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eddieballgame October 21st, 2004 04:56 AM

New \"Cultures.txt\"
Some of my friends & I have come up with a better (opinion http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) CULTURES txt file. Also, adding a new Trait. Just thought we should share this with our fellow gamers. Adjustments were worked out weighting the categories. How 'bout those Redsox!!!

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Name := Neutral
Description := A race with no specific advantages or disadvantages.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 0
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := 0
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0

Name := Berzerkers
Description := A highly factioned culture with an unending desire for conquest. Berzerkers are tremendous fighters with no apparent regard for personal safety. This single-minded lust for combat takes a toll on their culture's ability to advance its economy.
Production := -5
Research := -5
Intelligence := -5
Trade := -5
Space Combat := 10
Ground Combat := 10
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0

Name := Warriors
Description := A culture dedicated to the pursuit of combat and conquest. Strong familial bonds hold the society together and allow it to advance in non martial areas.
Production := 0
Research := -3
Intelligence := -4
Trade := -5
Space Combat := 5
Ground Combat := 5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := -1

Name := Traders
Description := Citizens of this culture are dedicated to the pursuit of meeting other races and establishing trade with them.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 10
Space Combat := -1
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := -1
Repair := 0

Name := Politicians
Description := A highly political culture allows for advanced trade and superior leadership in combat. However, as often happens with a politically centric directive, the basics of industry are neglected.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 5
Trade := 5
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := -5

Name := Artisans
Description := A populace devoted to the leisure and cultural pursuits. This society keeps is populations very happy.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 0
Space Combat := -1
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 10
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := -1
Repair := 0

Name := Scientists
Description := The majority of the given population are devoted to scientific endeavors.
Production := 0
Research := 7
Intelligence := 0
Trade := -1
Space Combat := -5
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0

Name := Workers
Description := A culture which values hard work above all else. Industry is given precedence above all other tasks.
Production := 7
Research := 0
Intelligence := -1
Trade := 0
Space Combat := -5
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0

Name := Schemers
Description := A society with a natural disposition towards dark deals and political machinations. This society is adept at intelligence operations.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 10
Trade := 0
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := -5

Name := Zealots
Description := A culture completely dedicated to a single goal. All thought and effort is expended with this goal as the result. Though industry and intellectual pursuits suffer, this society excels at combat.
Production := 0
Research := -5
Intelligence := -5
Trade := -5
Space Combat := 5
Ground Combat := 10
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0

Name := Engineers
Description := A populace that is dedicated to engineering pursuits. These beings are adept at construction, maintaining, and repairing complex vehicles.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := -5
Trade := -5
Space Combat := -5
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 5
SY Rate := 5
Repair := 5

Name := Merchants
Description := Merchants have directed themselves towards economic pursuits. They excel at trade and deep space supply.
Production := 0
Research := -2
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 5
Space Combat := -2
Ground Combat := -4
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 5
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0

Name := Renegades
Description := A society almost to the point of anarchy, Renegades are highly factioned Groups that prefer to work separately. Their diverse yet happy lifestyle keeps their population spreading throughout the galaxy.
Production := 0
Research := -5
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 0
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := 2
Happiness := 1
Maintenance := 2
SY Rate := 2
Repair := 2

Name := Xenophobes
Description := A culture which has no desire for interaction with other cultures. They desire to remain apart and distinct from the rest of the galaxy.
Production := 2
Research := 2
Intelligence := -5
Trade := -5
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 1
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0

Name := Mentalist
Description := A race which relies on research for its' well being
Production := 0
Research := 10
Intelligence := 0
Trade := -5
Space Combat := -5
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := -1
Repair := -1

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spoon October 21st, 2004 03:18 PM

Re: New \"Cultures.txt\"
I liked how you bumped up the effectiveness of engineers, and they compare well with the merchant. I think, though, you need to reduce the effectiveness of the Berserker. (+10 to ship combat is a huge bonus). Everything else probably needs to be improved to match the effectiveness of these three cultures.

Also, check out the PvK mod (as mentioned in the other thread...) Though the PvK mod uses a balanced, zero-sum approach - all cultures are roughly equal, and worth "zero" points. I forget what values he used exactly, but I think it is mentioned in the mod.

In the Fantasy Empires mod, I used PvK's approach, but made the relative worth of each culture about 500 points, so feel free to check that out too. (if you don't want to download it, lemme know, and I can just post the txt file).

Always nice to see people tweaking the data files! Have fun!

Karibu October 22nd, 2004 03:06 AM

Re: New \"Cultures.txt\"
Engineers are now definitely better than before. However, I would not take any trait which adds negative bonus into space combat. That is most important thing in this game. Consider this: Berzerkes have 15% better combat ratio compared to engineers, mentalists, scientists or workers regardless of any other bonus. That is significant advantage. Why do you not see any other trait in PBW than Warriors and/or berzerkes? Because the space combat is what makes all the difference.

This is just my opinion, but those traits with negative space combat bonuses Should be even more attractive on another means. Well, at the end wise player counts what is the most valuable trait counting points and their use.

However, I wish you luck with your modding. I hope you find some solution in the problem I presented.

spoon October 22nd, 2004 01:30 PM

Re: New \"Cultures.txt\"

Karibu said:
Why do you not see any other trait in PBW than Warriors and/or berzerkes? Because the space combat is what makes all the difference.

You also see Merchant - a bonus point in maintenance is arguably as good as a bonus point in ship combat.

In any case, there is always a balancing point for any trait, and I think the PvK mod does a good job of finding where it is.

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