Forum: Space Empires: IV & V
July 12th, 2005, 01:18 PM
Replies: 5,004
Views: 434,760
Re: B5 MOD General
Thank you for the welcome. I've pushed the shiny red button several times. Guess I'll have to wait for the delivery of my new Illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator in order to conquer the...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V
July 9th, 2005, 01:36 AM
Replies: 5,004
Views: 434,760
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V
July 9th, 2005, 01:13 AM
Replies: 5,004
Views: 434,760
Re: B5 MOD General
I'm new to SEIV Gold, but not to the B5 universe. I recently installed the 1.8 version of this mod plus the progressive patches released by grumbler on this thread over a clean install of...