Forum: Dominions 3: The Awakening
August 14th, 2008, 10:14 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,999
Re: Make ai harder in BI mod
Thank you so much for everyone.
I am so interested in this game. I will study the map generator and try to edit my map/ai gods. I hope the game will be 2 times harder than heros5.
It is so...
Forum: Dominions 3: The Awakening
August 13th, 2008, 10:14 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,999
Make ai harder in BI mod
My idea is crazy. I hope all of you played diablo 2.
In diablo 2, the boss is so weak that blizzrd was forced to add "CLONES". DIABLO CLONE is the single strongest monster in the whole game.