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Old February 5th, 2005, 03:13 PM
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Default Frost immune Devils?

Can someone please explain to me why a horde of frost fiends shoots their innate ranged attacks at a vast horde of Devils without any effect?

The Frost Fiend's Frost Blast is Damage 10 (no strength bonus) and Area of Effect 1.

The Devils have 50% Frost suceptibility, Protection 8, MR 17, Defence 16.

I thought that neither protection nor defence helps against a ranged area-effecting attack, but from 40 frost fiends firing, none of the 340 devils go a scratch! And the shots hit! (There wasnt much place to miss anyway!)

Meh, the frost fiends were blasted away like nothing! Only my equipped Ice Devil and the lone Iron Dragon managed to kill 3 (three) of those 340 devils! Nice count, isnt it?
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Old February 5th, 2005, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

Did the Devils have any enchantment like army of gold/lead ?

According to the numbers your battle sounds pretty lategame so maybe you have overlooked the enemy mages casting such buffs .
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Old February 5th, 2005, 06:04 PM
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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

No, there were no buffs. Actually by looking closer and closer again, a few of them were indeed hurt. I seemed to have simply clicked on the wrong ones... but there were only pretty few of them hurt...

But am I right about Area Damage going through regardless of armor and defence, or is this wrong?
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Old February 5th, 2005, 06:29 PM
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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

10 damage no strength + 2d6 oe vs. 8 protection x 0,5 because of -50% CR ??? + 2d6 oe should give you then average damage of roughly estimated 6-7 per hit .

Devils are size 3 iirc so with area 1 attack you should hit 2 devils at once .

So it could be a bit bad luck with random rolls as well .
How many rounds did you shoot at them ? Did you ground the devils via storm ?
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Old February 5th, 2005, 06:32 PM

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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

I believe protection should help (the ice blast isn't even AP damage - pretty puny with 10 dam and no str), and the susceptility to cold applies only to the amount of damage left over after protection is subtracted (I may err there). Area 1 attacks should hit everyone in the square, so defence won't help.

So, devil casualities due to artillery fire in the battle you describe would probably be very small.
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Old February 5th, 2005, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

Thanks for those clarifications!

The game hosted meanwhile, and I tried NiefelFlames three times (two lvl5 casters + lots of gems). The clever casters distributed the NiefelFlames all over, so no devil got killed by the NiefelFlames either, but they lost HP down to around 20. Not very impressive...

I am running out of ideas how to fight those devils! I (caelum) owns half the map, but I cannot stop those 2x300 devils from abysis, and I fear there are even more...
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Old February 5th, 2005, 07:27 PM

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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

umm you cannot stop devils with caelum? Why don´t you build some wrather squads?
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Old February 5th, 2005, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

Staff of storms + Wrathful skies , Falling frost , thunderstrike .

Storm demons do also wonders .

Best counter would be Storm + Wrathful sky caster with mech men teleported in . The mech men hold the line and protect your Caster(s) and the wrathful skies + thunderstrikes do kill the devils rather quick .

An AQ alone could maybe also kill the devils if you teleport in a 2nd mage wearing staff of storms , then casting only wrathful skies and then retreating .
If the devils get buffed seriously , mainly the 50% SR spell , Regeneration + Weapons of Sharpness 300 devils can rather easily kill your AQ no matter how you equip her .
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Old February 5th, 2005, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

Hah, they have killed already an AirQueen accompained by 5 high seraphs, 20 storm demons and 10 air elementals so far...
(The Air Queen was equipped like follows:
ElfBane,LuckyShield,FireHelmet,BoneArmor,Antimagic ,BurningPearl
I know ElfBane is useless against Devils, but I forgot to change equipment. One of those draining dagger would do better)
But 350 at once just drown everything!

Anyway, that was just the first battle and I did not know what to expect, so I underestimated the numbers. But what worried me, is that only 16 devils were killed!

The other battle were the frost fiends accompained by two ice devils with herald lances, hydra armour, girdle of strength, buring pearl. Only 3 devils died! I wouldnt mind loosing being outnumbered that far, but 3 devils is not really a lot! And the SC's next to those devils were just buffing them up...


I have good experience with wrathful skies in that game, but I did not try it against the devils so far for various reasons (trying something else). I'll try WrathfulSkies again, but the first time the caster retreated without casting, since he was to close to the soul armour of the air queen, which damaged him in the first round!

One reason also is, that we are fighting in castled terrain, so cloudtrapezing onto the devils does not work...
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Old February 5th, 2005, 08:29 PM

FarAway Pretender FarAway Pretender is offline
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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

Yeah, most area attack skills don't ignore armor, but it depends on the type:

Frost Attacks & Earth Attacks usually face full protection
Fire Attacks and Acid/Steam attacks usually face half protection (as do Solar Rays)
Lightning Attacks usually face no protection
Astral Attacks often face no protection but get an MR check to ignore

Neifel Flames seems like your best bet (huge Area of Effect, Armor Negating, AND Frost damage). If you could help your casters to last a few turns longer, you could probably kill MANY of them, but if those spells are distributed too evenly, it hurts. If you let them attack you, you get an extra turns' initiative, but all this stuff may already be obvious to you.

As for Air Magic, Thunder Strike is nice, but 1 Area Effect against Size 3 Opponents means that you'll probably get more mileage out of Orb Lightning.
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