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Old September 29th, 2006, 01:56 AM

marc420 marc420 is offline
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Default Re: SE:V, I\'ll be honest

Played the Demo for awhile, then gave up. Game feels more like work. Like was said, just didn't grab me. Its a combination of things .. a UI that is very non-intuitive, always feel like I'm in the wrong place trying to do the wrong thing. But more than that. Maybe the fact that its mainly just SE IV's dataset, when I had long since moved on to playing mods in that game. Maybe its the bugs, all the things that just don't seem to work. Maybe its the 100 turn limit, and the thought that I'll be stopped from playing if the game ever does get interesting.

I'm long since sick of companies that release a game on a certain date to make the Christmas season. And a buggy demo at this point makes me think that's what's happening here. Usually I'd expect the last month of a game to be spent on play-balancing, most bugs should be long gone by then. But in this game, that seems to get little attention ... its just SEIV again. The feel seems to be to do nothing here and let the modders do the work later.

Partly I'm disappointed in the focus of the game. 3D means nothing to me, so when I see all the effort spent on 3D, it makes me think of other things that could have been done.

I'm interested in strategy gameplay. I'm interested in a strong AI. How much could have been done here if the focus wasn't on 3D? Too much I see SEIV, but with 3d. And with tools and spaces for modders maybe to improve, but not those improvements used in the demo.

Oh well ... I might come back after some patches and after the modders go to work. But for now, its pretty much a sure thing I ain't buying this one on release.
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