Re: Huh? AI implodes on turn 5, please tell me why
With dormant/imprisioned gods, u r losing yr most powerful source of dominion. U only have yr capital + 1 temple at game start, a prophet, 1 or 2 turns later. This is ok for a person, playing Dom 3, u can plan for it, build temples, recruit priests and preach. So no problem from the players point of view.
The AI needs to be changed, so it can avoid dominion death early on from taking low dominion, using dormant/imprisioned god strategy and taking bad scales. Seen several AI's at normal/difficult level getting nowhere due to lack of domonion and/or poor scales. The AI needs improvement in this area and hopefully the developers will look at it in a future patch.
The AI overall when it gets going is giving me a good challenge, at normal/difficult level. So I am happy with it so far.