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Search: Posts Made By: Strategia_In_Ultima
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V August 15th, 2008, 07:14 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 3,672
Re: OT: Is it live or is it Bigfoot-erex?

Oh, and they also found the Chupacabra (http://guanabee.com/2008/08/forget-montauk-texas-has-video.php).

Also, I stopped to give directions to the Cloverfield monster earlier today.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V August 15th, 2008, 07:02 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 7,525
Re: Nudge Nudge, Wink wink..

LIES. All vicious LIES, I tell you!
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V August 14th, 2008, 12:51 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 3,672
Re: OT: Is it live or is it Bigfoot-erex?

That looks even more obviously fake than that demon dog that's supposed to have washed up somewhere in New York (IIRC) a while ago.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V August 8th, 2008, 07:59 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 4,283
Re: torpedoes vs. missiles?

Because CSM damage remains constant while PM damage drops off with distance, because the CSM uses a nuclear warhead while the PM has an unstable plasma core, and because of balance. Getting both CSMs...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V August 8th, 2008, 07:49 PM
Replies: 36
Views: 9,135

Of course I check back in for the first time in months just in time to see that I have to use a different login name. Typical. XD
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V April 14th, 2008, 10:50 AM
Replies: 1,727
Views: 128,757
Re: Beer

I just got a couple of reply notifications in my inbox from here. My god, what a blast from the past.....
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V December 4th, 2007, 11:16 AM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

What makes you think we are exactly the same as those big alliances? Yes, we have rules, but they are not restrictive. Mostly, we're trying to help each other out wherever possible.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V December 3rd, 2007, 08:23 PM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

The OCS gives you a 500k join bonus no strings attached, and is a friendly alliance that looks after its own. We protect our nations, provide aid when necessary (especially to smaller nations) and we...
Forum: SEIV December 3rd, 2007, 08:13 PM
Replies: 2,397
Views: 331,312
Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

I'm sure my Cultures & Demeanors Mod is still floating around the nether regions of this forum somewhere, I actually made a couple of cultures (Pacifist and Transcendi) with totally crap combat that...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V December 3rd, 2007, 08:02 PM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Yah. Join the OCS, you won't regret it.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V July 24th, 2007, 06:33 PM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Forum: Space Empires: IV & V July 24th, 2007, 06:26 PM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

I wish I could spare that much cash http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif (hint, hint http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif)
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V May 4th, 2007, 05:43 PM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Yes, yes! Definitely! I could use some trade!

I have Cattle and Pigs. My name is Strategia and my country is Neo-Athenia.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V April 25th, 2007, 08:24 AM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

I never built the guerilla camp. It lowers tax income.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V April 25th, 2007, 02:33 AM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

O_o Am I doing something incredibly wrong here? I have about 22 tech and 226 infra, enough to buy two levels of aircraft, yet the only Improvement I could ever build was the Guerilla Camp..... Can...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V March 5th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Well, OK then http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I was just browsing the nether regions of the alliance list looking for trade partners, but I'll do what you say, I do need trade...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V March 4th, 2007, 04:53 PM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Well, this is going very well isn't it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I've sent four trade offers to as many nations and have just withdrawed them, after about two or three...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V March 1st, 2007, 05:40 AM
Replies: 927
Views: 83,745
Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Neo-Athenia has joined, and received a trade proposal from a nation called "Fascistland" from Maroon team within an hour. Should I accept or not? He's offering me Wine and Oil, I have Cattle and...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V February 10th, 2007, 11:20 AM
Replies: 2,412
Views: 137,399
Re: Re: :eR :eR

Depends on the instrument, I guess. And born talent.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V January 30th, 2007, 09:20 AM
Replies: 2,412
Views: 137,399
Re: How random is \"random\"?

Sweet Jesus..... that's brilliant! And captivating as hell.....
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V January 24th, 2007, 05:03 AM
Replies: 2,412
Views: 137,399
Re: How random is \"random\"?

Well..... I seem to remember something along those lines, at least. In this thread. Somewhere. A long time ago.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V January 23rd, 2007, 09:54 AM
Replies: 2,412
Views: 137,399
Re: assassination spells and stealty commanders/ar

OK.....why has this wonderful discussion about nothing in particular died?

edit: I may have been gone for a long time but for some reason, I still have more posts than NA!...
Forum: SEIV January 23rd, 2007, 09:47 AM
Replies: 1,502
Views: 141,808
Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available

I've been gone for a while, so if you could just run it by me fast - what are the major differences between STM and AST?
Forum: SEIV January 22nd, 2007, 06:28 PM
Replies: 1,502
Views: 141,808
Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available

This mod will never die, ever, will it AT? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V October 12th, 2006, 09:23 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 1,898
Re: Happy Birthday AgentZero

I'd love to, but I'm afraid the Bar & Grill just updated their defence systems, so you'll have to wait until my battlefleet has been expanded again........
Showing results 1 to 25 of 500

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