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Troubling Times: Game over, Marverni wins
1 Attachment(s)
The people of Faerun will not quickly forget the chaotic events they collectively refer to as "The time of Troubles" In those days the gods walked the earth, warring and killing. And dying. Ambitious mortals took advantage to claim godhood for themselves. Nations shattered and others were born. And people died. So many people died.
In the aftermath measures were taken to prevent anything similar from happening again. Gods were bound to their divine planes and forbidden to directly intervene in the affairs of mortals, only being able to influence events through their worshippers. War once again became the - hardly bloodless - domain of human lords and orc chieftains. No-one however had counted with the possibility of outside influence. Seemingly overnight several dozen alien peoples - some human, some far stranger - settled the rich lands of Faerun, bringing their own would-be gods with them. All of them claiming to be the one true power. Faerun stands on the brink of a repeat of that earlier age, with god poised to make war upon god. Only this time the gods have entire nations following them. The native powers gather their forces and prepare for war, but cannot fool themselves. Everyone knows that the future will be forever changed, and that the change will not be shaped by the original inhabitants. Night is falling for the gods of the Faerunian Pantheon and their followers. The future will be decided by the foreign invaders, but by which of them? For in the end, there can only be one... I've been on a sabbatical for Dominions for over a year now, but lately I've been feeling the urge to start again. And since there's currently no game recruiting (unless I'm beeing blind, always a distinct possibility) I've decided to make my own, using the Llamaserver to host it. Since the first big multiplayer game I ever played was on an earlier version of the Faerun map and I'm kinda nostalgic, we'll be playing over the newer version of this map for a nice 'full circle' kinda feeling. The map is huge. It is unbalanced. It has hard-as nails indepent VP provinces. And it's totally fun. (Untill you grow too big to stomach the micro.) So anyone intrested in a huge free-for-all is in the right place. Settings: Discussion about settings has been finialized. Era: Early Players: All nations Independents: 6 money/Resources/supply: Standard Reseach: Normal Special Sites: 50 Hall of Fame: 15 Random events: common Renaming: on Graphs: Off(I have always thought too many games played with graphs on, so now I finally have the chance to tiranically impose my opinion I'm not going to pass on it. :) Use scouts, watch battles, talk to other players. Many ways to gain information about your opponents. Victory: Conquer 40VP and keep control of them for 3 turns. This means anyone reaching the benchmark should post a list of his VP's in the main thread for everyone to see and then hold on against all commers. (Note: It is not required to specifically keep hold of all VP provinces listed. Conquering enough new ones to make up for the lost ones is perfectly fine. As long as you still control a total of 40VP at the end of the 3 turns that's ok.) Mods: CBM obviously. Endgame Diversity Mod and UWGIM also made the cut after discussion in the thread. There's a combined mod attached to this post. (Thanks Pyg) Hosting: 24h quickhost at start, going to longer intervals as soon as necessary. Currentely at 72h Who can play?: Everyone is welcome. Be aware however of the commitment involved. This is a very big map, so even if you "only" survive to mid game you might be dealing with empires of several dozen provinces. Nation choice: Each player should list the three nations he'd prefer to play in order of preference. Once all slots are filled nations will be assigned, attempting to give everyone one of their choices. Earlier experience suggest that almost all players will get one of their 3 picks. If you're worried about not getting one of your 3 choices (Especially if you pick 3 'popular' nations.) feel free to add one or two nations you definitely don't want to play. Players: Pantokrator: Marverni/Amhazair: Declared winner through concession on turn 80 True survivors: Ulm: Verjigorm Mictlan: Yandav Caelum: Numahr Vanheim: don_pablo Pangaea: Ghoul31 Sauromatia: Aethyr C'tis: Trumanator (Pretender Design: Executor, Calahan up to turn 5, Ferrosol turn 6 till turn 45.) R'lyeh: Eximius Sus Helheim: Nrasch (Taking over from Rytek on turn 69.) Atlantis: Priestyman Honorable Dead: T'ien Ch'i: Samulus ==> Gone Ai on turn 18, eliminated turn 22. Hinnim: Graem Dice ==> Eliminated turn 29. Yomi: Waterhazard ==> Eliminated turn 41. Kailasa: Mockingbird ==> Eliminated turn 43. Oceania: Blackguard ==> Gone AI turn 49, eliminated turn 51. Tir na N'og: Hadrian_II ==> Gone AI turn 47, eliminated turn 57. Arcoscephale: Herode ==> Eliminated turn 57. Lanka: Finalgenesis ==> Eliminated turn 58. Abysia: Executor ==> Eliminated turn 61. (Played by Camobeercan till turn 26) Niefelheim: Inindo ==> Gone AI turn 48'ish; Eliminated turn 74. Agartha: DrPraetorius ==> Eliminated turn 75. (Welltimat till turn 56.) Fomoria: Executor ==> Eliminated turn 76. (Zeldor till turn 63) Ermor: Baalz ==> Gone AI turn 77, eliminated turn 78. (Grijalva till turn 54.) |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Phew, hope I didn't forget anything. :)
Anyway, my nation choises: 1. Marverni 2. Caelum 3. Sauromatia |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Also: Yeah Baby! I'm Back!
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
1. Lanka
2. Helheim 3. Ermor |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
1. Arcoscephale
2. Vanheim 3. Ulm I also like the following (additional) mods: 1. Endgame Diversity *** 2. Worthy Heroes ** 3. Standards & Streamers * |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I'll also vote for:
Endgame diversity Otherwise no preference with the settings you have there. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
1. Mictlan
2. Hinnom 3. Ermor |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
The Endgame Diversity project was just gathering steam when I quit playing, so I have no idea how it turned out, though I did notice it enjoyed a certain popularity. I wasn't planning on including it, but am prepared to change my mind if a clear majority wants to use it. Graeme: I can't seem to remember you being active in multiplayer for the longest time while I was still about. Did you jump back in (relatively) recently? Or does my memory of past events not conform to reality again? |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
1. Tir'Na'Nog
2. Arcoscephale 3. Agartha How about making research difficult? Otherwise it will be too fast for large nations on such a large map. Worthy Heroes (if i remember correctly) were included in CBM. And i don't really want endgame diversity mod. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Worthy Heroes is integrated into CBM.
You should use EDM. We have seen enough tartarian clusterfests. I would like to play with S&S. You should increase the amount of magic sites at least to 50 because of no gem gens. If these are acceptable, I would like to join. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
1. Sauromatia
2. C'tis 3. Helheim |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Hmm... Lanka? :)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I'll second the motions for:
1. Increase Magic Site Frequency to 50. 2. Increase Magic Research to Difficult. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I would like to join this game, please.
My choices: 1) Kailasa 2) Fomoria 3) Niefelheim |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
The size of the map means that you really can not have unit swawners like pangea, la ermor, la-rlyeh. Additionally, just due to the size of the game you are talking something like a two year commitment to finish it - with probably 18 months of that spent in very time consuming endgame. Additionally, you will have probablems retaining players, and very likely the game will crash. I admire all 4 of you gentlemen for your enthusiasm - but I'd really suggest something quite a bit less epic. Suggestion: use only a portion of the map. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I would tend to agree with Chris on the map size thing. The game will never finish well, and we don't want to include AIs anyway, so why not scale down to a smaller map based on the number of people?
Also, if you've been gone awhile, there has been a schism in the community between the people who can still talk on this board and those who have been banned. If you want to recruit the Banished Ones, they can be found here: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...hp?showforum=3 |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I would like to join:
Nations: 1. Tir na n'Og 2. Mictlan 3. Lanka About VPs i would not use the VP victory condition in the game, but just make a house rule that someone needs a certain amount of VPs and has to hold them for 3 turns, to prevent aprupt endings of games. btw. i even remember the original Faerun game :D |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I would be happy to join the game.
I am quite unexperienced but I see some fellow players from my generation so I will not be the only one... Prefered nations are: - Agartha - Caelum - Arco I would like to support the following suggestions made by other players: - inclusion of the End Game Diversity Mod - map adjusted based on the number of players - difficult research |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Anyway, for me:
- Lanka - Hinnom - Atlantis, if it's sole uw nation |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Welcome back, Amhazair. Great idea you had launching this game, I was looking forward some EA game to start.
I will suggest Indies 8-9 and OK, I know research difficulty is in bold but I agree with welltimat about research being difficult as an interesting option. I also would like to enforce some gaming principles as the "Baalz' good player pledge". My last MP game has been crippled by staling players and big nations going to IA when their ruler no longer 'has fun'. I do not really enjoy playing against staling indies or IA nations. My SP games are enough for that. My choices : - Arcoscephale - Ulm - Agartha |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I'd like to join as either:
1. Yomi 2. Caelum 3. Abysia |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
After 2nd thought, I'd like to change my list of prefered naitons to:
- Tien Chi - Caelum - Ermor |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Keep indies at reasonable levels, there are garrisons anyway. 6-7 max. Don't take too many players, but make premade starting positions, as this map can get very ugly random starts.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I'll join if play with EDM
1 Arco 2 Tir na n'Og 3 Vanheim |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Niefelheim Helheim |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Allright, many points raised, so bulletpoints time! All bow down and admire my professionalism! :smirk:
* Endgame Diversity Mod has been suggested and endorsed by several people, with one vote against. I have tentatively added it to the OP, but feel free to make your feelings - for or against the mod - clear. I have no objections against using it myself, but since I didin't add it to the options at the start I'll lend heavier weight to any nay-voters out there. And I guess I'd better go take a look at how the mod turned out then. Last time I checked it out it was still in the brainstorming stage. :smirk: * Streamers and Standards has also been suggested. I see absolutely no reason to include it, but then again the only downside is having to download it, so... /shrug. Unless anyone objects, it's in. * No objections to site frequency of 50. Changed in the OP, remains open for discussion. * I really like the Idea of difficult research, so it takes a bit longer to reach the massive endgame spells, and especially to have access to every spell you might need. The massive downside however is in early game, where it basically eliminates the option for 'average' nations to try and counter or slow (bless-)rushers with a couple of well chosen low-level spells. As such I will veto this proposal. (Hence the bold in the OP :smirk:) The Megagames came up with an - imperfect - solution to this by using difficult (or very difficult?) research, but modding all lower lvl spells down a level, so early research was equally fast, but mid- and late game slowed down considerably. That's a very heavy handed solution though, and the hypotethical mod would have to be written from scrach - I think - Since CBM already fiddles a lot with spells in the game. If any white knight feels inspired to try something like this and everyone agrees, then be my guest, but otherwise normal research it will remain. Quote:
* 15 Players on the list so far, 3 of which I've played with, and one more I know from posting. I feel old... :( * And Finally: 13lackGu4rd: I hate your name! If we wind up next to each other I'll rush you on sight, just to avoid having to type that name in PM's. Fair warning. :smirk: |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
btw. i object to indies stronger to 6, as it forces a strong bless or a sc pretender on you. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
1. Pangea
2. Hinnom 3. Agartha |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Something like this, amhazair? :D
Also, we had a game recently on the other forums that showcases just how bad maenads really are. If I were the pangaean player, I'd have no difficulty agreeing to take no turmoil, or perhaps just 1. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I can take care of the map editing. Coding is indeed a piece of cake; but agreeing on the starting locations is more sensitive. I woulod appreciate if 2-3 guys accept to work with me on this. THe only thing I want from them is to give me feedback on suggested locations so that it gets balanced. The reason why I say 2-3 guys is to have a workable small group. Then we can suggest the end result to the whole game community.
Let me know what you think. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I just can't resist, so lets get crazy:
1. Ermor 2. Maverni 3. Ulm |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I might point out that there is absolutely no reason to use Standards and Streamers unless the game is going to be multi-age. Anyone who wants to look at the S+S banners can simply copy the code portion of the S+S mod and paste it at the bottom of CBM, and you'll change all the nation banners. This way you don't inconvenience people who don't like the S+S banners, because forcing them to have a blank copy of S+S to avoid looking at it leads to problems when they do play in an all-ages game. (Also, you get to look at S+S banners all the time, no matter what game you play in, so long as it uses whatever mod you pasted it into - CBM in this example).
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
My preference would have been for difficult research with lvl 3 spells modded down to lvl 2 too, but I guess it's close enough. I suppose those that advocated difficult research can be happy with this (small) compromise. Any objections from players who prefer normal research? Quote:
And finally: Anyone intrested in hashing out balanced start locations, report to Numahr's offices. :) We've got 17 signups now, provided Juffos confirms the settings are to his liking and no-one backs out, so 7 slots left. (And a marked lack of intrest in playing water nations for some reason.) |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Amhazair, welcome back! You gave me my first MP butt-whipping a while back (in the armadillo game I think). Please sign me up. I'll send in my nation choices later.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
OK, here are my choices:
1. Ulm 2. Sauromatia 3. Fomoria I'm good with all the settings in the OP, and definately support CBM + EGD mods. I do not want to play Agartha. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Back from a (short) weekend with the parents and we have one new singup. And actually another known face. I can't quite remember though... were you Atlantis in that game? I remember a war with Pangaea "and ally" but am not positive that the allied nation was indeed Atlantis.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I was Atlantis in Faerun, that game was a disaster. And EA Atlantis is utter crap. Slightly better with uwgim and cbm, but still crap. Even in small lake :)
Anyway, my selections are: 1. Fomoria 2. Hinnom 3. Niefelheim So Fomoria, I hope :) Smth new to try would be cool. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Yes, I was Atlantis in that game, subbing in for Llama about half way through. You were the "great power" in the east (C'tis) with hoards of tarts and artifacts. Your ever-changing battle tactics and bag of tricks really gave me a crash course in MP end-game play. I was crushed again and again, but it was a blast. :)
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
First, I hate you for organizing this game Amhazzir, if I fail my exams I blame you. :p
(I reserve the right to bow out if I bring myself to reason) Second, I was Fomoria in Fearun, and that was a damn good game. Kailasa C'tis TC |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I don't know what good it'll do, mind, but I can write one...:angel |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Send me some of that fine Belguim chocolate to ease my pain...
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
We should really use UWGIM if we want anyone to enjoy playing uw nation. And it should make game really more interesting, especially for less mobile EA uw nations.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I'd love to join this game. My picks are
1. Arco!!!!!! 2. Lanka 3. Tien Chi I'd also love not having to play Yomi. |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
There are now, officially, too many people on Arco for my tastes, so I'll bow out in favor of a better chance on Ulm....
Shift me to this: 1. Ulm 2. Vanheim 3. Marverni |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Well, we now have a 21st signup, (Welcome Camobeercan) but signups seem to have slowed to a trickle, and I fear if we keep waiting more people will bow out than sign on. Seems people are too sensible for a game like this one. :(
Additionally, the water nations are horribly unpopular, with 0 out of 63 nation picks being a water nations. I believe we now have a couple of choises on how to proceed: 1) Forget about the glorious madness that's the Faerun map, :cry: choose a different map that's suitable for ~20 people, and play a regular largish game. (Preferably a map with not too many water provinces I suppose.) 2) Play the game as planned on the Faerun map, but utilise the dead seas map, which makes water provinces essentially worhtless. The 21 signups exactly match the number of land nations in the EA, so this could be a decent solution. I/we will have to check how the dead seas mod interacts with the fixed special provinces though, and whether all mods are compatible. (If someone could kindly point me to that mod that would be fantastic by the way, as I never downloaded it before, and couldn't find it with a quick search.) 3) The most proactive option: we wait a while longer, and see who turns up. I'll run a quick vote untill tomorrow, and we can kick things of from there. I don't think it would be a good idea to let things drag on much longer. (Feel free to suggest good maps in case we go for option number 1 btw.) |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
- keep the map, no matter it is full or not - wait for new candidates until sunday evening - if no water nation declared, either set 3 IA for the water nations (mighty or so) or just ignore. I don't like dead seas :capt: |
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
I vote no on AI of any kind and feel that the map size should reflect the number of players. Waiting until Sunday is acceptable, but we could lock in current players' nations so we can start building pretenders and strategizing.
Re: Troubling Times: Large EA CBM Game (Recruiting)
Map has many garrisons that limit the number of provinces you can expand into until mid/late game. But still 15+ provs per land nation. Much more per water nation.
With UWGIM included, you can convince some people to play water nation. Didn't Maerlande want to join as R'lyeh? |
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