Graeme Dice said:
What was his attack rating listed for each weapon when you right clicked on the attack rating.
The actual damage dealt by an armour negating weapon in this case would be 28 + 1d6oe - 1d6oe.
?? Oh. I never knew that. Even so, the chances are good that the damage would be higher than 2!
Can somebody tell me how flanking is supposed to work? It's -1 def per attack beyond the first each round, I think. Does that include attacks from the same creature?? ie. is my nataraja's 8th attack going to be with a -7 def penalty for the defender, if all 8 attacks are on the same target?
It's this case.
Er, sorry, I didn't understand that.
Well, for one, don't cast returning, since you are bound to get hit once in a while.
I didn't cast it, it's intrinsic to the Virtue armour - but that was just a precaution. I wanted to see how much damage I could do before getting hit. That would be a good guide to see whether I could kill an ice devil or two without too much risk. I'm not surprised about getting hit at all; I am surprised that I did no damage whatsoever, despite 8 armour negating attacks, and that the flipping ice devils are draining life when they didn't damage me! Given my 22 att and their 20|26 def, cf their 20|28 att and my 43 def, I would expect to hit a *lot* more often than them - given that there were 8 attacks per round on each side.