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-   -   looking for suggestions on crosspath summons (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45427)

Ragnarok-X April 22nd, 2010 03:34 PM

looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I would like to spice up my games with a mod which adds a couple more crosspath summons, i.e. summon spells which require two paths which are preferbly considered "enemy" to each other. If you have a suggestion, please link to to a site with lore about your suggested summon.

Gandalf Parker April 22nd, 2010 03:57 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
From the movie "the FOG"

You could use the Eater of the Dead as a basis.

Or better yet the Ghost Ship Armada so that it only attacks coastlines.

Question: have you created a list of such spells already in place. Im all for such mods and will definitely follow this one. But I like it even better if they try to fill gaps. I dont want to suggest in areas that are already loaded with cross-magic summons

Globu April 22nd, 2010 04:42 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Nice thought.

Maybe an expensive farsummon that includes a commander that onebattlespells Mist, or Mists of Deception (but MoD would not be very thematic though -- this is tough undead, not illusions), along with some very tough, non-mindless undead along the lines of unfrozen.

Burnsaber April 22nd, 2010 05:20 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
One thing I've wanted to do for a long time is a strong cold themed commander that has a custom #onebattlespell that makes the commander start the battle encased on ice. He will be imprisoned by it for a while and break free to bring vengeance in the battlefield. Like a badass.

Ragnarok-X May 2nd, 2010 07:34 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I think a fog would be haaard to do...because by definition its to vast it should fill the entire battlefield. Perhaps its better as a battlefield spell than a ritual summon.

Basicly, im more looking for mythological units, greek, egypt, norse and stuff.
At this point, i have only created a Nightmare and a Nightmare Rider. I cant believe there are no Nightmares in the stock game !

Burnsaber: Your suggestion would be more fitting as a battlefield summon as well, dont you think ? Because he only needs to break out once ?

Swan May 2nd, 2010 11:43 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
what about a death/nature muk?
it's not mythological but it would look funny

Ragnarok-X May 8th, 2010 03:23 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Any ideas for nature/fire ?

Swan May 8th, 2010 05:00 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
The bush that was engulfed in flame but did not burn? maybe someone could be offended

Ragnarok-X May 8th, 2010 05:16 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Thats a great idea. He could have priestly powers !
Then again, he would probably be immobile or what do you think ?

Swan May 8th, 2010 05:25 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I would make it immobile, like the oracle.
Maybe a seed form without powers? but imho immobile is the way to go

kianduatha May 8th, 2010 06:03 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Well, we have two examples of F/N spells--Seven Year Fever and The Kindly Ones. We get this idea that F/N is life pushed too far, too extreme. So then, my suggested summon is basically a berserking, diseaseclouded elephant/other large animal(elephant seems to be pretty good, though, unless someone wants to make a diseased zebra sprite or something).

Another cool thing to do would be a N/D Carrion Drake. If you #copystatted a Frost drake or something, you might be even able to make it Dragon Master-able. I could imagine it having fear and/or poison breath, as well as venomous fangs.

Ragnarok-X May 8th, 2010 07:29 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Before posting, i already thought about a fire/nature summon and i imagined it somehow like chaos troops from warhammer fantasy, mutated nature, but unlike death/disease it would be affected by mutations overstretching physical endurance or something. Perhaps some kind of frenzied, hairy hulk, some fire bursting out from the mutations or something. I could imagine using the werewolf as the base, without regeneration, fiery claws instead of claws and partly burning fur. Perhaps with a couple of nextshapes so he gets weaker with every turn, the fire and anger overpowering and in the end consuming the creature. Any name ideas ? Fireclaw ? Angerlycant ?
Brainstorming ftw.

One thing i dont like about the burning bush is that N/F should result in some really powerful physically creature and the whole "priest" approach doesnt quite fit N/F...?

I dont think i will do D/N for now, since there are already the carrion summons, mandragora and lamias overlapping.

rdonj May 8th, 2010 08:02 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Have you ever played magic the gathering? There should be some good n/f creatures to draw on from there, or things that could work, anyway.

Doo May 8th, 2010 08:17 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
F/W - Steam Men, Steam Warriors.

Have Mist Form and the Fire Shield effect to simulate the heat of the steam.

kianduatha May 8th, 2010 09:19 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 745015)
Before posting, i already thought about a fire/nature summon and i imagined it somehow like chaos troops from warhammer fantasy, mutated nature, but unlike death/disease it would be affected by mutations overstretching physical endurance or something. Perhaps some kind of frenzied, hairy hulk, some fire bursting out from the mutations or something. I could imagine using the werewolf as the base, without regeneration, fiery claws instead of claws and partly burning fur. Perhaps with a couple of nextshapes so he gets weaker with every turn, the fire and anger overpowering and in the end consuming the creature. Any name ideas ? Fireclaw ? Angerlycant ?
Brainstorming ftw.

I was thinking of the same thing originally, except I realized somewhat belatedly that I had just created Fire Snakes. Unfortunately plain Fire magic has already taken the 'put some firey traits on an animal' idea.

I dunno, whenever I think F/N I think of The Lion King. Maybe some giant hyenas or a crazed herd of wildebeasts(tee hee)?

Swan May 9th, 2010 05:55 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Actually the fire/nature combo in dominions is "not life pushed too far", to me it seems more like "revenge, hate".
Also, as Kianduatha said, plain fire already use animals.

Ragnarok-X May 9th, 2010 02:31 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

Originally Posted by Doo (Post 745023)
F/W - Steam Men, Steam Warriors.

Have Mist Form and the Fire Shield effect to simulate the heat of the steam.

I like these. However, i dont how i would go about adding the mistform to them. Onebattlespells only work on leaders, not on stock troops ?

Any ideas ?

Gregstrom May 10th, 2010 04:39 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I don't think you can do a Mist Form. Ethereal would be close enough, I guess.

Ragnarok-X May 10th, 2010 12:56 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Can someone tell me the unit command to make a unit eat more supplies ?

In addition, how exactly does fire shield work ? Say i make it fireshield 3, how is the hit and damage calculated ? Does the attacker roll a dice if the fireshields hit him only when he attacks or does he need to hit ? What the exact formular for fireshield attack / defense and especially damage ?

I finished the N/R summon. Its called Tribal Brute and is a human-sized hulk and is basicly a human thing under too much nature/fire magic influence. It got some mutations and is now a raging brute, think werewolf x2 but more cool. Likely N2R2 or N3R2.

kianduatha May 10th, 2010 01:22 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Amusingly enough, Gluttony is done by giving the creature a negative #supplybonus.

Fire shield deals # ap damage every time someone attacks the target(no roll to hit), but reduced by 1 for every unit of the attacking weapon's length. So your example of fireshield 3 would deal...-1 ap damage to a militia hitting the unit with a spear.

Tribal Brute sounds just about right--I'm looking forwards to seeing it in practice.

Ragnarok-X May 10th, 2010 03:25 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

If anyone feels like doing some sprites, i would appreciate it.
For now Steam Man needs a sprite (vapors taking the rough shape of a guy ?) and the Tribal Brute (thinking Ogryn or Ogre from warhammer universe, or abomination from warcraft 3 -death +nature, or hulk/abomination, perhaps the huge hulks from resident evil with a huge twisted muscle on one shoulder or back).

This **** is really sucking hard.
Modding is one thing, providing at least a half-*** decent gfx is a totally different type.

I think this mod could very well be the early and midgame half of lategame diversity summons.

kianduatha May 10th, 2010 06:03 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I would think the Steam Man could be a color-palette replacement of Vine Men, and Tribal Brute might be a modification of some of the crazy Cross Breeding results...looking through it really fast the Grotesque seems hilarious.

Ragnarok-X May 13th, 2010 08:28 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

Gandalf Parker May 13th, 2010 09:40 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Those look great to me.

Ragnarok-X May 13th, 2010 09:53 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I dont like the right arm of the attacking brute and the hands/claws in general....

Gandalf Parker May 13th, 2010 10:59 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Maybe take the arm on the right of the non-attack brute (its left arm), and swing it up to be the arm on the left of the attack image?

kianduatha May 13th, 2010 11:18 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Wow, those look amazing.

LDiCesare May 13th, 2010 01:23 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
F/N: Chimera? A beast with lion and goat head and a dragon head as a tail (or third head), the latter breathing fire. I think there's already a chimera among the foul spawn you can summon with B/N but it's random and I think lacks fire breath?

Stavis_L May 13th, 2010 01:30 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

Originally Posted by LDiCesare (Post 745510)
F/N: Chimera? A beast with lion and goat head and a dragon head as a tail (or third head), the latter breathing fire. I think there's already a chimera among the foul spawn you can summon with B/N but it's random and I think lacks fire breath?

It has fire breath. See the wiki entry for Chimera.

Swan May 13th, 2010 05:41 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Nature/astral-->a tuatara like 3 eyed lizard

Ragnarok-X May 14th, 2010 12:20 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I like that one. Thanks Swan !

Ragnarok-X May 14th, 2010 01:42 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Why the **** cant you edit your messages. Goddamn.

I think i have to pass because there already is the Couatl...

Gandalf Parker May 14th, 2010 03:14 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
You mean in a thread? It has pros and cons as far as impacting the system.
So as a compromise, we are allowed to edit our posts for 30(?) minutes, and we can edit the first post in a thread forever

Swan May 14th, 2010 04:12 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 745597)
I think i have to pass because there already is the Couatl...

Well couatl is a)nation specific b)not a 3eyed lizard, more a winged snake

Ragnarok-X May 14th, 2010 06:09 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
could you post unit stats for your suggestions ? like magic path, hp and stuff ? school ? cast requirements ?

Swan May 14th, 2010 06:25 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 745634)
could you post unit stats for your suggestions ? like magic path, hp and stuff ? school ? cast requirements ?

conjuration9; N2/S2
commander; it's a N3/S3 mage; bite+claw+third eye(mr paralyze), maybe wasteland survival
#hp 200
#size 6
#prot(natural) 19
#def 10
#att 10
#str 20
#mr 25
#mor 30
#ap 8
#map 1
#enc 2
Similar to the terrasque, just more magical,

Ragnarok-X May 16th, 2010 05:44 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Dont you think that guy is absurdly powerful ? N2S2 would grant you a 200 hp N3S3 tank ?

Ragnarok-X May 16th, 2010 07:42 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I figured out what i will likely make out of Earth/Astral OR Earth/Air: Beholder / Evil Eye.

Any suggestion, should it be Earth Astral or Earth Air ? Commander ? Farsummon ?

In addition, i think there is good chance i might add a Nidhogg.

Swan May 16th, 2010 10:28 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 745756)
Dont you think that guy is absurdly powerful ? N2S2 would grant you a 200 hp N3S3 tank ?

The 200 hp tank will have no slots, that's a big drawback; plus you have to gor it, it doesn't start as a commander.
Maybe lowering a bit hp/prot or increasing the gem/path cost is a good idea TBH

Ragnarok-X May 21st, 2010 03:40 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Anyone got some ideas on do to draw a beholder. I resign on trying to do one :D

Fantomen May 23rd, 2010 05:31 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I'm thinking a giant worm of some sort would be cool. Size 6 with swallow attack and stealth(travels underground), seige bonus, mindless.

Could be NE ND or NW i guess.

Could make for more interesting stealthy raiding parties.

Ragnarok-X May 24th, 2010 08:14 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I like that idea a lot actually. But how would u go about a shallow attack. You mean a 999 dmg hit ?

Nature/Death has plenty of stuff, i think nature/water would be good since its really lacking apart from stupid bog beasts and good kyanites.

Would it be commander or not ?

Ragnarok-X May 24th, 2010 09:45 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
These guys could also have the Flying tag, so they can tunnel below fortress walls and appear on the inside immediatly.


Ragnarok-X May 24th, 2010 11:31 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Some update.


Swan May 24th, 2010 04:52 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 746484)
I like that idea a lot actually. But how would u go about a shallow attack. You mean a 999 dmg hit ?

Nature/Death has plenty of stuff, i think nature/water would be good since its really lacking apart from stupid bog beasts and good kyanites.

Would it be commander or not ?

swallow is a weapon already in game, i used it on one of my monsters.
speaking about the giant worm, i made this sprites sometimes ago for one of my mods, maybe they can be useful, even if they are pretty rough.

Ragnarok-X May 24th, 2010 05:56 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
I decided to the mudcrawler after your suggestion. I tried doing a different sprite, with the worm striking from below (not showing the bottom half since its underground) but it didnt look any good when it moved. Then i tried to make the sprite have 2 parts, like the front of the sprite has the upper worm looking from below, then his body vanishes into the ground and at the end of the sprite the tail is looking from the ground. Both didnt work out when it moved though.
Now its more like a olm or wyrm but its okay. The body could be a bit more massive though.

I found a weapon called Devour, not Swallow (i think). It has AoE 1 (great) and does twice as much damage if the target is smaller. Im combat it did 40-50 damage each if it hit a square with 3 humans in it. Just GREAT.

#newmonster 2107
#spr1 "./new/Mudcrawler1.tga"
#spr2 "./new/Mudcrawler2.tga"
#name "Mudcrawler"
#descr "Kindred to see serpents and olms, these large worms lack wisdom but have superior strength. Diggin from below, they can appear anywhere, devouring potential targets whole, but can as well travel stealthy, expanding their routes underground. They can easily devour smaller creatures whole and are also said to destroy fortifications with ease. Living mostly underground has made their skin tough and only considerable force can even scratch their thick hide."
#hp 86
#size 5
#prot 16
#mor 12
#mr 13
#enc 4
#str 28
#att 16
#def 16
#prec 8
#mapmove 3
#ap 6
#weapon 505
#weapon 322
#startage 80
#maxage 120
#darkvision 75
#stealthy 15
#siegebonus 30

This guy is real fun. I added two spells for him. One is a stock summon that calls one of these beasts into your province for 6 water gems. The other one has higher requirements but its a far summon which calls 3 Crawlers. Its great and it so fits with the units description.
The stealth is good as well. Its one thing when a buddy is hiding 30 satyrs in his army, its another thing when even only 2 of these guys suddendly pop up in combat :D

Now, what do you think, should it have flying (presenting the sudden tunneling) or not ?
In addition, this guy needs a better name. Anyone ? I would like to credit it to you, so, if you can think up some good name that has a reference to your nick, suggest it !

Ragnarok-X May 25th, 2010 12:01 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Any suggestions on AIR/FIRE ?

Swan May 25th, 2010 06:37 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
well fire bird is too obvious so...
1)a flamethrower soldier
2)a 2shape unit..> a 1hp with low stat unit which looks like mist that burns when hitted

Gandalf Parker May 26th, 2010 09:22 AM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons
Im jumping in late but a swallowing worm makes be think of two movies.
maybe there is something out there on those that we can use

And since the images are mostly just for combat you might even get away with a dirt line for sprite one to simulate tunneling, and a head coming out of the ground biting for sprite two (combat sprite). Not the whole worm. Can it be given a big combat move to simulate the underground attack thing. Im not sure if flying has other factors you wouldnt want, such as not working in storms. But then again the water attacks use fly to simulate swimming so it might be the best available.

Fantomen May 26th, 2010 08:58 PM

Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 746578)
I decided to the mudcrawler after your suggestion...

Vey nice you took up on the idea. I think it should be blind rather than having darkvision. And I don't know about flying, it feels wrong somehow even if it acheives the right effect. The remote spell is a great idea. I was imagining a more larvae like white thingy but your sprite works well enough.

I don't have a better name at the moment, but how about doing a flying spaghetti monster pretender? (check my sig)

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