Huzurdaddi said:
I totally disagree with FrankTrollman here. Sacred troops with the matching bless ( Truper did a good job describing a few ) whomp normal troops very, very badly.
Exactly. Especially with a f9w9 bless you get a ****load of attacks and any normal melee troops, even good ones like Principes have a hard time hitting the f9w9 blessed troop while during a quickness round this blessed troop dishes out up to 8 attacks with a really good attack rating of 14+.
Huzurdaddi said:
The only national troop that is cost effective aginst a highly blessed troops is crossbows.
I find targeting with X-bows difficult if the bless troop user uses a few decoys.
Then you can't target the main bunch of blessed troops and with the quickness bless they usually need not long to get to the X-bows.