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Old April 24th, 2005, 06:26 PM

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Default Re: List of known issues

Johan K said:

- It is still possible to get killed in Magic Duels, even with a difference of more than 6 levels between the two mages.
* The thing with magic duel is that it uses your raw magic level. Items and enchantments have no effect. So the spell is probably working fine.

To me this looks like a serious issue : why should we have a (quite killer) spell that just not works like all other and ignore buffs ?
I understand it's maybe done to avoid total Pythium domination, but it still looks illogical. If you want to even chances just give a +1 for 2 levels difference, but allows buffs so that player can *think* about their MD stategies and not get stuck with their base unit stats ...
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