Suggestion: Alternative 'HIDE TRULY'-order, which does the same as 'HIDE', but commanders set on 'HIDE TRULY' are never selected by hitting the 'n'-key. I hate to cycle through all those stationary scouts.
I strongly support 1)
6) 7) 15),
and I like the ideas 9) 13) and E).
I am a bit disappointed by Dom3, especially because of the lack of 6) & 7) for example. Don't get me wrong, I'll buy it nonetheless, since Dom2
is a good game and the tax-advisor and the 'y'-key shortcut are so useful, but for Dom3 I would have really liked to see something new that excites me, like a twist and tweak to the tactical setup, which would challenge me to rethink all the tactics I used in Dom2. From playing the demo I found that it just plays the same.
Furthermore, there where many simple and optional things in the Dom2 wishlist (like the suggestion I repeated above - which is not originally mine BTW), which were sadly ignored. Instead we got animated movement arrows...

And there were many more, e.g. I cannot imagine that it would have been much work to add one or two alternate shapes to tactical setup, apart from a slight disadvantage to the AI nations.
I even doubt that a new shape would make that much of a difference in the end (unless shape affected commands would be added, like keep formation), but I would be tempted to play around with new setups nonetheless and find out for myself!