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Old July 29th, 2004, 08:27 PM
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Default Re: Movement question in Simulatanous game (PBW)

Depends on rounding. 30 days / 7 sectors per month = Movement on day ~4.2. 30 / 6 = He moves on day 5. So if it rounds down and has you move on day 4, then you'll meet them and should fight on day 5. If it rounds up, you'll both move on day 5 and not fight, but you'll next move on day 8-9, while he won't move again until day 10, so you should catch whoever you targetted by day 8-9, but he could have split into several directions by then.

There can also be some highly obnoxious effects of the bad pathfinding for interceptors, but in an adjacent case as you describe, I believe it would be like one of the two situations I descibed.

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