If you want to play a game yourself with the map, you need the full version which is posted later in the thread. The 3 mods need to be extracted to your mod folder. Please do a sample game and make sure all 3 mods are working. Some need to be removed from the yellow mod folder so that the dm file is exposed. You then need to create a pretender according to the instructions llamabeast provided, and email him the file with the title EpicHeroes as the subject line of your email. |
Re: map problem
Pretender Uploaded. Goodluck everyone.
Re: map problem
Uploaded Pretender for Man. Was it correct to set a password for the Pretender ?
Re: map problem
You do not need a pw for the pretender. The turn for your race will be emailed to your address alone.
Re: map problem
<font color="green"> </font> Pretender uploaded. Good luck and may the mods be in my favor ^.^
Re: map problem
It does no harm to set a password either, though. You'll just have to type it in a lot of times.
Re: map problem
The server does not show that Man has uploaded his pretender.
You may want to talk to Llamabeast, or describe what message you got back. |
Re: map problem
Horst - I e-mailed you about your pretender, don't know if you've checked your e-mail.
Anyway, your e-mail was of a type I hadn't seen before, so it didn't work. I've fixed the server now though, so if you send it again it should be fine. |
Re: map problem
I sent you another e-mail Horst. I've got your pretender fine, but it'd be good if you could use a different e-mail account, because it turns out the current one's still confusing the server and I won't have a chance to fix it till next week. Sorry about that.
Please let me know the e-mail address for your alternative account. Thanks! |
Re: map problem
I will send my pretender first thing tomorrow.
Stupid me I forgot that I already got my pretender ready for this game. I will send it right away. |
Server not accepting my pretender!
I'm starting to think llamaserver is angry at me...wouldn't take my turn yesterday now it doesn't seem to be acknowledging my pretender file - Arcoscepahle
I've sent it twice to the above mentioned address with the subject heading EpicHeroes. *shrugs* |
Re: Server not accepting my pretender!
Hmm, maybe the e-mail server I use is being a bit erratic. The e-mails aren't getting through to the llamaserver at all (it would always reply if they were). All I can suggest is to try again a bit later, and also copy me in on the e-mail so I can always sort it out manually if necessary.
Re: map problem
Game settings:
Because you are starting out with an epic hero, ind. level will be 6(typically it is 5). So you have this early warning that it is not prudent to attack on the 1st turn blindly. You have been warned. Except for the stronger independents, default settings will apply, except renaming will be allowed, and hall of fame will be 15. |
Re: map problem
We can start soon if we can get Arcos and Rlyeh pretenders accepted. I have never had any issues with llamaserver. Have you run spybot recently? Maybe your machine has too much adware/spyware on it? |
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