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I'm taking a break from my agartha mod, as i'm running out of ideas(also i'm tired of working for a bunch of giant-grown depressed worms) so i was looking around for something else to work on...
Basicaly, there is a nation you would like to see enhanced?balance can be discussed too, ofc. (machaka and agartha are excluded, jomon/ulm/tien'chi were improved some patches ago) I was thinking about marignon, but if someone here have some request/ideas... edit Here we go! ulm bonus here (EA only) |
Re: Brainstorm
marignon sure doesn't need help.
how about oceania or man? |
Re: Brainstorm
MA Marignon isn't that hot early/mid game, but once you put your moisty hands on the angels, a world of pain starts for your ennemies.
MA Man surely is more in need of a boost : the only good thing about this nation is it's army ! Some forest themed summon being an able thug/SC would be fine. (the forest dragons of celtic legends would be great) EDIT : It would be cool if all additions you make for nations were packed in one mod ! |
Re: Brainstorm
Sleepers aren't that bad as thugs. Probably the biggest problem is man just has relatively crappy forging paths for weapons, requiring for example to manually search with crones to find water gems and forge frost brands.
Re: Brainstorm
EA Ulm? Perhaps there are some ferocious beasts lurking in Irminsul that could be tamed by the Antlered Shamans and used against Ulm's enemies....
My first game of Dom3 was with EA Ulm, and I still haven't gotten over my disappointment. Their troops are good -- but not spectacular -- and they get nothing in the mid-game and beyond. The nation has tremendous flavor, but the actual tools fall short of that flavor. |
Re: Brainstorm
EA ulm... just lemme check my stereotypes about deutschland edit-- Which is the comand for auto aflliction on a weapon? i mean, like the chest wounding axe, only with affliction to arm and legs |
Re: Brainstorm
ok, check this
coastal barbarians--> need name here recruit only in coastal province good atk/def, low prot, high damage dualwielder, maybe armor piercer use an affliction weapon-->britoła-->http://www.coltelleriacollini.it/com...up/britola.JPG i only need a way to make weapon making automatic afflictions. why coastal only? because britoła is a typical knife of where i live, which is a coastal province |
Re: Brainstorm
oh, and i admit i am pretty lacking on beast living in ulmish wood: wolves, bears and what else lives there? no dragons!
Re: Brainstorm
Re: Brainstorm
White Women could be a fun (and powerful!) caster summon. Generally, I'd say just Google "german mythical creatures" and look for inspiration. The hardest part would be avoiding the overlap with the stuff that's already part of Jotunheim, Vanheim, and Helheim.... Alternately, you could opt for supernatural (and super-sized) versions of natural creatures. For example: EA Ulm already has bears. Well, how about The Black Bear of Irminsul? Super-tough, regenerating, berserking, fear-inducing Killer Bear! Nearly any European wildlife could be super-sized. Killer Wolves! Killer Moose! (Okay, maybe not the moose....) Another idea: How about a Huntmaster summon (like a Sleeper, only a bit scarier) who domsummons Uber-Hounds as part of his hunting pack? If you'd like, I could even try to peck out a bit of the code for you. I don't have any shortage of ideas, and I'm willing to put some time into those ideas. I do lack the artistic SKEELZ for graphics..... ;) On the other hand, this is your mod, and I don't want to intrude. :) |
Re: Brainstorm
Ok, i found the way for "random" affliction: 2 weapons, same name different afflictions.
code done, just need sprite, this lead me to: a) there is in this game a dual wielding human bare chested? b) how the heck can i make them only recruitable on coastal province? i tried #copystats from the reef dweller, but then i have to use #clear to remove armor/darkvision/poison armor c)where i can found weapons sprite? i need the "hunting knife", is perfect. d)game description does not recognize ł, there is a way to force the game to show it? to Slipperyjim Well, tbh i thought this mod wasn't "my" mod, i see it as a "forum" mod. you can make what you want, post here and i'll blend it with what was already done. Now, for mod work itself, i was thinking two "routes" 1) the barbarian clans one, with specialized units 2)animals summons, good for late game--> the bear is a nice idea, as soon as i finish the wenetoi (coastal barbarians) i'll start it edit ehi, the wolpertinger is pretty scary! i'll use it |
Re: Brainstorm
I like Slipperyjim's "Huntmaster" idea. I think it could work very well combined with having him autosummon his "hunting pack" in each battle (you can see the code for that knid of stuff in the Breton mod). If he just summons them, the player will just dump them to some castle with eternal "Summon Allies" command (boooring..)
Re: Brainstorm
Re: Brainstorm
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I made the sprite for the weneteu; weneteu chief will be done later and it will have a 25%W + 25%A ,both level 1, and sailor.
I have another problem: here there is the code #newmonster 2290 #name "weneteu" #descr "The weneteu are a barbarian people, one of the most southern tribes under the banner of ulm. Proud sailor, merchants and pirates, their weapon of choice is the brito£a, a recurved knife, inspired by the thracian rhomphaya." #size 2 #prot 2 #mor 11 #mr 10 #enc 3 #str 10 #att 10 #def 10 #prec 9 #mapmove 2 #ap 12 #gcost 11 #rcost 12 #maxage 70 #startage 18 #noitem #ambidextrous 2 #swampsurvival #weapon 600 #weapon 601 #end #selectnation 2 #addrecunit 2290 #end but when i recruit weneteu, i dont see the sprite, but a red/blue chinese style dragon, someone have an idea about what's going on? |
Re: Brainstorm
Re: Brainstorm
shame on me
Re: Brainstorm
Im still looking for major AI opponents. Im considering a mega game with an AI nation fully entrenched already. There are many suggestions on what the AI does right and wrong which could be built on (such as, not allowing it anything but non-moving gods) and it would seem that it would be easier to create such a nation without worrying about balance.
Re: Brainstorm
Okay, so here's a rough draft of the Huntmaster....
Disclaimer: I have no MP experience, so I probably stink at figuring out game balance. Please feel free to suggest anything that would make the Huntmaster more (or less!) balanced. Disclaimer #2: Note the use of #copysr to give them sprites. As I said, I have no art SKEELZ, so that's about the best that I can do. First, the Man Himself: Code:
#newmonster 2295 And his Hounds: Code:
#newmonster 2296 The ritual to summon the Huntmaster: Code:
#newspell And the onebattlespell that calls his Hounds: Code:
#selectspell 814 |
Re: Brainstorm
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Ok, tomorrow morning i'll release the first incarnation of this mod, with all the stuff slippery did.
in the meantime, here there is the wenetoi chieftain. The main use of the weneteu is to afflict thug/sc/pretender, as 2 attacks, armor piercer should be enough to let 41 soldier land at least 1-2 shot on an enemy, defacto greatly decreasing enemy power( especcialy when you lose an arm, as you lose a slot). The release is in the first post. @ slippery a)what does fasting means? b)i modified his thirteen hunting hounds--> thirteen of his hunting hounds c)which spell is 814? can't find it in the spell database d)as select spell override another spell, and i dont know 814 what spell is, i changed to it to #selectspell 87 #copyspell 814 87 is a blank spell so it should work e)added a spell to battle summon one of his puppies |
Re: Brainstorm
B) "his thirteen hunting hounds" versus "thirteen of his hunting hounds" -- Fine with me. :) C) I think spell #814 is a LA Bogarus spell. I lifted that code straight from Burnsaber's excellent MA Bretonnia mod. He uses it to auto-summon three halberdiers at the beginning of combat. I know it works, so I just hacked it up for auto-summoning thirteen killer dogs. D) Are you sure that spell #87 is blank? My old copy of the Spell DB (from v3.20) says spell #87 summons "6 Maenads".... E) Who's summoning the puppy? Is the Huntmaster a mage, or is an Ulmish shaman summoning the puppy? A bunch of shamans spamming Hounds could seriously wreck an enemy army. :D Thanks for your work! When this is done, I'll have to take EA Ulm for another game. |
Re: Brainstorm
c)my spell database says is blank, but it saysa there is no 6 maenads spell...
e)the shamans can summon the puppy, 2N1H, level 0, 1+ for 20 fatigue |
Re: Brainstorm
Okay, I tested the Huntmaster last night, and all of the code works. However, I noticed a typo in his description. It should be:
Anyway, the Huntmaster and his Hounds all seem to work as designed. The Hounds are very dangerous, and their bites do indeed cause Limps. (Yay, #secondaryeffect!) A couple of Huntmasters working together could probably take on a smallish army.... |
Re: Brainstorm
Ok, i've corrected the description
Re: Brainstorm
Please, it's "Ulm", not "Ülm". Not every U carries the Umlaut in German, and no, it doesn't make it cooler, either. :rolleyes:
Re: Brainstorm
oh. i thought it was a nice stereotype touch...
I'll remove it, but I'll die a little inside. |
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