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2006 Games Poll (poll is up - see link)
Edit: The poll is now posted!
What games do you plan to buy in 2006? It would be interesting to see the thoughts of Shrapnel forumers, so before I make a poll, please add the names of games you want included... games released in late 2005 are OK too. Links to homepages, good fansites, and good (p)reviews are welcome! I have various reasons for posting this, but most importantly, it is so that everyone can see what games other people (with similar interests) are anticipating - and thus, discover excellent games of which they were ignorant. Therefore, posting indy games, debuts from small developers, and small niche games are encouraged... along with links to information. GameRankings.com might give Grand Theft Auto a 95% average and Resident Evil 4 a stunning 96% average, but I'd never consider buying either game, and the opinions of Shrapnel fans would be much more useful. If any Shrapnel developers want me to add or remove their games, please send me a pm or just mention it in the thread; and feel free to link to this thread in your forum. I don't track all the games here so I don't know which ones are new or upcoming... ~ The list so far ~ Strategy: All American: The 82nd Airborne in Normandy Armed Assault - developer Battle for Middle Earth II Battle for Wesnoth 1.0 - home Civilization 4 - home fansite fansite Combat Mission: Shock Force - home fansite Combat Mission Campaigns home Dominions III - homeless developer Galley Battles Galactic Civilizations 2 - home Hammer and Sickle Heroes of Might and Magic V - home fansite Jagged Alliance 3/3D/Disciples III (same sketchy-seeming developer) - developer screenshots Land of Legends - home Space Empires V - developer home Starships Unlimited 3 - developer/forums Supreme Commander (Total Annihilation sequel) - preview home Sword of the Stars - wiki Tigers on the Prowl III home RPG: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana 2 - media Dragon Quest VIII - gamerankings review Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - home MUST-SEE TRAILERS media Gothic III - home preview media Neverwinter Nights 2 Psychonauts (by the Monkey Island series designer) - gamerankings The Guild II - home The Witcher - preview Valkyrie Profile (original, remake, or sequel) - media World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - home preview Hybrid / Action / Other: Deadly Rooms Of Death: The City Beneath (puzzle) - home Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (Tactical Action) - image image Hellgate: London (FPS/RPG) - home preview King Kong (Action) Lugaru (indy) home gamerankings netKarPRO - home forum screens Megaman X Collection (action) Prey (action) - movies PT Boats: Knights of the Sea (sim) - home Roma Victor (MMORPG) home Spore - home The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Gamecube Action/RPG) - media Unreal Tournament 2007 (Action) Weird Worlds - home XMen Legends II Analog Games: D20 Future wiki Hero System RPG fansite? |
Re: 2006 Games Poll (please add suggestions)
My list.
I already have: Civilization 4 (I regret buying it - it was released at late alpha / early beta.) Valkyrie Profile (did not have time to play it last semester; rerelease & sequel will be out this year) Battle for Wesnoth (v1.0 released recently) I will probably buy: Dominions 3 Dragon Quest 8 (highest JRPG review score in quite a while...) Galactic Civilizations 2 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (I'd settle for Elder Scrolls 3 bug-free http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) I might buy: Land of Legends Wierd Worlds Space Empires V (if micromanagement is vastly reduced, the population model becomes realistic, and the AI is much better) I watching, with fingers crossed: Heroes of Might and Magic V (unknown developer, but screenshots look awesome!) Supreme Commander (Total Annihilation sequel, by Chris Taylor) The Witcher Gothic III Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana 2 (Super cute!!!!) Valkyrie Profile: Silmaria Jagged Alliance 3/3D/Disciples III (all same developer) I will not buy (but others might): World of Warcraft Expansion (too much wasted time on base game...) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (no Gamecube, but it looks like the first good Zelda since Zelda III, IMO.) Edit: Removed "Hellgate: London" from my buy list after further information was revealed. |
Re: 2006 Games Poll (please add suggestions)
On the list of things I want to at least check out: Space Empires V, Elder Scrolls IV, Hero (RPG) System, Homeworld 2, D20 Future, I've heard a rumour of an Honorverse computer game (Liscensing problems apparently got a HW2 mod shut down, forgot to bookmark link), hope Heroes of Might and Magic V is good, maybe get HOMM IV, Civilization 4 (Demo was fun, but seemed light to me).
And keep an eye on Shrapnel products, of course. That's all I can remember now. |
Re: 2006 Games Poll (please add suggestions)
Most likely buy:
Dom 3 Oblivion Sword of the Stars (wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sword_of_the_Stars) (developer site * forums currently undergoing a server upgrade till Tues. I believe and may be unreachable) Armed Assualt (AKA Opereration Flashpoint 2, actually OFP2 is ALSO in development so AA is a separate game, screwey publisher issue) - http://www.bistudio.com/index.php watchlist: Gothic 3 Hellgate London Space Empires V Spore - http://spore.ea.com/ Supreme Commander Roma Victor - http://www.roma-victor.com/ PT Boats: Knights of the Sea - http://www.pt-boats.net/ The Guild II - http://www.the-guild.com/ Pirates of the Burning Sea (MMORPG) - http://www.burningsea.com/ netKarPRO - http://www.netkar-pro.com/ (most active discussion forum - http://forum.rscnet.org/forumdisplay.php?f=244 (screenshots - http://www.bhmotorsports.com/NKPRO/screenshots And I would buy Zelda if I had a cube still heheh. Yes, I passed on Civ 4 for now. Some good mods might surface someday though. Like Alpha Centuari mod. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: 2006 Games Poll (please add suggestions)
Well, my list is short, and seems less... nichey than other people's, but here goes:
Heroes of Might and Magic V - This one is almost a 100% sure purchase, even if it won't be too good. Gothic 3 - Will have to check this out, I heard the previous ones were great but never got a chance to play them. Supreme Commander - This one is a pretty sure purchase as well. Unreal Tournament 2007 - I really liked the previous ones, a very good game for playing casualy because its just a mindless shooting game. Dominions III - This one is obvious, so I put it in the end. EDIT: Not that anyone will notice this, but I'm also looking forward to Spore. |
Re: 2006 Games Poll (please add suggestions)
I really enjoyed Beyond Good & Evil, so I might buy the King Kong game made by the same team. It's only been promised 10 hours of game-time though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Some of the games mentioned here I'll probably want to read more about. The Witcher is the one I'm most interested in ATM. On the other hand, I've never played any of the Gothic games, and if a collection is released I might buy that. Besides those, Dominions III. I don't play many games, and generally won't bother to read about upcoming games. I might buy independent Lugaru, which has an intriguing concept. There probably are better ways to spend that money, but few people deserve it as much as its programmer. Ragdoll, physics, self-made 3d models, variation created by clever skinning, and a huge amount of combat animations... |
Re: 2006 Games Poll (please add suggestions)
Interested in a lot of the games you mentioned, Cherry. Others : Just bought (in 2006) : Starships Unlimited 3 Dev Site / Forums - The Weird Worlds demo didn't do it for me, but got me in the mood for a MOO-type game. Neverwinter Nights Diamond (big, well regarded, PC RPG) XMen Legends II : Console Superhero Goodness Also looking out for Elder Scrolls IV, GalCiv II, HellGate London, Valkyrie Profile (if it's new, not just a re-release). May get Civ IV, once they patch it enough and the price goes down. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: 2006 Games Poll (please add suggestions)
Most games i await for 2006 have already been posted. Surprisingly though one of my favourite Developers is missing:
Paradox Interactive. Early 2006 they will release Hoi 2 Doomsday. http://www.paradoxplaza.com/ Promising Indy Games: Soldiers of Empires, a mix between Panzer General and War in Russia. http://www.igorlab.com/index.htm 2006 they might finish SoE 2 which will include the western theater as well. Freeware, gets constantly further developed, so new Versions every few months: Megamek, turn based tactic game based on the Battletech-Boardgames. http://megamek.sourceforge.net/idx.php?pg=main |
Re: 2006 Games Poll (please add suggestions)
"There's definitely a lot to like about The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, but one element stands out more than anything else. This is truly a sandbox game, where every action will result in some sort of reaction. During the demo, our hero accidentally set an innocent villager on fire, prompting a local guard to rush up to us. Our demoer said that he usually paid the requested fine, but he actually listened to me when I said, "Screw that guy, kill him!" After battling for a few moments, we ducked into the local mage's union. According to the guy manning the controller, in every previous demo, the hero was able to join the union. This time, however, the union's leader refused to let us join because our hero was now "a wanted criminal." Even better, the guard miraculously didn't forget about our trangressions, actually following us into the building, slashing at us until we killed him. This turn of events caused the demoer to proclaim, "Oh wow, I've never seen that happen" a number of times, which is always a good sign that a game will have a lot of surprises (and even better, replay value) for those players who enjoy unpredictability. After seeing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion in action, we want it more than ever." A criminal flag, and triggers conditioned on that flag. Wow. Whatever will they think of next? Some sorta non-boolean criminal status indicator, possibly a numerical one? These are the days of miracle and wonder. Getting back on topic, I've also already purchased Civ IV and, for my part, don't regret it in the slightest. Sure, certain aspects of the game were rushed, but a few major issues have already been patched, and the end product is still nothing short of sublime. I've also very recently already registered Escape Velocity Nova, and already regret it. My instinctive urge to support indie and semi-indie developers got the better of me. Fine, all the flavor text in the game is exceedingly well-written, and the main plotlines, although irredeemably cliched, are actually fairly compelling, but the gameplay is dull, dull, dull. Then again, that might just be my abhorrence of repetition and compulsive leveling. If you could tolerate the mere mention of Dungeon Siege, you'll love EV Nova. The only other game I've been considering which isn't already on the list is Warhammer: Mark of Chaos, and it'll likely end up being another mindless, soulless, pointless by-the-numbers RTS. I miss Shadow of the Horned Rat. Quote:
Can you imagine it? The elimination of micromanagement in our lifetime. A game that actually lets you focus on what interests you and/or demands creative thought, and handles the rest for you. Also, big 'splosions. I'm hanging all my hopes on this one. Quote:
A) A proper, non-linear, interactive storyline B) A really compellingly told, original, linear storyline Dragon Quest 8 seems to have neither, and endless levelling can only tide me over for so long. Incidentally, if you haven't picked up Planescape: Torment yet, do so. I can't stress this enough. Quote:
Ditto, replacing "Daggerfall" with "Gothic". Quote:
Re: 2006 Games Poll (please add suggestions)
Megaman X Collection
Gotta love the super fighting robot who is fighting to save the world for everlasting peace http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
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