Some of my friends & I have come up with a better (opinion

) CULTURES txt file. Also, adding a new Trait. Just thought we should share this with our fellow gamers. Adjustments were worked out weighting the categories. How 'bout those Redsox!!!
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Name := Neutral
Description := A race with no specific advantages or disadvantages.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 0
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := 0
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0
Name := Berzerkers
Description := A highly factioned culture with an unending desire for conquest. Berzerkers are tremendous fighters with no apparent regard for personal safety. This single-minded lust for combat takes a toll on their culture's ability to advance its economy.
Production := -5
Research := -5
Intelligence := -5
Trade := -5
Space Combat := 10
Ground Combat := 10
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0
Name := Warriors
Description := A culture dedicated to the pursuit of combat and conquest. Strong familial bonds hold the society together and allow it to advance in non martial areas.
Production := 0
Research := -3
Intelligence := -4
Trade := -5
Space Combat := 5
Ground Combat := 5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := -1
Name := Traders
Description := Citizens of this culture are dedicated to the pursuit of meeting other races and establishing trade with them.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 10
Space Combat := -1
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := -1
Repair := 0
Name := Politicians
Description := A highly political culture allows for advanced trade and superior leadership in combat. However, as often happens with a politically centric directive, the basics of industry are neglected.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 5
Trade := 5
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := -5
Name := Artisans
Description := A populace devoted to the leisure and cultural pursuits. This society keeps is populations very happy.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 0
Space Combat := -1
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 10
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := -1
Repair := 0
Name := Scientists
Description := The majority of the given population are devoted to scientific endeavors.
Production := 0
Research := 7
Intelligence := 0
Trade := -1
Space Combat := -5
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0
Name := Workers
Description := A culture which values hard work above all else. Industry is given precedence above all other tasks.
Production := 7
Research := 0
Intelligence := -1
Trade := 0
Space Combat := -5
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0
Name := Schemers
Description := A society with a natural disposition towards dark deals and political machinations. This society is adept at intelligence operations.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := 10
Trade := 0
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := -5
Name := Zealots
Description := A culture completely dedicated to a single goal. All thought and effort is expended with this goal as the result. Though industry and intellectual pursuits suffer, this society excels at combat.
Production := 0
Research := -5
Intelligence := -5
Trade := -5
Space Combat := 5
Ground Combat := 10
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0
Name := Engineers
Description := A populace that is dedicated to engineering pursuits. These beings are adept at construction, maintaining, and repairing complex vehicles.
Production := 0
Research := 0
Intelligence := -5
Trade := -5
Space Combat := -5
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 5
SY Rate := 5
Repair := 5
Name := Merchants
Description := Merchants have directed themselves towards economic pursuits. They excel at trade and deep space supply.
Production := 0
Research := -2
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 5
Space Combat := -2
Ground Combat := -4
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 5
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0
Name := Renegades
Description := A society almost to the point of anarchy, Renegades are highly factioned Groups that prefer to work separately. Their diverse yet happy lifestyle keeps their population spreading throughout the galaxy.
Production := 0
Research := -5
Intelligence := 0
Trade := 0
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := 2
Happiness := 1
Maintenance := 2
SY Rate := 2
Repair := 2
Name := Xenophobes
Description := A culture which has no desire for interaction with other cultures. They desire to remain apart and distinct from the rest of the galaxy.
Production := 2
Research := 2
Intelligence := -5
Trade := -5
Space Combat := 0
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 1
SY Rate := 0
Repair := 0
Name := Mentalist
Description := A race which relies on research for its' well being
Production := 0
Research := 10
Intelligence := 0
Trade := -5
Space Combat := -5
Ground Combat := -5
Happiness := 0
Maintenance := 0
SY Rate := -1
Repair := -1
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