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Old February 5th, 2005, 08:29 PM

FarAway Pretender FarAway Pretender is offline
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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

Yeah, most area attack skills don't ignore armor, but it depends on the type:

Frost Attacks & Earth Attacks usually face full protection
Fire Attacks and Acid/Steam attacks usually face half protection (as do Solar Rays)
Lightning Attacks usually face no protection
Astral Attacks often face no protection but get an MR check to ignore

Neifel Flames seems like your best bet (huge Area of Effect, Armor Negating, AND Frost damage). If you could help your casters to last a few turns longer, you could probably kill MANY of them, but if those spells are distributed too evenly, it hurts. If you let them attack you, you get an extra turns' initiative, but all this stuff may already be obvious to you.

As for Air Magic, Thunder Strike is nice, but 1 Area Effect against Size 3 Opponents means that you'll probably get more mileage out of Orb Lightning.
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