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Old May 26th, 2005, 03:49 PM

Resok Resok is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)

Just out of curiousity: What was the reasoning behind switching the Atlantis/Ryleh Pretender "Son of the Sea" to 2W 1D? I thought it was much more thematic before to have 1E and the 1D seems completely out of place. Then again that's just my opinion so feel free to ignore me, I'm just curious to hear the reasoning. There are many spells like fire ward and the like that make alot of sense thematically for a water nation to have. Water being the elemental opposite of fire after all... but anyway, I'm babbling.

Just my opinion on the matter as I found thematically a water/earth pretender made sense whereas a supposed "Son of the Sea" being having death magic just doesn't. There are plenty of other death magic pretenders for both water nations (liches/ghosts and such).

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